Man expects the New Year
to confer on him and the world
at large peace, happiness and prosperity.
But the welfare of the world
depends on man's conduct and behaviour.
Man's conduct depends on his mind.
The nature of the mind depends on thoughts.
Only when man's thoughts are based on truth
will the world flourish.
One who aspires for the welfare
of the world should see to it that
his thoughts and actions are in
accordance with his aspirations.
The New Year brings with it
neither happiness nor misery.
Man attains happiness or misery
based on the actions he performs.
So, he should perform righteous deeds.
divinely sent
We have a life span, we too have a spiritual span. We are mortal, yet we are also immortal, our soul, our spirit. Who are you? Why are you here? Where are you going? Can you understand our immortal spirit that is encased inside a mortal body? Can you accept that I am you and you are me? No matter what name you all call yourselves, we all call ourselves "I"... That "I" is the gift of the Divine, we are all a spark of the Divine!
Monday, December 31, 2007
A life of spiritual practice involves the dedication of all acts to God.
A life of spiritual practice
involves the dedication of all acts to God,
the offering of whatever one does or thinks
or speaks at the Feet of God.
You can do this only when you are
aware always of the Presence of God,
in and around you.
Your awareness must not deviate
for a moment from God.
The mind must revolve round one centre, God.
Your concentration must
be strong and steady.
You are now able to attain
concentration when you walk, talk,
write or cycle along.
But, you say you are helpless
when it is a question of concentrating on God.
Why have you to struggle to acquire it?
The reason is: you have no yearning,
no fond attachment, no Love towards God.
But, carry on with the endeavour.
By means of continuous culture,
it is possible to acquire it.
divinely sent
involves the dedication of all acts to God,
the offering of whatever one does or thinks
or speaks at the Feet of God.
You can do this only when you are
aware always of the Presence of God,
in and around you.
Your awareness must not deviate
for a moment from God.
The mind must revolve round one centre, God.
Your concentration must
be strong and steady.
You are now able to attain
concentration when you walk, talk,
write or cycle along.
But, you say you are helpless
when it is a question of concentrating on God.
Why have you to struggle to acquire it?
The reason is: you have no yearning,
no fond attachment, no Love towards God.
But, carry on with the endeavour.
By means of continuous culture,
it is possible to acquire it.
divinely sent
The secret of unfolding flowers is not known to such as I, only God knows how to....
A young, new preacher was walking
with an older, more seasoned preacher
in the garden one day.
Feeling a bit insecure about
what God had for him to do,
he was asking the older preacher for some advice.
The older preacher walked up
to a rosebush and handed the
young preacher a rosebud and
told him to open it without
tearing off any petals.
The young preacher looked
in disbelief at the older preacher
and was trying to figure out what
a rosebud could possibly have to do
with his wanting to know the will
of God for his life and ministry.
But because of his great respect
for the older preacher, he proceeded
to try to unfold the rose,
while keeping every petal intact.
It wasn't long before he realized how impossible this was to do.
Noticing the younger preacher's
inability to unfold the rosebud
without tearing it, the older preacher
began to recite the following poem:
It is only a tiny rosebud,
A flower of God's design;
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine.
The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I.
GOD opens this flower so sweetly,
Then, in my hands, they die.
If I cannot unfold a rosebud,
This flower of God's design,
Then how can I have the wisdom
To unfold this life of mine?
So I'll trust in Him for leading
Each moment of my day.
I will look to Him for His guidance
Each step of the pilgrim way.
The pathway that lies before me,
Only my Heavenly Father knows.
I'll trust Him to unfold the moments,
Just as He unfolds the rose.
divinely sent
with an older, more seasoned preacher
in the garden one day.
Feeling a bit insecure about
what God had for him to do,
he was asking the older preacher for some advice.
The older preacher walked up
to a rosebush and handed the
young preacher a rosebud and
told him to open it without
tearing off any petals.
The young preacher looked
in disbelief at the older preacher
and was trying to figure out what
a rosebud could possibly have to do
with his wanting to know the will
of God for his life and ministry.
But because of his great respect
for the older preacher, he proceeded
to try to unfold the rose,
while keeping every petal intact.
It wasn't long before he realized how impossible this was to do.
Noticing the younger preacher's
inability to unfold the rosebud
without tearing it, the older preacher
began to recite the following poem:
It is only a tiny rosebud,
A flower of God's design;
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine.
The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I.
GOD opens this flower so sweetly,
Then, in my hands, they die.
If I cannot unfold a rosebud,
This flower of God's design,
Then how can I have the wisdom
To unfold this life of mine?
So I'll trust in Him for leading
Each moment of my day.
I will look to Him for His guidance
Each step of the pilgrim way.
The pathway that lies before me,
Only my Heavenly Father knows.
I'll trust Him to unfold the moments,
Just as He unfolds the rose.
divinely sent
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Illness, both physical and mental is a reaction on the body caused by poisons in the mind....
Illness, both physical and mental,
is a reaction on the body caused
by poisons in the mind.
An uncontaminated mind alone
can ensure continuous good health.
Vices breed disease.
Bad thought, bad habits and bad company
are fertile grounds in which disease thrives.
A sense of elation and exultation
keeps the body free from ill-health.
The evil habits in which people indulge,
are the chief causes of disease, physical as well as mental.
Greed affects the mind;
disappointments make people depressed.
You can justify your existence
as a human being only by the cultivation of virtues.
Then you can become a
worthy candidate for Godliness.
It is progress in virtue that
announces the progress of man towards divinity.
Virtues also confer freshness,
skill and long years of youthfulness.
divinely sent
is a reaction on the body caused
by poisons in the mind.
An uncontaminated mind alone
can ensure continuous good health.
Vices breed disease.
Bad thought, bad habits and bad company
are fertile grounds in which disease thrives.
A sense of elation and exultation
keeps the body free from ill-health.
The evil habits in which people indulge,
are the chief causes of disease, physical as well as mental.
Greed affects the mind;
disappointments make people depressed.
You can justify your existence
as a human being only by the cultivation of virtues.
Then you can become a
worthy candidate for Godliness.
It is progress in virtue that
announces the progress of man towards divinity.
Virtues also confer freshness,
skill and long years of youthfulness.
divinely sent
Resolve to act and mix only in good company...
You, My child, have made the connection to God when you have captured the secret of the inner light to show you the rest of the way..
What is 'control of the mind'?
What is control of the mind?
Control really means being indifferent
to the vagaries of the mind. It is
difficult to control the mind,
just as it is difficult to confine air
in one's grasp.
How can anyone control the mind which is
all-pervading in the vastness of its range and comprehension?
When it is realised that the mind
is made up of thoughts and doubts, the
elimination of the thoughts is the
means of restraining the mind.
Thoughts are associated with desires.
As long as desires remain, one
cannot have detachment.
It is necessary to limit desires.
When there is no restraint,
excessive desire becomes an evil.
It leads to misery.
When we strive to control desire,
in due course, it
develops into non-attachment or renunciation.
divinely sent
Control really means being indifferent
to the vagaries of the mind. It is
difficult to control the mind,
just as it is difficult to confine air
in one's grasp.
How can anyone control the mind which is
all-pervading in the vastness of its range and comprehension?
When it is realised that the mind
is made up of thoughts and doubts, the
elimination of the thoughts is the
means of restraining the mind.
Thoughts are associated with desires.
As long as desires remain, one
cannot have detachment.
It is necessary to limit desires.
When there is no restraint,
excessive desire becomes an evil.
It leads to misery.
When we strive to control desire,
in due course, it
develops into non-attachment or renunciation.
divinely sent
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Majority of the people suffer due to comparison...
Majority of the people
suffer due to comparison.
An affluent person may acquire
several things and expose his wealth.
The poor are unhappy that
they are not capable of possessing
such wealth and in turn they blame their fate.
If we are able to live in a contended way,
we won't compare ourselves with others.
In the same house, each child grows differently
and their lives become entirely different according
to their past actions in previous births.
Hence, we witness that one child
become a famous man in life,
whereas the other remain an illeterate.
One possess physical strength,
the other suffer from various illness.
If each one starts comparing their life
with other family members, only sufferings will ensue.
We should always be thankful
for all the blessings God has bestowed on us.
If at all we feel like comparing, we may do so
by comparing with people who are less fortunate than us.
suffer due to comparison.
An affluent person may acquire
several things and expose his wealth.
The poor are unhappy that
they are not capable of possessing
such wealth and in turn they blame their fate.
If we are able to live in a contended way,
we won't compare ourselves with others.
In the same house, each child grows differently
and their lives become entirely different according
to their past actions in previous births.
Hence, we witness that one child
become a famous man in life,
whereas the other remain an illeterate.
One possess physical strength,
the other suffer from various illness.
If each one starts comparing their life
with other family members, only sufferings will ensue.
We should always be thankful
for all the blessings God has bestowed on us.
If at all we feel like comparing, we may do so
by comparing with people who are less fortunate than us.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
God is one, all human beings belong to the Divine Family...
The whole world is like a mansion
and various countries are like different rooms in it.
So, do not divide humanity
on the basis of nationality.
It is because of such divisions
that humanness is on the decline.
All devotees should not entertain
any such differences. All should stand united.
Names, forms and colours of people may be different,
but the entire humanity is one family.
God is one, all human beings belong to the Divine family.
divinely sent
and various countries are like different rooms in it.
So, do not divide humanity
on the basis of nationality.
It is because of such divisions
that humanness is on the decline.
All devotees should not entertain
any such differences. All should stand united.
Names, forms and colours of people may be different,
but the entire humanity is one family.
God is one, all human beings belong to the Divine family.
divinely sent
Christmas's message: Follow what Jesus did...
Jesus sanctified his body
by sacrificing it for saving others.
He was conscious of that supreme purpose and duty.
With faith in the oneness of humanity,
he stood against his opponents and critics
and withstood their onslaughts.
Every saint and prophet
who strove to uplift the downtrodden
and open the eyes of those blind to
the splendour of God, was ready and
willing for the ultimate sacrifice.
One has to welcome trouble
as it provides a chance for
sacrificing everything for
upholding truth and righteousness.
Regard yourselves as embodiments
of Love and dedicate your lives,
like Jesus did, to the service of your fellowmen.
divinely sent
by sacrificing it for saving others.
He was conscious of that supreme purpose and duty.
With faith in the oneness of humanity,
he stood against his opponents and critics
and withstood their onslaughts.
Every saint and prophet
who strove to uplift the downtrodden
and open the eyes of those blind to
the splendour of God, was ready and
willing for the ultimate sacrifice.
One has to welcome trouble
as it provides a chance for
sacrificing everything for
upholding truth and righteousness.
Regard yourselves as embodiments
of Love and dedicate your lives,
like Jesus did, to the service of your fellowmen.
divinely sent
Sunday, December 23, 2007
God is present in every human being as a seed... water it..
God is present in every
human being as a seed.
For a seed to become a plant,
earth and water are essential,
likewise for the Divine seed in man
to grow and blossom into a flower of
Being-Awareness- Bliss,
it needs devotion and faith and earnestness .
It is not enough if one merely turns
the mind towards God, one must endeavour
to experience the presence of the Divine
in every particle and at every moment.
One must fill the mind with pure and sacred thoughts.
human being as a seed.
For a seed to become a plant,
earth and water are essential,
likewise for the Divine seed in man
to grow and blossom into a flower of
Being-Awareness- Bliss,
it needs devotion and faith and earnestness .
It is not enough if one merely turns
the mind towards God, one must endeavour
to experience the presence of the Divine
in every particle and at every moment.
One must fill the mind with pure and sacred thoughts.
The manner of living is more important than the standard of living...

More than all, the character
of the children must be made strong and pure.
Give them all the confidence and courage
they need to become good, honest, self-reliant children.
It is not enough if they learn something by which they
can make a living; the manner of living is more important
than the standard of living.
It is love that creates, sustains and engulfs all...
It is Love that creates,
sustains and engulfs all.
Without Love, no one can claim
to have succeeded in deciphering God
and His handiwork, the Universe.
God is Love; live in Love -
that is the direction indicated by the sages.
Love can grow only in a well-ploughed heart,
free from brambles.
So, the heart has to be prepared
by means of constant recital of the Name...
Charge every second of time with the Divine
current that emanates from the Name.
divinely sent
sustains and engulfs all.
Without Love, no one can claim
to have succeeded in deciphering God
and His handiwork, the Universe.
God is Love; live in Love -
that is the direction indicated by the sages.
Love can grow only in a well-ploughed heart,
free from brambles.
So, the heart has to be prepared
by means of constant recital of the Name...
Charge every second of time with the Divine
current that emanates from the Name.
divinely sent
We should realize the world to be inert....
The world is made up of objects.
It is inert. In the waking sense,
the senses cognise all these objects.
But the senses are also inert.
The eyes that see, the ears that hear,
the tongue that speaks and the nose that smells -
all of them are inert.
In fact, the entire body is inert.
But all these inert objects are able
to function because of the presence of consciousness
in the mind. Thus we have to realise that
the entire phenomenal universe is inert.
It is inert. In the waking sense,
the senses cognise all these objects.
But the senses are also inert.
The eyes that see, the ears that hear,
the tongue that speaks and the nose that smells -
all of them are inert.
In fact, the entire body is inert.
But all these inert objects are able
to function because of the presence of consciousness
in the mind. Thus we have to realise that
the entire phenomenal universe is inert.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
How can there be unity in this world?
If you meditate every day
on God as the inner core,
the real flame of love, power and wisdom,
in each individual - man, woman and child,
high and low, rich and poor, learned and illiterate -
then you will not emphasize the differences and quarrel.
Then anger, envy and hatred
cannot enter your broad heart.
Love will be the only quality
welcomed therein and emanating therefrom.
divinely sent
on God as the inner core,
the real flame of love, power and wisdom,
in each individual - man, woman and child,
high and low, rich and poor, learned and illiterate -
then you will not emphasize the differences and quarrel.
