Friday, November 9, 2007

If u want to transform the world, promote all-round prosperity in teh country and make the prayer 'all people shoudl be happy' become a reality....

If you want to transform the world,
promote all-round prosperity in the country
and make the prayer "all people should be happy"
become a reality, develop faith in the Self.

Never forget God.

Without God there is no Universe.

Let the non-believers have their way.
But they have no right to question the beliefs of others.

To ask for physical proofs of the
existence of experience like bliss or love
or for subtle things like the fragrance of a flower is impracticable.

To deny the reality of love on the ground that
it has no recognizable form is meaningless.

Love may have no form.
But the mother who exhibits love has a form.

divinely sent