Have faith in your culture,
which emphasizes the path
of self-control and discipline.
Do not be led away by the
tinsel attractions of foreign cultures.
Respect the culture of your land
and bring honor to the land of your birth.
Also keep to your own [Way of Higher Truth]
and the code of rules that regulate life or the stage you have reached.
divinely sent
We have a life span, we too have a spiritual span. We are mortal, yet we are also immortal, our soul, our spirit. Who are you? Why are you here? Where are you going? Can you understand our immortal spirit that is encased inside a mortal body? Can you accept that I am you and you are me? No matter what name you all call yourselves, we all call ourselves "I"... That "I" is the gift of the Divine, we are all a spark of the Divine!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Do not plan, do not worry, whatever that is supposed to happen will come to you. If you are immersed in being devoted to God, nothing will touch u...
God says so....
“I am always devoted to My devotee. I am pleased most often when one loves Me spontaneously without its awareness.”
“I will answer you…guide you…turn and transform you. I am the voice of your soul.”
“I grace you with devotion when you turn away from your ‘artificial ways’ and seek the way from your fears to truth.”
“Whatever needs to come to you will come timely. I rescue you from all your difficulties by simply changing your way of thinking.”
“The more you experience your love for Me…the more you will be free of the unnecessary fears.”
“You must believe that your devotion for God is nothing but your devotion to your ‘Self’.”
“Do not plan…do not worry. Whatever that is supposed to happen will come to you. If you are immersed in being devoted to Me nothing will touch you…nothing will awaken you from the Glory of your devotion. Your love for Me must not swing from time to time. That will lead to restlessness. Restlessness is the first sign of the suffering to come. Do not think…even if things are going your way or the other way. Just face them…what can you receive from both? Nothing! Remain steadfast in the effort of remaining calm and balanced. Remember Me always. That practice will free you from chasing all else.”
divinely sent
“I am always devoted to My devotee. I am pleased most often when one loves Me spontaneously without its awareness.”
“I will answer you…guide you…turn and transform you. I am the voice of your soul.”
“I grace you with devotion when you turn away from your ‘artificial ways’ and seek the way from your fears to truth.”
“Whatever needs to come to you will come timely. I rescue you from all your difficulties by simply changing your way of thinking.”
“The more you experience your love for Me…the more you will be free of the unnecessary fears.”
“You must believe that your devotion for God is nothing but your devotion to your ‘Self’.”
“Do not plan…do not worry. Whatever that is supposed to happen will come to you. If you are immersed in being devoted to Me nothing will touch you…nothing will awaken you from the Glory of your devotion. Your love for Me must not swing from time to time. That will lead to restlessness. Restlessness is the first sign of the suffering to come. Do not think…even if things are going your way or the other way. Just face them…what can you receive from both? Nothing! Remain steadfast in the effort of remaining calm and balanced. Remember Me always. That practice will free you from chasing all else.”
divinely sent
The earlier we repay this debt, the sooner we shall realize Divinity..
We owe a debt of gratitude to the Divine
which has not only endowed us with this
precious human body but which also sustains it.
We shall be able to enjoy these gifts
of the Divine only if we discharge this debt to the Divine.
How is this to be done?
It is by rendering service to
other bodies saturated with the same Divine,
by doing righteous deeds and consecrating
all actions in the service of society.
The debt to the Divine has to be discharged
in full in this life itself or during many future lives.
The earlier we repay this debt, the sooner we shall realize Divinity.
divinely sent
which has not only endowed us with this
precious human body but which also sustains it.
We shall be able to enjoy these gifts
of the Divine only if we discharge this debt to the Divine.
How is this to be done?
It is by rendering service to
other bodies saturated with the same Divine,
by doing righteous deeds and consecrating
all actions in the service of society.
The debt to the Divine has to be discharged
in full in this life itself or during many future lives.
The earlier we repay this debt, the sooner we shall realize Divinity.
divinely sent
Death is the dress of life. at the time of death, we cast off one dress and don another...
Arjuna had a doubt.
"It may be proper to compare the bodies of people who are eighty, or ninety or hundred years old to disposable garments. How is it proper to compare the bodies of those who are five or ten years old to clothes which have served their purpose?
God answered Arjuna, "You do not have the authority to decide which is old and which is new. Such discrimination has not yet developed in you."
Here is one small illustration.
Ten years ago you purchased a piece of cloth, kept it somewhere and forgot about it. When you happen to open the almirah now, that cloth attracts your attention. At once you take it to a tailor and have a coat made out of it. When you put on this new coat, you feel happy that you were donning it. But when you bent forward, the coat gets torn. You feel sorry that your new coat is torn. Though the coat is new, the cloth is of old stock.