Then anger, envy and hatred
cannot enter your broad heart.
Love will be the only quality
welcomed therein and emanating therefrom.
divinely sent
It is not merely giving up things, it consists in enjoying, without attachment, things which were previously enjoyed with attachment...
The word 'Vairagya' literally means that
which is opposed to attachment.
Vairagya does not mean that you
should give up everything and retire in to a forest.
Vairagya really means you
should stay where you are,
in whatever station of life you are in,
and understand the subtle nature of things,
while giving up worldly desires.
It means that by using discrimination
you should know what to accept and what to reject.
You should strive to recognise the divinity
in every object you see and enjoy it.
Vairagya is not merely giving up things.
It consists in enjoying, without attachment,
things which were previously enjoyed with attachment.
That is real Vairagya.
That is the mark of a true human being.
divinely sent
which is opposed to attachment.
Vairagya does not mean that you
should give up everything and retire in to a forest.
Vairagya really means you
should stay where you are,
in whatever station of life you are in,
and understand the subtle nature of things,
while giving up worldly desires.
It means that by using discrimination
you should know what to accept and what to reject.
You should strive to recognise the divinity
in every object you see and enjoy it.
Vairagya is not merely giving up things.
It consists in enjoying, without attachment,
things which were previously enjoyed with attachment.
That is real Vairagya.
That is the mark of a true human being.
divinely sent
Monday, December 17, 2007
God manifests His body in immense size to cover all the sky and stretches away into the boundless stellar spaces..
God manifests His body in immense size
to cover all the sky and stretches away
into the boundless stellar spaces.
He also manifests Himself in
the infinitesimals of nature, sometimes,
in forms, sometimes in energy, some times
in aspects of mind, and sometimes in personality.
But in some manner or other,
He will surely appear to those
who recite the name of God with faith.
People love their egoistic comfort,
which is a love of fame and praise.
But fame and praise are like incense
that consumes itself and soon disappears.
If people chase after honors,
public acclaim and leave the way of truth,
they are in serious danger and will soon have cause for regret.
divinely sent
to cover all the sky and stretches away
into the boundless stellar spaces.
He also manifests Himself in
the infinitesimals of nature, sometimes,
in forms, sometimes in energy, some times
in aspects of mind, and sometimes in personality.
But in some manner or other,
He will surely appear to those
who recite the name of God with faith.
People love their egoistic comfort,
which is a love of fame and praise.
But fame and praise are like incense
that consumes itself and soon disappears.
If people chase after honors,
public acclaim and leave the way of truth,
they are in serious danger and will soon have cause for regret.
divinely sent
Ceiling on desires...
What is the meaning of ‘Ceiling on Desires’?
People become deluded by unlimited desires,
and live in a dream world.
It is most important to
keep desires under control,
to put a ceiling on them.
People are spending too much money.
Instead of spending inordinately for
their own pleasure, one should be spending
for the relief of the poor and the needy.
This is the meaning of the ‘Ceiling on Desires’ programme.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that giving away money
is all that is needed, giving away to others while
allowing your own desires to continue to multiply.
Curtail your desires, for materialistic desires
lead to a restless and disastrous life.
Desires are a prison. One can be freed only by limiting one’s wants.
divinely sent
People become deluded by unlimited desires,
and live in a dream world.
It is most important to
keep desires under control,
to put a ceiling on them.
People are spending too much money.
Instead of spending inordinately for
their own pleasure, one should be spending
for the relief of the poor and the needy.
This is the meaning of the ‘Ceiling on Desires’ programme.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that giving away money
is all that is needed, giving away to others while
allowing your own desires to continue to multiply.
Curtail your desires, for materialistic desires
lead to a restless and disastrous life.
Desires are a prison. One can be freed only by limiting one’s wants.
divinely sent
Doubt grows wild in the absence of faith...
Physical consciousness? Life consciousness? Mental consciousness? and transcendental consciousness?
The Atma or Divine Spirit,
when it is associated with the physical body,
is the state of ordinary consciousness.
When the Atma is associated
with the vital consciousness,
it is known as Life Consciousness.
When the Atma is associated with the mind,
it is called Mental Consciousness.
The fourth consciousness transcends the human senses.
It is called Transcendental Consciousness.
It transcends human limitations and comes close to Divinity.
It is called Super Mind.
The Atma in this state is the enjoyer of Bliss,
It is a state of Superconsciousness which expands
in due course to merge with the Universal Consciousness.
divinely sent
when it is associated with the physical body,
is the state of ordinary consciousness.
When the Atma is associated
with the vital consciousness,
it is known as Life Consciousness.
When the Atma is associated with the mind,
it is called Mental Consciousness.
The fourth consciousness transcends the human senses.
It is called Transcendental Consciousness.
It transcends human limitations and comes close to Divinity.
It is called Super Mind.
The Atma in this state is the enjoyer of Bliss,
It is a state of Superconsciousness which expands
in due course to merge with the Universal Consciousness.
divinely sent
The goal is the realisation of the ultimate truth that "God and I are One."
Active participation in society,
in a spirit of dedication and surrender,
conceiving all acts as worship and all men
as the embodiments of the Supreme,
is one of the best forms of spiritual practises.
For, there is no place where He is not;
no object which is not Divine.
It is declared that that
the Supreme willed and became all this.
Worship, undertaking pilgrimages, etc.
are only means to an end.
The goal is the realisation
of the ultimate truth that
"God and I are One."
That alone can fill the heart with permanent bliss.
divinely sent
in a spirit of dedication and surrender,
conceiving all acts as worship and all men
as the embodiments of the Supreme,
is one of the best forms of spiritual practises.
For, there is no place where He is not;
no object which is not Divine.
It is declared that that
the Supreme willed and became all this.
Worship, undertaking pilgrimages, etc.
are only means to an end.
The goal is the realisation
of the ultimate truth that
"God and I are One."
That alone can fill the heart with permanent bliss.
divinely sent
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The wise man is he who controls the mind and purifies the heart by filling it with good thoughts...
The person who is a slave
to the mind will not find peace or
happiness in life.
The body is a mansion
which has been projected by
the mind for its own joy.
Some waste their lives
by expending their
energy in looking after the body.
Some others increase their
attachment through thoughtless
repetition of spiritual exercises,
reducing them to mere ritual.
The wise man is he who controls the
mind and purifies the heart by filling it with good thoughts.
divinely sent
to the mind will not find peace or
happiness in life.
The body is a mansion
which has been projected by
the mind for its own joy.
Some waste their lives
by expending their
energy in looking after the body.
Some others increase their
attachment through thoughtless
repetition of spiritual exercises,
reducing them to mere ritual.
The wise man is he who controls the
mind and purifies the heart by filling it with good thoughts.
divinely sent
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Importance of Education...
Importance of Education :
Many boys study only to empty their heads in the examination. This is like Polaroid camera. But in the other type of camera, you can get negatives. Your studies should be like that. Whatever you study should be imprinted in your mind. Whenever you need, you should be able to use it.
Memory Power :
Don't think too much. It may cause a decline in memory power. You should have purity, patience and perseverance. Wastage of energy
diminishes memory power.
Examinations :
You should welcome tests. Everything in life is a test. Test gives you rest and rest is the taste of God.
Writing :
You read at home but write in examination hall. This is not good. You should practice writing the answers too.
Manana :
You must read two pages at a time and think over what you have read. When you read twenty pages at a stretch, it is like a Polaroid camera. When you read two pages at a time, it will be like a photo negative;
whenever you want, you can take copies out of it. When you study this way, the pustaka (book) and your mastaka (head) become one and the same.
Sleep :
It is not right to study all through the night. It will diminish your memory power. Boys need 7 to 8 hours sleep. Go to bed early. Think of what you studied, till you get sleep. This is manana. Get up early - at 4:30a.m. But do not sleep during daytime. Also, don't rush to the Institute immediately after lunch. Sit on a chair, close your eyes and take rest for five minutes.
Anxiety :
When you get deep into work, you get enthusiasm, not anxiety. So, get involved in your work.
But.... - When you have no interest, don't sit in front of the book. Go for a short walk. Sing hymns. Come back with enthusiasm and interest. Then study.
What else... - Faith in yourself and faith in God, this is the secret of success.
divinely sent
Many boys study only to empty their heads in the examination. This is like Polaroid camera. But in the other type of camera, you can get negatives. Your studies should be like that. Whatever you study should be imprinted in your mind. Whenever you need, you should be able to use it.
Memory Power :
Don't think too much. It may cause a decline in memory power. You should have purity, patience and perseverance. Wastage of energy
diminishes memory power.
Examinations :
You should welcome tests. Everything in life is a test. Test gives you rest and rest is the taste of God.
Writing :
You read at home but write in examination hall. This is not good. You should practice writing the answers too.
Manana :
You must read two pages at a time and think over what you have read. When you read twenty pages at a stretch, it is like a Polaroid camera. When you read two pages at a time, it will be like a photo negative;
whenever you want, you can take copies out of it. When you study this way, the pustaka (book) and your mastaka (head) become one and the same.
Sleep :
It is not right to study all through the night. It will diminish your memory power. Boys need 7 to 8 hours sleep. Go to bed early. Think of what you studied, till you get sleep. This is manana. Get up early - at 4:30a.m. But do not sleep during daytime. Also, don't rush to the Institute immediately after lunch. Sit on a chair, close your eyes and take rest for five minutes.
Anxiety :
When you get deep into work, you get enthusiasm, not anxiety. So, get involved in your work.
But.... - When you have no interest, don't sit in front of the book. Go for a short walk. Sing hymns. Come back with enthusiasm and interest. Then study.
What else... - Faith in yourself and faith in God, this is the secret of success.
divinely sent
A great man focuses on what he is still able to achieve, a good man focuses on how much more will he be able to give! Be a good man...
Have faith in the ocean, not in the waves, Believe in the Lord, not in the little things..
Have faith in the ocean,
not in the wave.
Believe in the Lord,
not in the little things.
But, the tragedy is,
you put your trust in little men,
in wicked men, in men whom you know
are vicious and greedy; but you hesitate,
when asked to put faith in the Lord,
who is merciful than any father,
more loving than any mother,
more powerful than any earthly authority,
more considerate than any kinsman.
You do not doubt each other;
but, you develop doubt regarding God.
Even laymen talk long and loud,
when the topic for discussion is God.
No one asks them their credentials.
divinely sent
not in the wave.
Believe in the Lord,
not in the little things.
But, the tragedy is,
you put your trust in little men,
in wicked men, in men whom you know
are vicious and greedy; but you hesitate,
when asked to put faith in the Lord,
who is merciful than any father,
more loving than any mother,
more powerful than any earthly authority,
more considerate than any kinsman.
You do not doubt each other;
but, you develop doubt regarding God.
Even laymen talk long and loud,
when the topic for discussion is God.
No one asks them their credentials.
divinely sent
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The truth can flash only in a mind clear of all blemishes....
The truth can flash only
in a mind clear of all blemishes.
The first blemish that
I would like to warn you against
is the 'inability to bear the success of others'.
Envy is the greatest of sins.
Vanity, envy, and egoism - these three are kin.
They cut at the root of man's real nature.
To feel proud that
you are a devotee is also a blot.
Though you may be a mountain,
you must feel you are a mound;
though a mound, you should not pretend to be a mountain.
divinely sent
in a mind clear of all blemishes.
The first blemish that
I would like to warn you against
is the 'inability to bear the success of others'.
Envy is the greatest of sins.
Vanity, envy, and egoism - these three are kin.
They cut at the root of man's real nature.
To feel proud that
you are a devotee is also a blot.
Though you may be a mountain,
you must feel you are a mound;
though a mound, you should not pretend to be a mountain.
divinely sent
Death is however born together with birth..
For every kind of fame,
there is a specific form of death.
Death, however, is born together with birth.
And death must come in the way it is bound to come.
The Lord is a witness to all happenings.
In some instances, He gives prior indications and warnings.
When these are heeded, the person concerned gets sanctified.
When one disregards them, he forfeits his sanctity.
When does man die?
Every moment he dies;
every moment he is born.
When the next tick does not happen, it is death.
When it beats again, one is born anew.
Faith is life; absence of faith is death.
Only the body dies; the Divine Self is beyond birth and death.
Death comes to all, somewhere, somehow;
but the wise man achieves the Vision ere the end.
divinely sent
there is a specific form of death.
Death, however, is born together with birth.
And death must come in the way it is bound to come.
The Lord is a witness to all happenings.
In some instances, He gives prior indications and warnings.
When these are heeded, the person concerned gets sanctified.
When one disregards them, he forfeits his sanctity.
When does man die?
Every moment he dies;
every moment he is born.
When the next tick does not happen, it is death.
When it beats again, one is born anew.
Faith is life; absence of faith is death.
Only the body dies; the Divine Self is beyond birth and death.
Death comes to all, somewhere, somehow;
but the wise man achieves the Vision ere the end.
divinely sent
There are 9 types of devotion...
When devotees pray to God
sincerely making all their
actions as offering to God,
they will certainly receive
appropriate grace from the Divine.
There are nine types of devotion.
listening to the glory of the Lord,
singing, remembering, adoration,
saluting, worshipping, obedient service,
friendship and self-surrender.
In whichever way you offer worship,
God responds in the same way.
When you surrender all your actions,
you will surely receive His Grace.
divinely sent
sincerely making all their
actions as offering to God,
they will certainly receive
appropriate grace from the Divine.
There are nine types of devotion.
listening to the glory of the Lord,
singing, remembering, adoration,
saluting, worshipping, obedient service,
friendship and self-surrender.
In whichever way you offer worship,
God responds in the same way.
When you surrender all your actions,
you will surely receive His Grace.
divinely sent
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Give your heart over to the Lord...
