Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Love has to connect at some point....

Yes! It is true…the world must become a better place. Yes! It is true…there is suffering…there is pain…there is worry…there are mistakes…there is violence…there is denial of God amongst us…within us. Yes! It is true. But what is our responsibility? Is it to blame another? Is it to criticize? Is it to hide our faults… or should we just ignore and continue our selfish lives?

We all speak of change…but seldom does one wake up and say to himself, “From this very minute I will turn toward my true Self …I refuse to hide in my mistakes. I refuse to take shelter in my desires. I am responsible for beginning this change. I will wipe the tears of the Divine Mother and bring all her children under one roof. I will not ask for time either. I will stay on the path of righteousness and I will face its demands. I will not worry of being alone…my principles will hold my hand…my love will pave my way. And if I were to fall along the way I will just have to stand up again, dust the dirt of ignorance and walk again toward my own truth. I am not going to analyze and predict which paths are easier or more profitable. If I were to, then I would start to worry again and that I have left already. I will no more be under the pressure of friends and relatives. I cannot mimic them…I have to love them. The only way I can is to find the way and then turn toward them with a plea to take that way. I will be happy no matter what choice they make but I will make my path to them absolutely clear.

There is so much to do and so much selfishness to remove. I will tolerate all criticism because that will finally make me less dependent on others. What does it matter what anyone thinks. I have to change myself and be a good example…and those that see my dream clearly will themselves turn toward their true Self.

Love has to connect at some point. I must wait for that. I must be patient. I must realize that all this pain…this suffering…is due to the way I think, I speak and I do. And I will change that. You will see…and you too will come one day…with me”

And that is the voice of every soul…that is the awakening to come!

divinely sent