Likewise, the bodies of young persons may appear as new and fresh, but may be old stock belonging to some previous births. Just as the garment is the cloak for the body, the body is the vesture of the spirit.
God thus compared the body to a garment which gets soiled and worn-out, drops off and is reduced to ashes.
"Death is the dress of life." At the time of death, we cast off one dress and don another.
No one laments when he is told that fire is hot or ice is cold. It is quite a natural phenomenon.
Similarly, it is natural for the body that is born, to die.
divinely sent
"It may be proper to compare the bodies of people who are eighty, or ninety or hundred years old to disposable garments. How is it proper to compare the bodies of those who are five or ten years old to clothes which have served their purpose?
God answered Arjuna, "You do not have the authority to decide which is old and which is new. Such discrimination has not yet developed in you."
Here is one small illustration.
Ten years ago you purchased a piece of cloth, kept it somewhere and forgot about it. When you happen to open the almirah now, that cloth attracts your attention. At once you take it to a tailor and have a coat made out of it. When you put on this new coat, you feel happy that you were donning it. But when you bent forward, the coat gets torn. You feel sorry that your new coat is torn. Though the coat is new, the cloth is of old stock.
Likewise, the bodies of young persons may appear as new and fresh, but may be old stock belonging to some previous births. Just as the garment is the cloak for the body, the body is the vesture of the spirit.
God thus compared the body to a garment which gets soiled and worn-out, drops off and is reduced to ashes.
"Death is the dress of life." At the time of death, we cast off one dress and don another.
No one laments when he is told that fire is hot or ice is cold. It is quite a natural phenomenon.
Similarly, it is natural for the body that is born, to die.
divinely sent
Spirituality means destroying the animal nature in man and awakening him to his Divine consciousness..
People imagine that spirituality
means meditating on God,
bathing in sacred waters and
visiting holy shrines, but this is
not the correct meaning of spirituality.
Spirituality means destroying
the animal nature in man and
awakening him to his divine consciousness.
Spirituality implies recognizing
that one’s manifold capacities emanate
from the Spirit and not from the mind,
then utilizing them for achieving spiritual strength.
It means acknowledging that all powers come from the Divine.
divinely sent
means meditating on God,
bathing in sacred waters and
visiting holy shrines, but this is
not the correct meaning of spirituality.
Spirituality means destroying
the animal nature in man and
awakening him to his divine consciousness.
Spirituality implies recognizing
that one’s manifold capacities emanate
from the Spirit and not from the mind,
then utilizing them for achieving spiritual strength.
It means acknowledging that all powers come from the Divine.
divinely sent
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Real meditation is when the feeling that one meditates ceases....cos the process of meditation & the one who meditates colaese into one..
It is told that real meditation
is when the feeling that one meditates ceases.
The object of meditation,
the process of meditation and
the one who meditates colaese into one.
When a spider weaves a web,
it uses its saliva and the threads form
from its mouth and it weaves beautiful
and symmetrical webs without any instruments or tools.
When it decides to remove it,
it swallows the threads with its mouth.
Now, the spider, the web,
the process mingled and
we find only the spider.
Likewise, the Self creates the Universe from it,
plays with it for some time and anhilates it.
Hence all this created Universe is illusion...
divinely sent
is when the feeling that one meditates ceases.
The object of meditation,
the process of meditation and
the one who meditates colaese into one.
When a spider weaves a web,
it uses its saliva and the threads form
from its mouth and it weaves beautiful
and symmetrical webs without any instruments or tools.
When it decides to remove it,
it swallows the threads with its mouth.
Now, the spider, the web,
the process mingled and
we find only the spider.
Likewise, the Self creates the Universe from it,
plays with it for some time and anhilates it.
Hence all this created Universe is illusion...
divinely sent
The greatest sin man commits is to forget his Divinity..
The greatest sin man commits
is to forget his Divinity.
Failing to recognise his true nature,
he considers himself as a separate individual
and fills his mind with desire and hatred.
We should not look upon human existence
as something pitiful or weak and powerless.
Man is the embodiment of the Divine; he is 'Being-Awareness- Bliss'.
The Divine in him is always radiating light and bliss.
However, because of the veil of bad thoughts that
covers his mind, he is unable to experience this bliss.
divinely sent
is to forget his Divinity.
Failing to recognise his true nature,
he considers himself as a separate individual
and fills his mind with desire and hatred.
We should not look upon human existence
as something pitiful or weak and powerless.
Man is the embodiment of the Divine; he is 'Being-Awareness- Bliss'.
The Divine in him is always radiating light and bliss.