Give your heart over
to the Lord and move
in society as a dedicated being;
then no harm can come to you.
Not even an eyelid can close
or open without the Lord's will.
So, try to get Lord's grace and
leave all questions to be answered
by Him according to His fancy.
divinely sent
to the Lord and move
in society as a dedicated being;
then no harm can come to you.
Not even an eyelid can close
or open without the Lord's will.
So, try to get Lord's grace and
leave all questions to be answered
by Him according to His fancy.
divinely sent
Monday, December 3, 2007
You must live in the constant thought of God, as well as another fact, death...
You must live in the constant thought of God, as well as another fact, Death. The body is the car in which you are riding to death. You may meet death any moment while riding; some tree or lorry or ditch or slush will bring it. Remember Death. Remember that time is running out every moment...
Man is equipped with a return ticket when he takes birth. Holding it in his grasp, he earns and spends, laughs and weeps, rises and falls, forgetting the end of the journey. Although he forgets, the wagon of life moves towards the cemetery, which is the terminus. It brings no glory to man if he is tied helplessly to the wheel of birth and death. His glory and greatness consists in disentangling himself from the revolving wheel.
Man is equipped with a return ticket when he takes birth. Holding it in his grasp, he earns and spends, laughs and weeps, rises and falls, forgetting the end of the journey. Although he forgets, the wagon of life moves towards the cemetery, which is the terminus. It brings no glory to man if he is tied helplessly to the wheel of birth and death. His glory and greatness consists in disentangling himself from the revolving wheel.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
When the heart is pure, the Lord is revealed.
You complain that God is invisible; but,
the fault is yours, not to recognize
God in all His various manifestations.
When the heart is pure,
the Lord is revealed.
God knows and God will
deal with you, as you deserve.
Have faith in that.
Repent for all wrongs done
and resolve not to repeat the mistake;
then God will extend His grace.
divinely sent
the fault is yours, not to recognize
God in all His various manifestations.
When the heart is pure,
the Lord is revealed.
God knows and God will
deal with you, as you deserve.
Have faith in that.
Repent for all wrongs done
and resolve not to repeat the mistake;
then God will extend His grace.
divinely sent
Remember the greatest strengths and the highest ideals arise, only in what may seem to you, the poorest of times..
Remember, the greatest strengths and the highest ideals arise,
only in what may seem to you, the poorest of times.
only in what may seem to you, the poorest of times.
Strive for the happiness, the joy of all others, as earnestly as you strive for your own..
Strive for the happiness,
the joy of all others, as
earnestly as you strive for your own;
strive for the peace of the world,
as diligently as you strive for your own.
That is true divinity, that is true humanity.
divinely sent
the joy of all others, as
earnestly as you strive for your own;
strive for the peace of the world,
as diligently as you strive for your own.
That is true divinity, that is true humanity.
divinely sent
Even the best of doctors will not be able to save a man when death calls.... man has to respond to that call...
Even the best of doctors will not be able to save a man when death calls. Man has to respond to that call, whether he is on a pilgrimage to Kedar or Badri or Rameshwaram, whether he is a bridegroom in the ceremonial seat before the ritual fire. Death brooks no delay; death accepts no excuse. Tears do not move its heart, nor can threat of 'birth-death continuum.' The bridge called nishtha or discipline of an unflinching kind is essential. It must be a sturdy safe bridge. Or else, you will fall into the raging waters and be drawn into the sea, infested with sharks---lust and anger.
Each one from ego takes birth and clad in ego dies and comes and goes, gives and receives, earns and spends, and deals in lies or speaks the truth, in ego all the while. Those who do away with their ego attain salvation.
When once Brahma asked the sage Naarada, what was the most amazing thing he noticed on earth, Naarada replied, ' The most amazing thing I saw was this: The dying are weeping over the dead.' Those who are themselves nearing death every moment are weeping over those who have died, as if their weeping has an effect, either to revive the dead or prevent their own death!
Each one from ego takes birth and clad in ego dies and comes and goes, gives and receives, earns and spends, and deals in lies or speaks the truth, in ego all the while. Those who do away with their ego attain salvation.
When once Brahma asked the sage Naarada, what was the most amazing thing he noticed on earth, Naarada replied, ' The most amazing thing I saw was this: The dying are weeping over the dead.' Those who are themselves nearing death every moment are weeping over those who have died, as if their weeping has an effect, either to revive the dead or prevent their own death!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Matter is but the perpetual communion and separation of particles...
Matter is but the perpetual communion and separation of particles. The body has all its component cells replaced by 'new' ones during every seven-year period of time. Therefore, how can we pronounce anything as stable, permanent, true? This is the reason why man does not get contentment and peace. This is the reason why man does not get joy, however wealthy or famous he may become. So long as he revels in the trivial and the temporary, he cannot be happy. It is only when he has discovered the Atman, and is always deep in the ecstasy of that discovery, that he can be in unblemished happiness. In that stage, he is aware that he is eternal, all-knowing, absolute and omniscient.
divinely sent
divinely sent
Love has to connect at some point....
Yes! It is true…the world must become a better place. Yes! It is true…there is suffering…there is pain…there is worry…there are mistakes…there is violence…there is denial of God amongst us…within us. Yes! It is true. But what is our responsibility? Is it to blame another? Is it to criticize? Is it to hide our faults… or should we just ignore and continue our selfish lives?
We all speak of change…but seldom does one wake up and say to himself, “From this very minute I will turn toward my true Self …I refuse to hide in my mistakes. I refuse to take shelter in my desires. I am responsible for beginning this change. I will wipe the tears of the Divine Mother and bring all her children under one roof. I will not ask for time either. I will stay on the path of righteousness and I will face its demands. I will not worry of being alone…my principles will hold my hand…my love will pave my way. And if I were to fall along the way I will just have to stand up again, dust the dirt of ignorance and walk again toward my own truth. I am not going to analyze and predict which paths are easier or more profitable. If I were to, then I would start to worry again and that I have left already. I will no more be under the pressure of friends and relatives. I cannot mimic them…I have to love them. The only way I can is to find the way and then turn toward them with a plea to take that way. I will be happy no matter what choice they make but I will make my path to them absolutely clear.
There is so much to do and so much selfishness to remove. I will tolerate all criticism because that will finally make me less dependent on others. What does it matter what anyone thinks. I have to change myself and be a good example…and those that see my dream clearly will themselves turn toward their true Self.
Love has to connect at some point. I must wait for that. I must be patient. I must realize that all this pain…this suffering…is due to the way I think, I speak and I do. And I will change that. You will see…and you too will come one day…with me”
And that is the voice of every soul…that is the awakening to come!
divinely sent
We all speak of change…but seldom does one wake up and say to himself, “From this very minute I will turn toward my true Self …I refuse to hide in my mistakes. I refuse to take shelter in my desires. I am responsible for beginning this change. I will wipe the tears of the Divine Mother and bring all her children under one roof. I will not ask for time either. I will stay on the path of righteousness and I will face its demands. I will not worry of being alone…my principles will hold my hand…my love will pave my way. And if I were to fall along the way I will just have to stand up again, dust the dirt of ignorance and walk again toward my own truth. I am not going to analyze and predict which paths are easier or more profitable. If I were to, then I would start to worry again and that I have left already. I will no more be under the pressure of friends and relatives. I cannot mimic them…I have to love them. The only way I can is to find the way and then turn toward them with a plea to take that way. I will be happy no matter what choice they make but I will make my path to them absolutely clear.
There is so much to do and so much selfishness to remove. I will tolerate all criticism because that will finally make me less dependent on others. What does it matter what anyone thinks. I have to change myself and be a good example…and those that see my dream clearly will themselves turn toward their true Self.
Love has to connect at some point. I must wait for that. I must be patient. I must realize that all this pain…this suffering…is due to the way I think, I speak and I do. And I will change that. You will see…and you too will come one day…with me”
And that is the voice of every soul…that is the awakening to come!
divinely sent
Every country is a limb in the body of God, He is conscious of the slightest pain or sensation in the most distant part of creation, for that too is H
Every country is a limb in the body of God; He is conscious of the slightest pain or sensation in the most distant part of creation, for, that too, is His body.
Society is based on the principle of mutual give and take..
Despite the striking progress in the fields of science and technology, there has been deterioration in morals and social behaviour because of the growth of selfishness. Self-interest is predominant in every action. If one's entire life is governed by selfishness, what happens to society? Every individual has a responsibility to society, from which he derives so many benefits. Society is based on the principle of mutual give and take. Your primary duty is to show your gratitude to your parents, your kith and kin, your friends, teachers and others who have helped you in various ways to make you what you are.
divinely sent
divinely sent
The future of a nation depends on its youth...
The future of a nation depends on its youth. The strength of the youth lies in their spirit of patriotism. The primary duty of the youth is to render service to the society. The physical and mental strength of the youth is the foundation on which a nation is built. Wake up from the slumber of selfishness and narrow-mindedness and resolve to serve the nation. Perform all activities keeping the esteem and honour of the nation uppermost in your heart. It is unbecoming of the youth to forget divinity and the goal of life, and to waste time in physical and materialistic pursuits. The youth should express human qualities by cultivating noble character and by rendering service to the society. They should understand that the well-being of the individual lies in the safety and security of the nation.
divinely sent
divinely sent
Love is of 3 kinds, self centreed, mutual and all pervasive and clear....
“Love is of three kinds; self centred, which like a bulb, illumines just a small room; mutual, which like moonlight, spreads wider but is not clear; and one which is like the sunlight, is all pervasive and clear. Cultivate the third type of love that will save you. For all the service that you do to others, through love, is actually service done to yourself. It is not others that you help, it is yourself that is being helped.”
divinely sent
divinely sent
The soul has no sex, no country, no place, no time..
First give up all ideas of enjoyment in this world and the next, care only for God and Truth. We are here to know truth, not for enjoyment. Leave that to brutes that enjoy as we never can. Man is a thinking being and must struggle on until he conquers death, until he sees the light. He must not spend himself in vain talking that bears no fruit. Worship of society and popular opinion is idolatry. The soul has no sex, no country, no place, no time.
Only a saint knows another saint and his ways. Be enlightened. the Jivatma in the gross sphere uses the mind through gross matters; in the subtle sphere, He uses the mind directly without the aid of gross and subtle means.
Strictly speaking, unless and until the mental sphere is reached, none really knows what the mind actually is much less to do things through the medium of the mind itself to bring our tangible results.
Suppose a pilgrim in Egypt reaches the mental sphere and conceives the idea of visiting America, the pilgrim has not even to think about America; but simultaneously with a wish on his part to be there he will find himself actually there speedier than the time it takes to think about America in the ordinary way. And how does the pilgrim travel faster than the thought itself? Because he does not, strictly speaking, travel as the mind is everywhere. The pilgrim in the mental sphere, whom we address as ‘Mahaan’, ‘Vali’, ‘Maha Yogi’, can be anywhere he likes without availing his gross and subtle organs.
In the gross and subtle spheres, the souls work with full consciousness through the media of the mind, gross and subtle organs. While in the mental sphere, the soul works with full consciousness through the mind itself without necessarily using the gross and subtle organs. If the room is dark, the constant feeling and repeating of darkness will not take it away, but bring in the light. Let us know that all that is negative all that is destructive is bound to pass away. It is the positive, the affirmative, the constructive, that is immortal, and that will remain forever.....
divinely sent
Only a saint knows another saint and his ways. Be enlightened. the Jivatma in the gross sphere uses the mind through gross matters; in the subtle sphere, He uses the mind directly without the aid of gross and subtle means.
Strictly speaking, unless and until the mental sphere is reached, none really knows what the mind actually is much less to do things through the medium of the mind itself to bring our tangible results.
Suppose a pilgrim in Egypt reaches the mental sphere and conceives the idea of visiting America, the pilgrim has not even to think about America; but simultaneously with a wish on his part to be there he will find himself actually there speedier than the time it takes to think about America in the ordinary way. And how does the pilgrim travel faster than the thought itself? Because he does not, strictly speaking, travel as the mind is everywhere. The pilgrim in the mental sphere, whom we address as ‘Mahaan’, ‘Vali’, ‘Maha Yogi’, can be anywhere he likes without availing his gross and subtle organs.
In the gross and subtle spheres, the souls work with full consciousness through the media of the mind, gross and subtle organs. While in the mental sphere, the soul works with full consciousness through the mind itself without necessarily using the gross and subtle organs. If the room is dark, the constant feeling and repeating of darkness will not take it away, but bring in the light. Let us know that all that is negative all that is destructive is bound to pass away. It is the positive, the affirmative, the constructive, that is immortal, and that will remain forever.....
divinely sent
Sunday, November 11, 2007
All that you cannot see, hear or understand cannot be ruled out as non-existent...
All that you cannot see,
hear or understand cannot be ruled out as
Even if you flash a powerful light
in front of a blind man, he
will only see darkness,
because he does not have
the eyes to see the light.
Likewise, persons having no faith
will not perceive God even if you show God
to them. They do not have the eyes to see
divinity and they proclaim that
there is no divinity. A blind man can
neither see his body nor describe his
looks, but it does not follow that he has no body.
divinely sent
hear or understand cannot be ruled out as
Even if you flash a powerful light
in front of a blind man, he
will only see darkness,
because he does not have
the eyes to see the light.
Likewise, persons having no faith
will not perceive God even if you show God
to them. They do not have the eyes to see
divinity and they proclaim that
there is no divinity. A blind man can
neither see his body nor describe his
looks, but it does not follow that he has no body.
divinely sent
Friday, November 9, 2007
We must love God in the same way as we love our own father and mother...
We must love God in the same way as we love our own father and mother. It should be so natural and spontaneous. You cannot find a parallel to such love. Therefore, every individual, from the time he gets up from bed till he goes back to bed, must strive to make his life sanctified by love.
