Monday, November 5, 2007

What instant communication has achieved in the present age?

What instant communication has achieved in the present age?

People pride that the whole world has shrinked.
Within minutes of happenings, people come
to know through 24x7 news channels with visuals.

In olden days when telecommunication
was in a primitive stage, it may take
few days before any news break out.

Not so now.

Whether this is an advantageous position
for the present generation is a million dollar question.

We all are aware that morality has declined
considerably, crimes have increased in geometric proportions.

Peace has fled away from the heart of man as well as society.

Everybody lives in virtual fear.
The government is neither wise to
contain the vices in society by legislations.

Both the governed and the governing are in a pitiable state.
Who can save this earth from these disasterous calamities.

Not a day passes without some terror attack
in some part of the world.

Where all the wisdom of ancient sages or saints gone?
Why the entire population has become crazy or ignorant?

It is preciously for this reason, God has incarnated.
There is no direction for people. All are confused.
As the bunds keep the water in course,
God has inculcated morality in society.
Though it is a slow process, the effects will last.

divinely sent