Sunday, November 4, 2007

Is this Faith? for the worrier, his thoughts are his 'treasures', for the man of faith his 'inner peace' is his breath of life..

Faith is complete concentration on the Self.

The one that likes to hop from one distracting
gain to another often finds it difficult to follow “faith”.

The weak minded often find faith “too far”
and desire “nearer and dearer” to reach.

We often ask God for what we want and
then we place our faith in our demand!

Is that faith?

We often worry how much faith
in God will demand from us.
And then while we worry we pray
that our “faith” should be rewarded.

The truth within you will lead the way,
but first the mind must not find “easier”
ways to reach the truth.

If you are living without faith
in God you are living in denial of your true Self.

In that way of life even if you are “rich”
in world ways and appear to have all comforts to another…
in reality you are as poor as a beggar who has no peace only
because he has denied his own inner strength.

Faith is not a “gift” you give to God…
in fact it is a reward one receives from within
when one has practiced with sincerity many
a spiritual disciplines.

For the worrier, his thoughts are his “treasure”…
for the man of faith his “inner peace” is his breath of life.

Faith is not a desire that you can taste while you chase.
In fact, it is when you give up the taste for the chase that faith remains.

Faith is the determination that makes one’s mind remain awake to truth.
A mind that remains awake only to truth itself becomes the very source of faith.

divinely sent