Today's children are very intelligent. But only when they put their intelligence to proper use can they make their lives sanctified. And, spirituality is the only path that can make one's life sanctified! Today's students are, however, putting their intelligence to wrong use and are wasting their time engaging themselves in vain argumentation.
Today's children are very intelligent. But only when they put their intelligence to proper use can they make their lives sanctified. And, spirituality is the only path that can make one's life sanctified! Today's students are, however, putting their intelligence to wrong use and are wasting their time engaging themselves in vain argumentation.
Life becomes too difficult to bear, if u put into it too much 'desire'. limit ur desires to ur capacity & even among them...
Beware of whatever u think, beware of whatever u say, beware of whatever u do...
Beware of whatever you think…
Beware of whatever you say…
Beware of whatever you do…
For you can fool someone else.
You can fool yourself too.
But God is aware
Of whatever you…think…
Whatever you say and do.
Yes! God is watching you!
Beware of whatever you say…
Beware of whatever you do…
For you can fool someone else.
You can fool yourself too.
But God is aware
Of whatever you…think…
Whatever you say and do.
Yes! God is watching you!
If u want to transform the world, promote all-round prosperity in teh country and make the prayer 'all people shoudl be happy' become a reality....
If you want to transform the world,
promote all-round prosperity in the country
and make the prayer "all people should be happy"
become a reality, develop faith in the Self.
Never forget God.
Without God there is no Universe.
Let the non-believers have their way.
But they have no right to question the beliefs of others.
To ask for physical proofs of the
existence of experience like bliss or love
or for subtle things like the fragrance of a flower is impracticable.
To deny the reality of love on the ground that
it has no recognizable form is meaningless.
Love may have no form.
But the mother who exhibits love has a form.
divinely sent
promote all-round prosperity in the country
and make the prayer "all people should be happy"
become a reality, develop faith in the Self.
Never forget God.
Without God there is no Universe.
Let the non-believers have their way.
But they have no right to question the beliefs of others.
To ask for physical proofs of the
existence of experience like bliss or love
or for subtle things like the fragrance of a flower is impracticable.
To deny the reality of love on the ground that
it has no recognizable form is meaningless.
Love may have no form.
But the mother who exhibits love has a form.
divinely sent
Hold all ur property & wealth in trust for the Lord who gave them to u, even ur family, u must treat as sacred trust, as persons given to u by the ...
Hold all your property and wealth in trust for the Lord who gave them to you; even your family, you must treat as sacred trust, as persons given to you by the Lord to love, foster and guide. Thus you must elevate your attachment into worship and make it an instrument for spiritual progress.
Whatever u keep for urself alone that itself, you will hunger for one day...

Whatever you keep
For yourself alone
That itself
You will hunger for…one day.
If you are able
To give freely
Whatever you receive
Without even
A single thought
Without the intent
Of return
Then whatever
You give
Will return to you
As His Grace
For your hands
May be empty
For the moment…
But little do you realize
O child of God
That your life
Is full…
With His love.
The grace of God cannot be won through the gymnastics of reason, the contortions of yoga, or the denials of asceticism. Love alone can win it,...
Like a drop of oil on water,
every individual spreads;
he reaches out and far.
'I' seeks other 'I's and seeks to become 'We'.
Life is a march from 'I' to 'We'.
But, it usually strays from 'I' to 'They'.
And does not reach God, the 'We'.
Intellect alone can direct man
in the path of discrimination,
between the true path and false,
the proper step and the improper...
The reasoning power of man is shaped,
not only by the education he receives now,
but more by the impact of past lives and the import of future events.
If the power is used for self-aggrandizement,
it feeds delusion; if it is used in service for others,
it promotes the Revelation of Reality.
Reason must examine the vagaries
of the mind and make patent the Divinity
that resides and shines in every individual.
divinely sent
every individual spreads;
he reaches out and far.
'I' seeks other 'I's and seeks to become 'We'.
Life is a march from 'I' to 'We'.
But, it usually strays from 'I' to 'They'.
And does not reach God, the 'We'.
Intellect alone can direct man
in the path of discrimination,
between the true path and false,
the proper step and the improper...
The reasoning power of man is shaped,
not only by the education he receives now,
but more by the impact of past lives and the import of future events.
If the power is used for self-aggrandizement,
it feeds delusion; if it is used in service for others,
it promotes the Revelation of Reality.
Reason must examine the vagaries
of the mind and make patent the Divinity
that resides and shines in every individual.
divinely sent
Do not give room for differences based on languages, religion, caste or nationality. Develop the feeling that all are children of God.
Do not give room for differences based on language, religion, caste or nationality. Develop the feeling that all are children of God. You may worship God in any form of your choice, but always bear in mind that God is one. Cultivate love towards all beings and promote unity and harmony.
Let us be worthy instruments in the hands of God utilized for the welfare of humanity in whichever way He deems us fit..
God always wants us to dedicate
all our actions to Him so that it gets sanctified.
The service to our fellow brothers
should also be sanctified by dedicating
them to God, who is the indweller.
God has clarified,
that He uses our intelligence,
mind and body for the purpose of welfare of humanity.
Hence we are but mere instruments.
The instrument is inert, and it
doesn't know how it is being utilised.
In the hand of a surgeon,
the knife acts as an instrument
for saving the life of a person.
In the hands of a murderer,
the same knife is used for killing somebody.
The knife is inert.
How it is used is very vital.
Hence let us be worthy instruments
in the hands of God utilised for the welfare
of humanity in whichever way He deems us fit.
Let us eschew the false ego,
that we are the doers of tasks or service.
Let us remain absolutely egoless and straight
so that the divine melody is heard.
divinely sent
all our actions to Him so that it gets sanctified.
The service to our fellow brothers
should also be sanctified by dedicating
them to God, who is the indweller.
God has clarified,
that He uses our intelligence,
mind and body for the purpose of welfare of humanity.
Hence we are but mere instruments.
The instrument is inert, and it
doesn't know how it is being utilised.
In the hand of a surgeon,
the knife acts as an instrument
for saving the life of a person.
In the hands of a murderer,
the same knife is used for killing somebody.
The knife is inert.
How it is used is very vital.
Hence let us be worthy instruments
in the hands of God utilised for the welfare
of humanity in whichever way He deems us fit.
Let us eschew the false ego,
that we are the doers of tasks or service.
Let us remain absolutely egoless and straight
so that the divine melody is heard.
divinely sent
God should be the bedrock on wihch u resolve, then life would be smooth... the physical, the mental, the objective world, these revolve around God,...
It is only when u watch over Him to see if He is watching over u that all troubles begin..
It is only
When you watch
Over Him
To see
If He
Is watching
Over you
That all trouble begins!
divinely sent
When you watch
Over Him
To see
If He
Is watching
Over you
That all trouble begins!
divinely sent
The cosmos, the oceans & high mountains were not man made, neither the planets nor the stars including the sun & moon are anybody's creation...
The cosmos, the Oceans and High mountains were not man made.
Neither the planets nor the stars including sun and moon are anybody's creation.
When we perceive something with our senses,
we believe it to be real and true.
But reality eludes us since whatever
we perceive during waking stage do not
continue during dream stage and vice versa.
In deep sleep we do not experience
any waking or dream stage events.
When our own experience undergo
such vast changes during 24 hours,
how we can infer that our experiences are real?
All the scriptures and all Upanishads
confirm that the "I" alone is real.
We have seen that this "I" feeling
is common to the entire humanity.
Our conversations frequent the Ist person "I".
If you go a little deep,
then you will find that there is
nothing else than the First Person. God..
divinely sent
Neither the planets nor the stars including sun and moon are anybody's creation.
When we perceive something with our senses,
we believe it to be real and true.
But reality eludes us since whatever
we perceive during waking stage do not
continue during dream stage and vice versa.
In deep sleep we do not experience
any waking or dream stage events.
When our own experience undergo
such vast changes during 24 hours,
how we can infer that our experiences are real?
All the scriptures and all Upanishads
confirm that the "I" alone is real.
We have seen that this "I" feeling
is common to the entire humanity.
Our conversations frequent the Ist person "I".
If you go a little deep,
then you will find that there is
nothing else than the First Person. God..
divinely sent
Your life will be redeemed only when you involve yourself in the service of the society...
How can man realize the Truth?
Only when he experiences the non-dualism.
As long as he is steeped in dualism
(that he and the Divine are different),
he is bound to be racked by the opposites:
joy and sorrow, the real and the unreal.
All that exists in the Cosmos belongs to God.
But man imagines that he is the owner
of various things and is a prisoner of
the conception of "mine" and "thine." In reality, all are only trustees
of the property belonging to the Divine.
This means that everyone has to consider
himself as a trustee for the world's goods.
A bank cashier handles an enormous amount of money.
None of it belongs to him.
He cannot use it for himself,
but has to ensure its safety and right use.
Likewise, all are trustees responsible
for the proper use of the goods entrusted to them.
No one can claim ownership.
Hence one's life should reflect the unity of thought, speech and action. divinely sent
Only when he experiences the non-dualism.
As long as he is steeped in dualism
(that he and the Divine are different),
he is bound to be racked by the opposites:
joy and sorrow, the real and the unreal.
All that exists in the Cosmos belongs to God.
But man imagines that he is the owner
of various things and is a prisoner of
the conception of "mine" and "thine." In reality, all are only trustees
of the property belonging to the Divine.
This means that everyone has to consider
himself as a trustee for the world's goods.
A bank cashier handles an enormous amount of money.
None of it belongs to him.
He cannot use it for himself,
but has to ensure its safety and right use.
Likewise, all are trustees responsible
for the proper use of the goods entrusted to them.
No one can claim ownership.
Hence one's life should reflect the unity of thought, speech and action. divinely sent
It was the ego that caused all the worry so long....
It was the ego that caused
all the worry so long.
How does this egotism
get into our system?
Is it a weed that grows in us
and is cultivated by us until
it destroys us roots and branch?
Where was this ego in the beginning?
Where were we before we were born?
Where will we be after we die?
All our inferences are but
products of the period between birth and death.
When the girl you married
was seriously ill as a child,
you did not worry for she had
not become "yours."
We ourselves develop this attachment
as a cohesive and stabilizing factor in life.
But we then allow it to grow into
huge dimensions till it hinders our spiritual progress.
Cultivate love, not delusion.
Love your wife and children and
do your duty towards them as a husband and a father.
But always hold on to the true values.
Do not lose your sense of proportion. ...
Remember always that wife, son, mother---
all kinship is basically only physical, body-bound, time-limited.divinely sent
all the worry so long.
How does this egotism
get into our system?
Is it a weed that grows in us
and is cultivated by us until
it destroys us roots and branch?
Where was this ego in the beginning?
Where were we before we were born?
Where will we be after we die?
All our inferences are but
products of the period between birth and death.
When the girl you married
was seriously ill as a child,
you did not worry for she had
not become "yours."
We ourselves develop this attachment
as a cohesive and stabilizing factor in life.
But we then allow it to grow into
huge dimensions till it hinders our spiritual progress.
Cultivate love, not delusion.
Love your wife and children and
do your duty towards them as a husband and a father.
But always hold on to the true values.
Do not lose your sense of proportion. ...
Remember always that wife, son, mother---
all kinship is basically only physical, body-bound, time-limited.divinely sent
Bargaining & calculating are useless in the spiritual field....
How fortunate is man, for not ony was he gifted with knowledge but with it, he receives the Divine voice within that ...
God is watching us from within us...
God is watching you…
God is watching over you…
God is not watching
From above the heavens…
God is watching
From within you…
And there is no hell
That He sends you to.
It is when you say
“No” to Him
And turn to
Desireful ways
That hell truly begins!
divinely sent
God is watching over you…
God is not watching
From above the heavens…
God is watching
From within you…
And there is no hell
That He sends you to.
It is when you say
“No” to Him
And turn to
Desireful ways
That hell truly begins!
divinely sent
Only the light of service can illumine the spiritual aspirant..
The flame of a lamp has two significant qualities.
One is to banish darkness;
the other is a continuous upward movement. Even if a lamp is kept in a pit,
the flame is directed upwards.
The ancients have taught that the
upward movement of the flame denotes
the path to wisdom and the path to divinity.
However, the external light
can dispel only the external darkness,
but not the darkness of ignorance in man...
God is present within and around.
So one has to be pure both internally and externally.
It is the water that helps to keep your body clean.
But it is love that keeps your heart clean.
You should celebrate the festivals
in full realization of their inner significance.
divinely sent
One is to banish darkness;
the other is a continuous upward movement. Even if a lamp is kept in a pit,
the flame is directed upwards.
The ancients have taught that the
upward movement of the flame denotes
the path to wisdom and the path to divinity.
However, the external light
can dispel only the external darkness,
but not the darkness of ignorance in man...
God is present within and around.
So one has to be pure both internally and externally.
It is the water that helps to keep your body clean.
But it is love that keeps your heart clean.
You should celebrate the festivals
in full realization of their inner significance.
divinely sent
Sing to God, it brings peace, soothe the nerves,purify the mind and fill the body & heart with sweet love for the divine
The spiritual vibrations produced
by singing hymns confer great joy
both on those who sing them and on
those who listen to them.
Singing hymns will remove
all negative thoughts,
soothe the nerves, purify the mind
and fill the body and the heart
with sweet love for the divine.
As one sings to God,
the mind is saturated with God Consciousness
and a great ecstasy wells up from within.
No mental or intellectual effort is called for,
as there is no need to understand anything
while uttering the holy names of God and singing His glory.
The singing and the atmosphere created by singing to God
takes one beyond the realms of the body, mind and intellect
and helps to establish communion with the Higher Self (consciousness) within.
divinely sent
by singing hymns confer great joy
both on those who sing them and on
those who listen to them.
Singing hymns will remove
all negative thoughts,
soothe the nerves, purify the mind
and fill the body and the heart
with sweet love for the divine.
