Sunday, November 4, 2007

Spiritual life is not a bed of roses...

Spiritual life is not a bed of roses.

You have to shed the ogre "ego"
and the monster "selfishness" ,
if you want to progress.

Hence God invariably put you
in many trying situations, to watch your reactions.

Only when we are tested, our weak points comes to the fore.
We may think we are sufficiently peaceful.

Then, God creates such situations by
which your emotions will be kindled
and He watches "how you react".

Hence pseudo spiritual aspirants are exposed easily.

Spiritual practiseSahana" is a greatest virtue.
It is fortitude or tolerance without creating
any negative feelings inside our inner consciouness.

Are we really tolerant about the people around us?
Do we accept all situations as god's gift?
or do we start resisting each and every unpleasant situations?

This is the acid test for every one of spiritual sadhaks.
It is not for exposing. It is for our own
assessment of our progress in spirituality.

Keeping quiet outwardly but fuming with anger
inside is no good for our health and psyche.
Hence do useful work or service etc to let out the bad feelings.

divinely sent