As one sings to God,
the mind is saturated with God Consciousness
and a great ecstasy wells up from within.
No mental or intellectual effort is called for,
as there is no need to understand anything
while uttering the holy names of God and singing His glory.
The singing and the atmosphere created by singing to God
takes one beyond the realms of the body, mind and intellect
and helps to establish communion with the Higher Self (consciousness) within.
divinely sent
Elation is Heaven. Despondency is Hell. Hell is a place of a mind, a mental state where there is much worry & suffering.. Heaven is not a superterre
Elation is Heaven. Despondency is Hell. a place. A place of the mind. A mental state where there is much worry and suffering.
Heaven is not a superterrestial region of perpetual spring; it is an inner experience, a state of supreme bliss.
Perhaps you feel that by performing acts of charity or by participating in various auspicious rituals or by doing some acts of penance, you will reach heaven. However, God declared that heaven is only temporary. He said, "My child, there is something which is greater than heaven. I am not saying that you should stop performing sacrifices, austerities, religious rituals, and the like. You have to engage in such worshipful activities as part of your duty. However, do everything you do for the welfare of the world. Do not act with a selfish motive. Perform every action selflessly; disinterestedly, concerned only with the peace, the welfare and prosperity of the world at large. Do not be concerned with reaching heaven. Heaven will last only as long as the merits of your actions last. Once these merits are exhausted, you will have to come back to earth. Therefore, give up your longing for heaven which is temporary and impermanent. Cultivate nearness and dearness to the Lord. Become merged in Him; that is what is truly important. When you understand the secret of action and perform all your actions from the proper perspective, you will be able to acquire divinity itself.
divinely sent a place. A place of the mind. A mental state where there is much worry and suffering.
Heaven is not a superterrestial region of perpetual spring; it is an inner experience, a state of supreme bliss.
Perhaps you feel that by performing acts of charity or by participating in various auspicious rituals or by doing some acts of penance, you will reach heaven. However, God declared that heaven is only temporary. He said, "My child, there is something which is greater than heaven. I am not saying that you should stop performing sacrifices, austerities, religious rituals, and the like. You have to engage in such worshipful activities as part of your duty. However, do everything you do for the welfare of the world. Do not act with a selfish motive. Perform every action selflessly; disinterestedly, concerned only with the peace, the welfare and prosperity of the world at large. Do not be concerned with reaching heaven. Heaven will last only as long as the merits of your actions last. Once these merits are exhausted, you will have to come back to earth. Therefore, give up your longing for heaven which is temporary and impermanent. Cultivate nearness and dearness to the Lord. Become merged in Him; that is what is truly important. When you understand the secret of action and perform all your actions from the proper perspective, you will be able to acquire divinity itself.
divinely sent
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
To catch one's thoughts in the midst of a wrong, one's heart has to be completely dedicated to the ways of truth..
To catch one’s thoughts in the midst of a wrong, one’s heart has to be completely dedicated to the ways of truth.
If one slightly betrays truth within his own heart then that one will learn to ignore the so-called “small slips of the mind” and soon enough will deny any wrong in it.
No one purposefully invites wrong thoughts. They come…they go…some stay…only if we have defied the truth within our hearts. How painful that is!!
We begin with good intent. That leads to good thoughts. Then in the midst of good we fear for our good greater than for the task. We slip. But do we see ourselves slip? No…we remember the good intent we started with. We betray our own path and bear for it bad results.
divinely sent
If one slightly betrays truth within his own heart then that one will learn to ignore the so-called “small slips of the mind” and soon enough will deny any wrong in it.
No one purposefully invites wrong thoughts. They come…they go…some stay…only if we have defied the truth within our hearts. How painful that is!!
We begin with good intent. That leads to good thoughts. Then in the midst of good we fear for our good greater than for the task. We slip. But do we see ourselves slip? No…we remember the good intent we started with. We betray our own path and bear for it bad results.
divinely sent
Monday, November 5, 2007
What instant communication has achieved in the present age?
What instant communication has achieved in the present age?
People pride that the whole world has shrinked.
Within minutes of happenings, people come
to know through 24x7 news channels with visuals.
In olden days when telecommunication
was in a primitive stage, it may take
few days before any news break out.
Not so now.
Whether this is an advantageous position
for the present generation is a million dollar question.
We all are aware that morality has declined
considerably, crimes have increased in geometric proportions.
Peace has fled away from the heart of man as well as society.
Everybody lives in virtual fear.
The government is neither wise to
contain the vices in society by legislations.
Both the governed and the governing are in a pitiable state.
Who can save this earth from these disasterous calamities.
Not a day passes without some terror attack
in some part of the world.
Where all the wisdom of ancient sages or saints gone?
Why the entire population has become crazy or ignorant?
It is preciously for this reason, God has incarnated.
There is no direction for people. All are confused.
As the bunds keep the water in course,
God has inculcated morality in society.
Though it is a slow process, the effects will last.
divinely sent
People pride that the whole world has shrinked.
Within minutes of happenings, people come
to know through 24x7 news channels with visuals.
In olden days when telecommunication
was in a primitive stage, it may take
few days before any news break out.
Not so now.
Whether this is an advantageous position
for the present generation is a million dollar question.
We all are aware that morality has declined
considerably, crimes have increased in geometric proportions.
Peace has fled away from the heart of man as well as society.
Everybody lives in virtual fear.
The government is neither wise to
contain the vices in society by legislations.
Both the governed and the governing are in a pitiable state.
Who can save this earth from these disasterous calamities.
Not a day passes without some terror attack
in some part of the world.
Where all the wisdom of ancient sages or saints gone?
Why the entire population has become crazy or ignorant?
It is preciously for this reason, God has incarnated.
There is no direction for people. All are confused.
As the bunds keep the water in course,
God has inculcated morality in society.
Though it is a slow process, the effects will last.
divinely sent
Be aware of this truth at all times in every place, for He Himself has spoken these words....
Be aware of this truth at all times in every place, for He Himself has spoken these words...
“Never fear for whatever happens is simply My will…nothing more…nothing less. Whatever is to come…a thunderous storm or a ray of light like that of dawn…in both I alone walk with you taking care of you moment to moment all the way. And if you were to speak to Me alone sharing with Me your heart in joy and the tears of sorrow then that faith I shall accept as My only food and give you O child a life of protection with wisdom and love as your weapon and armor.
I respond instantly when you have made Me reside within your very Self. In a pure mind I alone think as peace. My devoted ones are seldom agitated by changes or desires. They are focused only upon Me, and whatever may happen in external circumstances their inner core remains pure, calm and still.
I have no beginning and no end…My Grace is endless with no boundaries. You become aware of Me the moment you adopt a sincere and truthful life immersed in duty and love. I am the very breath of that. After tasting My truth nothing ever will be sweet to you…and even if for a moment you drown in temporary pleasures, you O child shall realize its shamefulness and will quickly return to true ways.
Never give up. Maddening thoughts are to be left alone. Pray and surrender their burden upon My feet. Talk to Me…the moment fear arises and begins its monologue turn and talk to Me. You must…let that be your sadhana (devotional practice)…you must talk until its voice drowns in the faith of your prayers. I am listening…I am responding…I am guiding…I am protecting…
Never fear for whatever happens is simply My will…that alone shall free you…nothing more…nothing less!”
Be aware of this truth at all times in every place, for He Himself has spoken.
divinely sent
“Never fear for whatever happens is simply My will…nothing more…nothing less. Whatever is to come…a thunderous storm or a ray of light like that of dawn…in both I alone walk with you taking care of you moment to moment all the way. And if you were to speak to Me alone sharing with Me your heart in joy and the tears of sorrow then that faith I shall accept as My only food and give you O child a life of protection with wisdom and love as your weapon and armor.
I respond instantly when you have made Me reside within your very Self. In a pure mind I alone think as peace. My devoted ones are seldom agitated by changes or desires. They are focused only upon Me, and whatever may happen in external circumstances their inner core remains pure, calm and still.
I have no beginning and no end…My Grace is endless with no boundaries. You become aware of Me the moment you adopt a sincere and truthful life immersed in duty and love. I am the very breath of that. After tasting My truth nothing ever will be sweet to you…and even if for a moment you drown in temporary pleasures, you O child shall realize its shamefulness and will quickly return to true ways.
Never give up. Maddening thoughts are to be left alone. Pray and surrender their burden upon My feet. Talk to Me…the moment fear arises and begins its monologue turn and talk to Me. You must…let that be your sadhana (devotional practice)…you must talk until its voice drowns in the faith of your prayers. I am listening…I am responding…I am guiding…I am protecting…
Never fear for whatever happens is simply My will…that alone shall free you…nothing more…nothing less!”
Be aware of this truth at all times in every place, for He Himself has spoken.
divinely sent
Everyone has to make his exit some day, that moment should not be a moment of anguish...
Everyone has to make his exit some day;
that moment should not be a moment of anguish.
One should depart with a smile and a bow.
To do that, a lot of preparation is necessary.
To depart leaving all that has been
accumulated during a long lifetime is a hard task.
Prepare for it now by discarding attachment
to one thing after another from now on.
You see many things in dreams
and many things are acquired by you
during dreams; power, pelf, status, reputation.
But when you awake,
you do not weep over the loss,
even though for the duration of
the dream all that was very real,
and gave you real satisfaction and joy.
"That was a dream," you tell yourself.
What prevents you from treating with
similar nonchalance the possessions
gathered during the waking stage of your life?
Cultivate that attitude and
you can depart with a smile
whenever the curtain falls on this dreamland stage.
divinely sent
that moment should not be a moment of anguish.
One should depart with a smile and a bow.
To do that, a lot of preparation is necessary.
To depart leaving all that has been
accumulated during a long lifetime is a hard task.
Prepare for it now by discarding attachment
to one thing after another from now on.
You see many things in dreams
and many things are acquired by you
during dreams; power, pelf, status, reputation.
But when you awake,
you do not weep over the loss,
even though for the duration of
the dream all that was very real,
and gave you real satisfaction and joy.
"That was a dream," you tell yourself.
What prevents you from treating with
similar nonchalance the possessions
gathered during the waking stage of your life?
Cultivate that attitude and
you can depart with a smile
whenever the curtain falls on this dreamland stage.
divinely sent
One who lacks faith can never understand God...
" One who lacks faith can never understand God.
(As are the thoughts so will be the result)
How can one who has no faith in himself trust others?
What is the use of one's life if one cannot believe anybody?
So, first and foremost, develop self-confidence.
When you have self-confidence, you will love society.
One who loves society will be loved by God.
If you do not love society,
how can you expect society to love you?
Build the mansion of your life on the
firm foundation of self-confidence.
On the foundation of self-confidence,
you can raise the walls of self-satisfaction.
On the walls of self-satisfaction,
you can lay the roof of self-sacrifice.
Only then can you lead a life of self-realisation.
divinely sent
(As are the thoughts so will be the result)
How can one who has no faith in himself trust others?
What is the use of one's life if one cannot believe anybody?
So, first and foremost, develop self-confidence.
When you have self-confidence, you will love society.
One who loves society will be loved by God.
If you do not love society,
how can you expect society to love you?
Build the mansion of your life on the
firm foundation of self-confidence.
On the foundation of self-confidence,
you can raise the walls of self-satisfaction.
On the walls of self-satisfaction,
you can lay the roof of self-sacrifice.
Only then can you lead a life of self-realisation.
divinely sent
True love cannot be acquired, in fact, it originates in the heart... propagate this principle of love..
" True love cannot be acquired. In fact, it originates in the heart. Propagate this principle of love in every nook and corner of the world. Fill your hearts with love and conduct yourselves in a loving manner. You can transform even a wicked person through your love."
divinely sent
divinely sent
God's grace can be obtained only through love and by no other means....
Today's children are very intelligent.
But only when they put their intelligence
to proper use can they make their lives sanctified.
And, spirituality is the only path
that can make one's life sanctified!
Today's students are, however,
putting their intelligence to
wrong use and are wasting their time
engaging themselves in vain argumentation.
God's grace can be obtained
only through love and by no other means.
It is the only royal path.
Students should develop the faith
that their lives will be sanctified by treading that royal path.
divinely sent
But only when they put their intelligence
to proper use can they make their lives sanctified.
And, spirituality is the only path
that can make one's life sanctified!
Today's students are, however,
putting their intelligence to
wrong use and are wasting their time
engaging themselves in vain argumentation.
God's grace can be obtained
only through love and by no other means.
It is the only royal path.
Students should develop the faith
that their lives will be sanctified by treading that royal path.
divinely sent
Truth is the ornament for the neck..., charity the ornament for the hand....
"Truth is the ornament for the neck."
"Charity is the ornament for the hand."
"Listening to sacred scriptures is the ornament for the ears."
What other ornaments does a man need
if he had these three? So says a Sanskrit saying.
The ornaments which people wear
today are a source of fear.
But if the ornaments of truth,
charity, and listening to sacred teachings
are worn, there is no cause for fear.
This is called fearlessness.
divinely sent
"Charity is the ornament for the hand."
"Listening to sacred scriptures is the ornament for the ears."
What other ornaments does a man need
if he had these three? So says a Sanskrit saying.
The ornaments which people wear
today are a source of fear.
But if the ornaments of truth,
charity, and listening to sacred teachings
are worn, there is no cause for fear.
This is called fearlessness.
divinely sent
Human existence is supremely sacred. It is precious, divine and should be lived befittlingly...
Human existence is supremely sacred. It is precious, divine and should be lived befittingly.
The duration of life is under the control of Him who gave life, the Creator. A mistaken idea some people entertain is that they can kill themselves by suicide. So, they plan to punish and destroy the body which is inert of initiative. The mind has to be punished for the despair which overwhelms the will to live is caused by the erratic mind, not the body.
Just think of this for a while. You are in this body in order to realize the God that you really are. This body is the cocoon you have spun round yourselves, by means of impulses and desires. Use it while it lasts to grow wings so that you can escape from it! You came into this world crying, announcing your grief at being thrust into it, grief for having lost hold on God. Having come with grief, decide not to go with it, from here. Get rid of it in this life itself.
divinely sent
The duration of life is under the control of Him who gave life, the Creator. A mistaken idea some people entertain is that they can kill themselves by suicide. So, they plan to punish and destroy the body which is inert of initiative. The mind has to be punished for the despair which overwhelms the will to live is caused by the erratic mind, not the body.
Just think of this for a while. You are in this body in order to realize the God that you really are. This body is the cocoon you have spun round yourselves, by means of impulses and desires. Use it while it lasts to grow wings so that you can escape from it! You came into this world crying, announcing your grief at being thrust into it, grief for having lost hold on God. Having come with grief, decide not to go with it, from here. Get rid of it in this life itself.
divinely sent
In the mortal human being, there is the immortal Divine Spirit...
Man is mortal and the Divine is immortal.
In the mortal human being,
there is the immortal Divine Spirit.
In the field of the heart, there
is a wish-fulfilling tree.
The tree is surrounded by
bushes and briars.
When these are removed,
the tree will become visible.
This wish-fulfilling tree is within each person,
but it is
encompassed by the bad qualities in man.
When these qualities are
eliminated, the celestial tree will be recognised.
This is the spiritual exercise
that each one has to perform.
This is
not the quest for something new.
It is to experience what is yours.
The entire cosmos is within you.
divinely sent
In the mortal human being,
there is the immortal Divine Spirit.
In the field of the heart, there
is a wish-fulfilling tree.
The tree is surrounded by
bushes and briars.
When these are removed,
the tree will become visible.
This wish-fulfilling tree is within each person,
but it is
encompassed by the bad qualities in man.
When these qualities are
eliminated, the celestial tree will be recognised.
This is the spiritual exercise
that each one has to perform.
This is
not the quest for something new.
It is to experience what is yours.
The entire cosmos is within you.
divinely sent
If ego and myness is abandoned, there won't be any war nor terrorism...
Which suffers in the individual?
It is "Myness".
It is the 'myness'and 'ego'
which is the reason for causation.
When this monster ego and myness is negated,
you will remain in everlasting bliss.
There will be no war,
if there is no ego and myness.
There won't be any terrorism
if the ego and myness is abandoned.
The sufferings of the entire humanity
stems from the feeling of 'i' and 'mine'.
The entire gamut of spiritual literature
is written to quell these negative feelings and quality.
Hence we should aim at removing
the two vices from our selves.
The best antedote for ego and myness is Service.
When service is combined with love for divine,
it gets sanctified automatically.
Hence serve with love.
The love to the divine is
translated to service to humanity.
Hence love all and serve all.
It is "Myness".
It is the 'myness'and 'ego'
which is the reason for causation.
When this monster ego and myness is negated,
you will remain in everlasting bliss.
There will be no war,
if there is no ego and myness.
There won't be any terrorism
if the ego and myness is abandoned.
The sufferings of the entire humanity
stems from the feeling of 'i' and 'mine'.
The entire gamut of spiritual literature
is written to quell these negative feelings and quality.
Hence we should aim at removing
the two vices from our selves.
The best antedote for ego and myness is Service.
When service is combined with love for divine,
it gets sanctified automatically.
Hence serve with love.
The love to the divine is
translated to service to humanity.
Hence love all and serve all.
Be humble, do not become proud of your wealth
Be humble,
do not become proud of your wealth
or status or authority or learning or caste.
Dedicate all your physical possessions
and mental skills and intellectual attainments
to the service of the Lord and to the Lord's manifold manifestations.
divinely sent
do not become proud of your wealth
or status or authority or learning or caste.
Dedicate all your physical possessions
and mental skills and intellectual attainments
to the service of the Lord and to the Lord's manifold manifestations.
divinely sent
Understand God by....[part 2]
11. It is impossible not to share My gifts. The one that receives from Me insanely goes to distribute My love amongst all.
12. I do not resent anyone. The moment you turn toward Me…whatever may be your past…I come to receive you.
13. No one can study Me for I am the source of every subject.
14. The self-realized one only experiences a part of My “grandeur” and becomes dumb to the world’s inquisitiveness.
15. I am a part of your smile. I am a part of your tear. I am that in you…that when you try to separate you experience “misery and suffering”.
16. I am your beloved...I am you Master…I am your slave…I am your only friend. Without you I am incomplete…and without Me you are in the dark.
17. I am beyond comparison with any other love. I give Myself to you fully without you asking.
18. Nothing is impossible for Me. I do not do in the parameters of time. My will is instantaneous and requires no distance to travel.
19. Sometimes I enter the mind of someone and speak to you. Sometimes I become a stone to block your way. Sometimes I come as trouble to make you more aware of truth. Sometimes I surprise you with My uncertainty. You can never predict where and how I will appear before you.
20. Be aware O child…be constantly aware…for I have declared Myself to you. It is time that My words penetrate your heart…for each and every soul has come with this truth of Mine and each and every soul will become aware of it…and shall return to where I reside alone with that truth!
divinely sent
12. I do not resent anyone. The moment you turn toward Me…whatever may be your past…I come to receive you.
13. No one can study Me for I am the source of every subject.
14. The self-realized one only experiences a part of My “grandeur” and becomes dumb to the world’s inquisitiveness.
15. I am a part of your smile. I am a part of your tear. I am that in you…that when you try to separate you experience “misery and suffering”.
16. I am your beloved...I am you Master…I am your slave…I am your only friend. Without you I am incomplete…and without Me you are in the dark.
17. I am beyond comparison with any other love. I give Myself to you fully without you asking.
18. Nothing is impossible for Me. I do not do in the parameters of time. My will is instantaneous and requires no distance to travel.
19. Sometimes I enter the mind of someone and speak to you. Sometimes I become a stone to block your way. Sometimes I come as trouble to make you more aware of truth. Sometimes I surprise you with My uncertainty. You can never predict where and how I will appear before you.
20. Be aware O child…be constantly aware…for I have declared Myself to you. It is time that My words penetrate your heart…for each and every soul has come with this truth of Mine and each and every soul will become aware of it…and shall return to where I reside alone with that truth!
divinely sent
Understand God by....[part 1]
Understand Me....
1. It is only with the eyes of the heart that you will see Me.
2. If you wish to experience Me fully and wholly then at this very moment you have to give up in your mind your separate identity.
3. My presence is inseparable from yours. I am, O child with you at every moment.
4. I accept any form of devotion. You can only see Me when you are most sincere in it.
5. I respond as much as you place your faith in Me.
6. The one who binds himself to his desires sees Me at a distance.
7. The one that values My love seldom receives worldly gifts. When you have tasted the Supreme nectar of My love every other gift loses value.
8. I enter that home where My truth is practiced.
9. I am in each one…yet one sees Me only that much as he wishes to see.
10. The pure one will always hear the voice of truth. And the moment he hears he shall speak on My behalf to his fellow brothers and sisters.
to be continued
1. It is only with the eyes of the heart that you will see Me.
2. If you wish to experience Me fully and wholly then at this very moment you have to give up in your mind your separate identity.
3. My presence is inseparable from yours. I am, O child with you at every moment.
4. I accept any form of devotion. You can only see Me when you are most sincere in it.
5. I respond as much as you place your faith in Me.
6. The one who binds himself to his desires sees Me at a distance.
7. The one that values My love seldom receives worldly gifts. When you have tasted the Supreme nectar of My love every other gift loses value.
8. I enter that home where My truth is practiced.
9. I am in each one…yet one sees Me only that much as he wishes to see.
10. The pure one will always hear the voice of truth. And the moment he hears he shall speak on My behalf to his fellow brothers and sisters.
to be continued
Insects teach us many lessons...
Insects teach us many lessons.
See the ant.
How much effort it puts in
gathering food for the entire colony of ants.
They never rest.
With one pointed devotion,
they go about their work.
See the honey bees.
They tread miles to gather
the precious honey and safeguard it.
How the different functions
are shared by many bees.
There lies the spirit of co-operation.
If any intruder comes, he is done with the harmful stings.
But see how the human species
behave in this world.
They never want to toil but
neverthless they want to enjoy
the fruits of others labours.
They exhibit the traits of wolf and cats.
They stealthly steal.
But cats and wolfs are born with these traits.
Man acquired these traits by virtue of his previous births in animal kingdom.
Hence he retains certain animal qualities.
People who are unsteady exhibit the monkey trait.
Likewise many of these traits are not human.
Hence God emphasise on
"Value education and Ceiling on Desires.
Now he often tells about "Educare".
It is the education which cares for the society.
Help the unfortunate brothers with
your resources which are surplus.
Care for them with your skills.
You can atleast educate the poor to some extent.
You can take care of the physically handicapped brothers and the blind.
divinely sent
See the ant.
How much effort it puts in
gathering food for the entire colony of ants.
They never rest.
With one pointed devotion,
they go about their work.
See the honey bees.
They tread miles to gather
the precious honey and safeguard it.
How the different functions
are shared by many bees.
There lies the spirit of co-operation.
If any intruder comes, he is done with the harmful stings.
But see how the human species
behave in this world.
They never want to toil but
neverthless they want to enjoy
the fruits of others labours.
They exhibit the traits of wolf and cats.
They stealthly steal.
But cats and wolfs are born with these traits.
Man acquired these traits by virtue of his previous births in animal kingdom.
Hence he retains certain animal qualities.
People who are unsteady exhibit the monkey trait.
Likewise many of these traits are not human.
Hence God emphasise on
"Value education and Ceiling on Desires.
Now he often tells about "Educare".
It is the education which cares for the society.
Help the unfortunate brothers with
your resources which are surplus.
Care for them with your skills.
You can atleast educate the poor to some extent.
You can take care of the physically handicapped brothers and the blind.
divinely sent
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Spend our time wisely...
“From the time you wake up till you go to bed
You spend your life, irresponsibly, for eking out livelihood
Having forgotten God, and misutilizing your learning
What heights of happiness have you reached?
Do think honestly, O man!”
If a father tries to talk about the son’s smoking habit, he would promptly be asked to shut up. Not stopping at this, the son would pull out a cigarette and smoke right in front of the father. Smoke he may, but is this not an insult to the father who brought him up? Who benefits from the birth of such an ill-mannered son? It is better if such a son without respect for the father should be dead. So you must respect your parents and earn them a good name.
You spend your life, irresponsibly, for eking out livelihood
Having forgotten God, and misutilizing your learning
What heights of happiness have you reached?
Do think honestly, O man!”
If a father tries to talk about the son’s smoking habit, he would promptly be asked to shut up. Not stopping at this, the son would pull out a cigarette and smoke right in front of the father. Smoke he may, but is this not an insult to the father who brought him up? Who benefits from the birth of such an ill-mannered son? It is better if such a son without respect for the father should be dead. So you must respect your parents and earn them a good name.
Spiritual life is not a bed of roses...
Spiritual life is not a bed of roses.
You have to shed the ogre "ego"
and the monster "selfishness" ,
if you want to progress.
Hence God invariably put you
in many trying situations, to watch your reactions.
Only when we are tested, our weak points comes to the fore.
We may think we are sufficiently peaceful.
Then, God creates such situations by
which your emotions will be kindled
and He watches "how you react".
Hence pseudo spiritual aspirants are exposed easily.
Spiritual practiseSahana" is a greatest virtue.
It is fortitude or tolerance without creating
any negative feelings inside our inner consciouness.
Are we really tolerant about the people around us?
Do we accept all situations as god's gift?
or do we start resisting each and every unpleasant situations?
This is the acid test for every one of spiritual sadhaks.
It is not for exposing. It is for our own
assessment of our progress in spirituality.
Keeping quiet outwardly but fuming with anger
inside is no good for our health and psyche.
Hence do useful work or service etc to let out the bad feelings.
divinely sent
You have to shed the ogre "ego"
and the monster "selfishness" ,
if you want to progress.
Hence God invariably put you
in many trying situations, to watch your reactions.
Only when we are tested, our weak points comes to the fore.
We may think we are sufficiently peaceful.
Then, God creates such situations by
which your emotions will be kindled
and He watches "how you react".
Hence pseudo spiritual aspirants are exposed easily.
Spiritual practiseSahana" is a greatest virtue.
It is fortitude or tolerance without creating
any negative feelings inside our inner consciouness.
Are we really tolerant about the people around us?
Do we accept all situations as god's gift?
or do we start resisting each and every unpleasant situations?
This is the acid test for every one of spiritual sadhaks.
It is not for exposing. It is for our own
assessment of our progress in spirituality.
Keeping quiet outwardly but fuming with anger
inside is no good for our health and psyche.
Hence do useful work or service etc to let out the bad feelings.
divinely sent
One must be prepared to sacrifice ur life, even for attaining Divine love, which is permanent, changeless & eternal...
Everything in this world is a worry.
To be born is a worry,to be on the earth is a worry;
world is a cause of worry and death too;
entire childhood is a worry and so is the old age;
life is a worry, failure is a worry;all actions and difficulties cause worry;
even happiness too is a mysterious worry.
If you are able to win the grace of God,
all your worries will be removed.
You may pursue worldly education;
nothing wrong in that.
But you must be prepared to sacrifice your life,
even, for attaining Divine love, which is permanent, changeless, and eternal.
divinely sent
To be born is a worry,to be on the earth is a worry;
world is a cause of worry and death too;
entire childhood is a worry and so is the old age;
life is a worry, failure is a worry;all actions and difficulties cause worry;
even happiness too is a mysterious worry.
If you are able to win the grace of God,
all your worries will be removed.
You may pursue worldly education;
nothing wrong in that.
But you must be prepared to sacrifice your life,
even, for attaining Divine love, which is permanent, changeless, and eternal.
divinely sent
God gives Himself to love easily, hence attain Divinity through love, there is no force greater than love in this world...
Dedicate your love only to God.
There are people in the world who
dedicated their love for different purposes,
for example, for acquiring education,
for acquiring proficiency in various arts, sports, and games,
for the sake of certain individuals, etc.
Could they attain Divinity?
No, No. You must realise the truth
that it is only by constant contemplation of God
with single-minded devotion that one can attain Divinity.
Therefore, dear students!
Realise the truth that God cannot
be attained by any other science,
except the science of love.
God gives Himself to love easily.
Hence, attain Divinity through love.
There is no force greater than love in this world.
divinely sent
There are people in the world who
dedicated their love for different purposes,
for example, for acquiring education,
for acquiring proficiency in various arts, sports, and games,
for the sake of certain individuals, etc.
Could they attain Divinity?
No, No. You must realise the truth
that it is only by constant contemplation of God
with single-minded devotion that one can attain Divinity.
Therefore, dear students!
Realise the truth that God cannot
be attained by any other science,
except the science of love.
God gives Himself to love easily.
Hence, attain Divinity through love.
There is no force greater than love in this world.
divinely sent
When u pile up things in ur houses, u only promote darkness & dust, so also, do not collect & store too many materials in ur mind, travel light...
When you pile up things in your apartments,
you only promote darkness and dust;
so also, do not collect and store too many materials in your mind.
Travel light. Have just enough to sustain life and maintain health.
divinely sent
you only promote darkness and dust;
so also, do not collect and store too many materials in your mind.
Travel light. Have just enough to sustain life and maintain health.
divinely sent
Is this Faith? for the worrier, his thoughts are his 'treasures', for the man of faith his 'inner peace' is his breath of life..
Faith is complete concentration on the Self.
The one that likes to hop from one distracting
gain to another often finds it difficult to follow “faith”.
The weak minded often find faith “too far”
and desire “nearer and dearer” to reach.
We often ask God for what we want and
then we place our faith in our demand!
Is that faith?
We often worry how much faith
in God will demand from us.
And then while we worry we pray
that our “faith” should be rewarded.
The truth within you will lead the way,
but first the mind must not find “easier”
ways to reach the truth.
If you are living without faith
in God you are living in denial of your true Self.
In that way of life even if you are “rich”
in world ways and appear to have all comforts to another…
in reality you are as poor as a beggar who has no peace only
because he has denied his own inner strength.
Faith is not a “gift” you give to God…
in fact it is a reward one receives from within
when one has practiced with sincerity many
a spiritual disciplines.
For the worrier, his thoughts are his “treasure”…
for the man of faith his “inner peace” is his breath of life.
Faith is not a desire that you can taste while you chase.
In fact, it is when you give up the taste for the chase that faith remains.
Faith is the determination that makes one’s mind remain awake to truth.
A mind that remains awake only to truth itself becomes the very source of faith.
divinely sent
The one that likes to hop from one distracting
gain to another often finds it difficult to follow “faith”.
The weak minded often find faith “too far”
and desire “nearer and dearer” to reach.
We often ask God for what we want and
then we place our faith in our demand!
Is that faith?
We often worry how much faith
in God will demand from us.
And then while we worry we pray
that our “faith” should be rewarded.
The truth within you will lead the way,
but first the mind must not find “easier”
ways to reach the truth.
If you are living without faith
in God you are living in denial of your true Self.
In that way of life even if you are “rich”
in world ways and appear to have all comforts to another…
in reality you are as poor as a beggar who has no peace only
because he has denied his own inner strength.
Faith is not a “gift” you give to God…
in fact it is a reward one receives from within
when one has practiced with sincerity many
a spiritual disciplines.
For the worrier, his thoughts are his “treasure”…
for the man of faith his “inner peace” is his breath of life.
Faith is not a desire that you can taste while you chase.
In fact, it is when you give up the taste for the chase that faith remains.
Faith is the determination that makes one’s mind remain awake to truth.
A mind that remains awake only to truth itself becomes the very source of faith.
divinely sent
Whatever you do, deem it as God's work..
Whatever you do, deem it as God's work.
This can be applied to every ordinary act in daily life,
whether it is sweeping the floor or cutting vegetables.
Every one of these acts can be turned
into a spiritual exercise by the spirit in which you do it.
To perform every act as an offering
to the Divine is true devotion.
The world today is suffering
from disorder and violence because
people have lost faith in the Self.
They are fostering attachment
to the body and ignoring the Spirit.
Man should not follow the senses
which are wayward, the body which is perishable,
or the mind which is fickle.
He must follow the conscience,
which tells him what is right or wrong.
divinely sent
This can be applied to every ordinary act in daily life,
whether it is sweeping the floor or cutting vegetables.
Every one of these acts can be turned
into a spiritual exercise by the spirit in which you do it.
To perform every act as an offering
to the Divine is true devotion.
The world today is suffering
from disorder and violence because
people have lost faith in the Self.
They are fostering attachment
to the body and ignoring the Spirit.
Man should not follow the senses
which are wayward, the body which is perishable,
or the mind which is fickle.
He must follow the conscience,
which tells him what is right or wrong.
divinely sent
One must remember God to attain God's Glory to reach Him...
The fate of man after death is moulded
by the thought that predominates at the moment of death.
The thought is the foundation on which the next birth is built.
Whoever at that time remembers
God attains God's Glory,
reaches God, in fact.
So each action of man,
every striving of his,
every spiritual discipline,
should be aimed at sanctifying
that fateful moment;
the years of life must be devoted
to the discipline that will bring up
at that moment the thought of the Overself.
divinely sent
by the thought that predominates at the moment of death.
The thought is the foundation on which the next birth is built.
Whoever at that time remembers
God attains God's Glory,
reaches God, in fact.
So each action of man,
every striving of his,
every spiritual discipline,
should be aimed at sanctifying
that fateful moment;
the years of life must be devoted
to the discipline that will bring up
at that moment the thought of the Overself.
divinely sent
Detachment and love are the 2 requisites to extinguish the fires of anger, fear, hatred, revenge, fear and delusions...
From time to time, the Divine power assumes numerous forms.
In devotees, it shines as the fire of wisdom.
In non-devotees, it burns as the fire of anger
or the fire of desire. Man today has this fire (of anger, etc)
in his heart and has become a victim of fear and delusions.
All other types of fire subside in due course of time,
but these fires (of anger, etc.) never completely cease.
They may flare up at any moment.
How, then, are these fires to be extinguished once for all?
Ddetachment and love are the
two requisites to extinguish these fires.
It is only through love that man can acquire peace.
divinely sent
In devotees, it shines as the fire of wisdom.
In non-devotees, it burns as the fire of anger
or the fire of desire. Man today has this fire (of anger, etc)
in his heart and has become a victim of fear and delusions.
All other types of fire subside in due course of time,
but these fires (of anger, etc.) never completely cease.
They may flare up at any moment.
How, then, are these fires to be extinguished once for all?
Ddetachment and love are the
two requisites to extinguish these fires.
It is only through love that man can acquire peace.
divinely sent
God first grant our desires, then makes us realise by our own understanding, that only god can take us across the misserable mundane existence..
We, children of God,
sitting in the lap of mother,
cry hoarsely for worldly things.
God, out of compassion for the little children,
pecifies us, often conceading our worldly desires to an extent.
She makes us understand the futility of worldly accumulations.
She makes us realise, that the world
is evanescent and the paltry pleasures,
we derive through the senses do not last.
Hence, first granting our desires,
she makes us to realise by our own
understanding, that only God can take
us across the miserable mundane existence.
Hence God tells us, ' I grant you what you desire from Me, so that you will desire for what I wanted to grant to you. Hence no force is applied on the children. You are allowed to enjoy the paltry pleasures until you realise that there is no ananda in the worldly goods. Then you start hankering for God.
sitting in the lap of mother,
cry hoarsely for worldly things.
God, out of compassion for the little children,
pecifies us, often conceading our worldly desires to an extent.
She makes us understand the futility of worldly accumulations.
She makes us realise, that the world
is evanescent and the paltry pleasures,
we derive through the senses do not last.
Hence, first granting our desires,
she makes us to realise by our own
understanding, that only God can take
us across the miserable mundane existence.
Hence God tells us, ' I grant you what you desire from Me, so that you will desire for what I wanted to grant to you. Hence no force is applied on the children. You are allowed to enjoy the paltry pleasures until you realise that there is no ananda in the worldly goods. Then you start hankering for God.
God's name when it is drunk makes u strong & steady, it is sweet & sustaning too..
God's name when it is drunk
makes you strong and steady,
it is sweet and sustaining.
You call on the Lord by any name,
for, all names are His. Select the name
and form that appeals to you most.
divinely sent
makes you strong and steady,
it is sweet and sustaining.
You call on the Lord by any name,
for, all names are His. Select the name
and form that appeals to you most.
divinely sent
Worry is a habit. To break it you must reject its course... and recognize its danger...
Stop worrying.... one must reject its course...
1. First one thinks…then he gets in a habit to think too much…then it becomes his nature to think…then he plans his tasks through the stress of worry…only worry begins to finish his daily tasks…in the end he is consumed by worry. All that becomes real to him is what he has thought…what he is thinking and what he is about to think!
2. There is no day you absolutely need to worry. But there is an absolute need for you to be happy every single moment.
3. How foolish is that man who keeps himself content in all the suppositions that may happen in his life. While he keeps his whole present in fears he plans his tomorrow to be free of them.
4. Do not worry! Not because you will receive whatever you want…you have to keep the strength to face reality and the will of God!
5. WE often go before God…say that we surrender to Him and then worry if He heard our prayer!
6. As you learn to love without a motive…free of all dependence…you will realize that the thoughts of gain will dwindle…fear of doership will decrease and contentment will reign the state of mind.
7. Does worry make the world move faster? It is hard O child to move back when you have reached your dream and for it you have left the reality behind!
8. Worry is the movement of time in circles…in the wheel of desires. Come out of it…right now…there is so much more for you to do!
9. Worry is a habit. To break it you must reject its course.
1. First one thinks…then he gets in a habit to think too much…then it becomes his nature to think…then he plans his tasks through the stress of worry…only worry begins to finish his daily tasks…in the end he is consumed by worry. All that becomes real to him is what he has thought…what he is thinking and what he is about to think!
2. There is no day you absolutely need to worry. But there is an absolute need for you to be happy every single moment.
3. How foolish is that man who keeps himself content in all the suppositions that may happen in his life. While he keeps his whole present in fears he plans his tomorrow to be free of them.
4. Do not worry! Not because you will receive whatever you want…you have to keep the strength to face reality and the will of God!
5. WE often go before God…say that we surrender to Him and then worry if He heard our prayer!
6. As you learn to love without a motive…free of all dependence…you will realize that the thoughts of gain will dwindle…fear of doership will decrease and contentment will reign the state of mind.
7. Does worry make the world move faster? It is hard O child to move back when you have reached your dream and for it you have left the reality behind!
8. Worry is the movement of time in circles…in the wheel of desires. Come out of it…right now…there is so much more for you to do!
9. Worry is a habit. To break it you must reject its course.
A slave of the mind cannot achieve happiness and peace...
"May we enjoy peace for the body."
[a] It means that the body should not get heated by feelings of jealousy, hatred, attachments and the like. Whatever news you receive about any event, you should receive it with calmness and serenity...
[b] You should not get worked up when someone says something about you which is not true....
[c] To have peace of the soul, this peace has to be realized through love. This world has to be brought back on to the rails and it is love and peace alone which can achieve this. Fill your thoughts, actions, emotions with love, truth and peace. There may be people who may hate us but love them too.
divinely sent
[a] It means that the body should not get heated by feelings of jealousy, hatred, attachments and the like. Whatever news you receive about any event, you should receive it with calmness and serenity...
[b] You should not get worked up when someone says something about you which is not true....
[c] To have peace of the soul, this peace has to be realized through love. This world has to be brought back on to the rails and it is love and peace alone which can achieve this. Fill your thoughts, actions, emotions with love, truth and peace. There may be people who may hate us but love them too.
divinely sent
Man must be filled with gratitude to be given the chance to see God in everything that he saw, touched, smelled & tasted...
Man should not die like a cat or a dog.
He should leave the world better and happier
than when he came into it.
He must get away, full of gratitude
for the chance given to him to see
God in everything that he saw, touched, smelled and tasted.
He must remember the Lord with his last breath.
To get that recollection, a lifetime of practice is needed.
When you are at the steering wheel,
you may be hearing the talk going on
inside the car and even join in it;
you may be doing many things,
but your attention will always be on the road ahead.
When the mother returns from
the well with three pots one over the other on her head,
talking to her companions, her mind is concentrated on
the baby in the cradle which she has left at home.
So too, when you are engaged
in the various duties and obligations of the world,
never allow your attention to stray away from God, the Goal.
Be always attentive to the signs of His Glory
and His Mercy and His Omnipresence.
Cultivate the habit of remembering the Lord
with every breath; then only can you remember Him with the last breath.
divinely sent
He should leave the world better and happier
than when he came into it.
He must get away, full of gratitude
for the chance given to him to see
God in everything that he saw, touched, smelled and tasted.
He must remember the Lord with his last breath.
To get that recollection, a lifetime of practice is needed.
When you are at the steering wheel,
you may be hearing the talk going on
inside the car and even join in it;
you may be doing many things,
but your attention will always be on the road ahead.
When the mother returns from
the well with three pots one over the other on her head,
talking to her companions, her mind is concentrated on
the baby in the cradle which she has left at home.
So too, when you are engaged
in the various duties and obligations of the world,
never allow your attention to stray away from God, the Goal.
Be always attentive to the signs of His Glory
and His Mercy and His Omnipresence.
Cultivate the habit of remembering the Lord
with every breath; then only can you remember Him with the last breath.
divinely sent
The precious years between birth and death are wasted in worthless acquisitions and meaningless achievements..
Each one has come embodied into this world of joy and grief, of growth and decay in order to discover the way home, to get back to the source from which he has strayed into this wilderness. This has to be done within the allotted time of our life span. But, man is attracted by the phantom lights and he ignores the call of destiny. His senses lead him on and on, deeper and deeper into the maze until he dies with a moan instead of with a smile. The precious years between birth and death are wasted in worthless acquisitions and meaningless achievements.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
You cannot deceive the Lord by insincerity..
You cannot deceive the Lord by insincerity. Unless you correct yourself by detachment and sacrifice, you cannot reach God. Give up egoism, then only you can see Him.
divinely sent
divinely sent
Be happy, be light-hearted!- a spiritual advice.. [part 2]
6. Do not get attached to the one type of work. The course eventually will change. Be prepared to do whatever it takes to keep you calm and peaceful.
7. The results of work are not in what you gain from it, but what you become during its course. Even if the work has given you plentiful worldly gains but has taken you away from you the ability to be light hearted then that work has no worth.
8. You feel dejected easily when work takes its own turns. That dejection comes as a result of what you thought that work might be. Wait! Strengthen your self with values. Mould your character with righteousness. Place your fears at the feet of God and carry with you His Grace. Then you will laugh at your own dejection. The dejection was never the fear of work but it was you fearing yourself and taking that fearful self to face work.
Be happy! Be light hearted! With tension you not only bind yourself but also the attitude with which you can see and handle work.
divinely sent
7. The results of work are not in what you gain from it, but what you become during its course. Even if the work has given you plentiful worldly gains but has taken you away from you the ability to be light hearted then that work has no worth.
8. You feel dejected easily when work takes its own turns. That dejection comes as a result of what you thought that work might be. Wait! Strengthen your self with values. Mould your character with righteousness. Place your fears at the feet of God and carry with you His Grace. Then you will laugh at your own dejection. The dejection was never the fear of work but it was you fearing yourself and taking that fearful self to face work.
Be happy! Be light hearted! With tension you not only bind yourself but also the attitude with which you can see and handle work.
divinely sent
Be happy, be light-hearted!
1. Give greater thought to the attitude you do your work with. Do not pick out the fruits from a tree that you have not even planted yet.
2. Be careful of the frame of mind you conduct yourself with. Be carefree of the effort of what the work entitles and its results.
3. Yes! We all have to plan. But what? We have to prepare ourselves to be strong during the course of the work. When we make plans to make our work easy we have in its course weakened our minds even before the onset of the work.
4. We plan not because it makes the work easy. We plan because it makes us less fearful of our own fears that come and go before the work even begins.
5. We must not worry of what may happen. If that happens we have to think what we must do so that the unnecessary flow of thoughts is uprooted. Think positive at that time. Think that the One that gave you your breath will also provide the best ways for you to survive.
to be continued
2. Be careful of the frame of mind you conduct yourself with. Be carefree of the effort of what the work entitles and its results.
3. Yes! We all have to plan. But what? We have to prepare ourselves to be strong during the course of the work. When we make plans to make our work easy we have in its course weakened our minds even before the onset of the work.
4. We plan not because it makes the work easy. We plan because it makes us less fearful of our own fears that come and go before the work even begins.
5. We must not worry of what may happen. If that happens we have to think what we must do so that the unnecessary flow of thoughts is uprooted. Think positive at that time. Think that the One that gave you your breath will also provide the best ways for you to survive.
to be continued
There is body, mind & soul; physical body, subtile mind & causal body. On death the physical & subtle bodies disintegrate, but the causal bodyremains
The size of the subtle body which goes out of the person after death is said to be of the size of a thumb.
There is body, mind and soul; physical body, subtle mind and causal body.
On death the physical and subtle bodies disintegrate, but the causal body remains.
The food sheath, life sheath and mind sheath are impermanent.
The intelligence sheath and bliss sheath remain. ...Only the body dies.
Life and all the senses merge into mind.
Mind merges into wisdom. Wisdom merges into bliss, into God.
Human beings are born in the world in which they live until they die.
The body that is dead cannot be contacted again, at any time, or through any place.
But even after death, one can be contacted either of two ways---
the noble deed one has done while alive or the ignoble acts one has inflicted during life.
Rama has become immortal as the embodiment of righteousness;
Ravana has secured a place in memory as a symbol of demonic wickedness.
Becoming immortal does not imply that one can avoid death and continue living in the physical body for all time. It only means that the individual's name and fame will shine in the memories of people when one's character and achievements are noble and beneficial.
When your deeds are holy, coming generations will emulate them
and offer gratitude for the example. But if they are harmful, even your contemporaries will condemn you and wish that you were never born.
divinely sent
There is body, mind and soul; physical body, subtle mind and causal body.
On death the physical and subtle bodies disintegrate, but the causal body remains.
The food sheath, life sheath and mind sheath are impermanent.
The intelligence sheath and bliss sheath remain. ...Only the body dies.
Life and all the senses merge into mind.
Mind merges into wisdom. Wisdom merges into bliss, into God.
Human beings are born in the world in which they live until they die.
The body that is dead cannot be contacted again, at any time, or through any place.
But even after death, one can be contacted either of two ways---
the noble deed one has done while alive or the ignoble acts one has inflicted during life.
Rama has become immortal as the embodiment of righteousness;
Ravana has secured a place in memory as a symbol of demonic wickedness.
Becoming immortal does not imply that one can avoid death and continue living in the physical body for all time. It only means that the individual's name and fame will shine in the memories of people when one's character and achievements are noble and beneficial.
When your deeds are holy, coming generations will emulate them
and offer gratitude for the example. But if they are harmful, even your contemporaries will condemn you and wish that you were never born.
divinely sent
Awareness confers Grace, Glory, Majesty, Might and Splendour..
Give away 'Love' to all;
give up the ego; display heroism in service;
with compassion to fellowmen, feel your intimate kinship with them.
Visualize the spirit that illumines all;
derive unending Bliss therefrom.
All who come Embodied are Avatars,
that is to say, advents of the Divine, manifestations of God.
What, then, is the special feature of Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Christ?
Why do you celebrate their birthdays with such reverential enthusiasm?
The specialty is this: they are aware;
you are unaware of the Aathma which is the Truth.
Awareness confers Grace, Glory, Majesty, Might, and Splendour.
Awareness confers liberation from bounds, from time, space and causation; from sleep, dream and wakefulness. For you, sleep is fiction; dream is fantasy and wakefulness a many-directional storm.
Avatars are ever alert, aware, and alight.
divinely sent
give up the ego; display heroism in service;
with compassion to fellowmen, feel your intimate kinship with them.
Visualize the spirit that illumines all;
derive unending Bliss therefrom.
All who come Embodied are Avatars,
that is to say, advents of the Divine, manifestations of God.
What, then, is the special feature of Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Christ?
Why do you celebrate their birthdays with such reverential enthusiasm?
The specialty is this: they are aware;
you are unaware of the Aathma which is the Truth.
Awareness confers Grace, Glory, Majesty, Might, and Splendour.
Awareness confers liberation from bounds, from time, space and causation; from sleep, dream and wakefulness. For you, sleep is fiction; dream is fantasy and wakefulness a many-directional storm.
Avatars are ever alert, aware, and alight.
divinely sent
All of us have the spiritual power that is present everywhere stored in our body & passes through thin wires or nerves & illumines & directs activity.
Electricity is found everywhere in nature,
but it can be tapped and put to use only
through certain contrivances designed by man.
The spiritual power that is present
everywhere is stored in the body and
passes through the thin wires or nerves
and illumines and directs activity.
These activities have to be oriented towards spiritual bliss
and not attachment to temporary pleasures.
The life principle that flows as intelligence
through every cell and nerve is also a reflection of the Soul.
divinely sent
but it can be tapped and put to use only
through certain contrivances designed by man.
The spiritual power that is present
everywhere is stored in the body and
passes through the thin wires or nerves
and illumines and directs activity.
These activities have to be oriented towards spiritual bliss
and not attachment to temporary pleasures.
The life principle that flows as intelligence
through every cell and nerve is also a reflection of the Soul.
divinely sent
Money is the root cause of all misunderstandings and factions... Keep it in the background, give it the least importance, have love, humility...
Money is the root cause of all misunderstandings and factions. Keep it in the background; give it the least importance. Have love, humility, detachment and service as your funds.
To hate someone, you have to kill the love within you, you have to hate your Self before u can direct it towards anyone else...
“Never harbor hatred toward anyone.
To hate someone you have to kill the love within you.
You have to hate your Self before you direct it toward anyone else.”
“If we are to meet and discuss all of other’s faults,
then tell me where would we have the time to correct our own?
And what do we do by pointing it out?
We are ourselves at fault from that very moment!”
“Whenever someone misunderstands you,
understand them even more…then forget and forgive
the misunderstanding.
Even if the other holds onto it…you O child will be free!”
“In times of trouble you must remember God’s strength…
in times of happiness you must remember God’s generosity.”
“You can speak to God your heart at every moment.
If you empty the content of your mind upon His feet
you will avert the danger of unnecessary frustration and anger.”
“You often argue that you are correct.
But then if you are correct what is the need to argue?”
“The one who truly experiences truth seldom speaks of it.
He knows each one is that truth and their awareness
to it will be inevitable at some point.”
“How long are we going to ask for more time to change?
Instead make the time for the change"
“Instead of fear questioning truth let fear question itself.
Then only the fear will be uprooted.”
“God is silent in goodness.
Deriving strength from that our work should begin…
from this very moment on.
Let us be silent within.
Let Him do the work.”
“God is always with you.
God is always speaking to you.
God is always showering His Grace upon you.
The moment you believe this as your very breath,
you will experience all of it instantaneously.”
divinely sent
To hate someone you have to kill the love within you.
You have to hate your Self before you direct it toward anyone else.”
“If we are to meet and discuss all of other’s faults,
then tell me where would we have the time to correct our own?
And what do we do by pointing it out?
We are ourselves at fault from that very moment!”
“Whenever someone misunderstands you,
understand them even more…then forget and forgive
the misunderstanding.
Even if the other holds onto it…you O child will be free!”
“In times of trouble you must remember God’s strength…
in times of happiness you must remember God’s generosity.”
“You can speak to God your heart at every moment.
If you empty the content of your mind upon His feet
you will avert the danger of unnecessary frustration and anger.”
“You often argue that you are correct.
But then if you are correct what is the need to argue?”
“The one who truly experiences truth seldom speaks of it.
He knows each one is that truth and their awareness
to it will be inevitable at some point.”
“How long are we going to ask for more time to change?
Instead make the time for the change"
“Instead of fear questioning truth let fear question itself.
Then only the fear will be uprooted.”
“God is silent in goodness.
Deriving strength from that our work should begin…
from this very moment on.
Let us be silent within.
Let Him do the work.”
“God is always with you.
God is always speaking to you.
God is always showering His Grace upon you.
The moment you believe this as your very breath,
you will experience all of it instantaneously.”
divinely sent
Human life is not being depleted even though millions die & in addition,, there is a contant transition from humanity to the Divine...
Human life is not being depleted
even though millions die and, in addition,
there is a constant transition from humanity to the Divine.
Instead of depletion, the human population
is growing, and this new supply comes from the rock,
the insect, the animal.
Even science testifies that the rock
decomposes and becomes the tree;
the vegetation is eaten and becomes the animal;
the animal in its various aspects is consumed and becomes the human.
It is a constant process of passing from one grade to another.
The human birth is the final birth and, dependent on the virtue of life,
it ends in the Divine or is reborn again.
divinely sent
even though millions die and, in addition,
there is a constant transition from humanity to the Divine.
Instead of depletion, the human population
is growing, and this new supply comes from the rock,
the insect, the animal.
Even science testifies that the rock
decomposes and becomes the tree;
the vegetation is eaten and becomes the animal;
the animal in its various aspects is consumed and becomes the human.
It is a constant process of passing from one grade to another.
The human birth is the final birth and, dependent on the virtue of life,
it ends in the Divine or is reborn again.
divinely sent
The sun derives its energy & effulgence from the same cosmic source that accounts for the power of the human mind & body.........
The sun derives its energy
and effulgence from the same cosmic source
that accounts for the power of the human mind and body.
There is no greater power than this.
This boundless power is being recognised
and exercised by each according
to the level of his development.
Since man has the ability to
manifest the latent divinity in himself,
he is described as a manifestation of God.
Humanness consists in manifestation
of what is hidden and invisible to the eye.
divinely sent
and effulgence from the same cosmic source
that accounts for the power of the human mind and body.
There is no greater power than this.
This boundless power is being recognised
and exercised by each according
to the level of his development.
Since man has the ability to
manifest the latent divinity in himself,
he is described as a manifestation of God.
Humanness consists in manifestation
of what is hidden and invisible to the eye.
divinely sent
One who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction is intelligent among men..
When a man dwells on the objects of sense,
he creates an attraction for them; attraction
develops into desire, and desire breeds anger."
"The self-controlled soul,
who moves amongst sense objects,
free from either attachment or repulsion, he wins eternal Peace."
"Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is."
"One who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is intelligent among men."
"All created beings are unmanifest in their beginning, manifest in their interim state, and unmanifest again when they are annihilated. So what need is there for lamentation? "
divinely sent
he creates an attraction for them; attraction
develops into desire, and desire breeds anger."
"The self-controlled soul,
who moves amongst sense objects,
free from either attachment or repulsion, he wins eternal Peace."
"Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is."
"One who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is intelligent among men."
"All created beings are unmanifest in their beginning, manifest in their interim state, and unmanifest again when they are annihilated. So what need is there for lamentation? "
divinely sent
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