However, because of the veil of bad thoughts that
covers his mind, he is unable to experience this bliss.
divinely sent
Our greatest responsibility in life is to keep our own minds in continuous check... & conduct it with selflessness...
Our greatest responsibility in life is
to keep our own minds in continuous check.
If that is done then all your responsibilities
will be conducted with selflessness.
Then a selfless task that is conducted
in the absence of fear is no more a responsibility but a “simple joy”.
We are all so fearful of doing
our own duty in the right way…at the right time…
to the right person…with the right attitude…
with the right effort…with the right gains.
Mixed in all these fears
we may conduct the task physically…but not with the right love!
divinely sent
to keep our own minds in continuous check.
If that is done then all your responsibilities
will be conducted with selflessness.
Then a selfless task that is conducted
in the absence of fear is no more a responsibility but a “simple joy”.
We are all so fearful of doing
our own duty in the right way…at the right time…
to the right person…with the right attitude…
with the right effort…with the right gains.
Mixed in all these fears
we may conduct the task physically…but not with the right love!
divinely sent
The tree might appear wilted, but it will bloom & bear fruits provided the sap of repentance is still running...
The tree might appear to be dry;
but, it will bloom, it will bear fruit; do not despair.
God shall make it sprout, provided the sap
of repentance is still running.
Come just one step forward, God shall take a hundred towards you.
Shed just one tear, God shall wipe a hundred from your eyes.
divinely sent
but, it will bloom, it will bear fruit; do not despair.
God shall make it sprout, provided the sap
of repentance is still running.
Come just one step forward, God shall take a hundred towards you.
Shed just one tear, God shall wipe a hundred from your eyes.
divinely sent
Man's primary duty is to uphold the human values of truth, righteousness, peace and love..
Man's primary duty is to uphold the human values of truth, righteousness, peace and love.
Fill your thoughts, speech and actions with love, truth, peace and engage yourselves in service actions..
The world has to be brought back to the rails.
Only love and peace can achieve this.
Fill your thoughts, speech and actions with love,
truth and peace and engage yourselves in service actions.
We aspire for peace and comfort all the time,
but where can we find it?
Is it to be found in the material world around us?
Experience shows that the peace or
happiness got from external objects is not enduing.
It is like a mirage, which cannot
quench the thirst of the deluded
animal that runs towards it.
The real source of peace is
within every individual and
it is this inner peace that can confer real joy.
divinely sent
Only love and peace can achieve this.
Fill your thoughts, speech and actions with love,
truth and peace and engage yourselves in service actions.
We aspire for peace and comfort all the time,
but where can we find it?
Is it to be found in the material world around us?
Experience shows that the peace or
happiness got from external objects is not enduing.
It is like a mirage, which cannot
quench the thirst of the deluded
animal that runs towards it.
The real source of peace is
within every individual and
it is this inner peace that can confer real joy.
divinely sent
All thoughts irrespective of whether they are good or bad, disturb the equilibrium...
Divine messages always uplift our spirit.
God has said, that in the silence of the mind,
you can hear the voice of God.
The mind must be sufficiently silent in order to hear the lord.
How to achieve this or how not
to get distracted by the frequent disturbing thoughts?
A word of caution here.
All thoughts irrespective of whether
they are good or bad, disturb the equilibrium.
Even a small leaf causes flutter
in the surface of a pellucid lake.
But do not worry.
If you start fighting with your mind,
it will attack you more furiously.
A simple remedy is: "Watch your thoughts, Observe your thoughts without any reaction".
Yes, it is possible provided
you detach yourself slowly from
the mundane worldly attractions.
Do not worry about the time spent or progress achieved.
Watch the raising of each thought.
Watch each emotion as a cinema show.
Do not do anything. Do not react even.
Initially it is a tough job.
But do not leave in the middle.
Practice always, observation or witness stage.
No thoughts can really harm you.
But you must have patience and perseverance.
It is not a one day affair or one day achievement.
This is the ongoing continuous process.
Remain in the Present always.
Do not drift to the past or future.
divinely sent
God has said, that in the silence of the mind,
you can hear the voice of God.
The mind must be sufficiently silent in order to hear the lord.
How to achieve this or how not
to get distracted by the frequent disturbing thoughts?
A word of caution here.
All thoughts irrespective of whether
they are good or bad, disturb the equilibrium.
Even a small leaf causes flutter
in the surface of a pellucid lake.
But do not worry.
If you start fighting with your mind,
it will attack you more furiously.
A simple remedy is: "Watch your thoughts, Observe your thoughts without any reaction".
Yes, it is possible provided
you detach yourself slowly from
the mundane worldly attractions.
Do not worry about the time spent or progress achieved.
Watch the raising of each thought.
Watch each emotion as a cinema show.
Do not do anything. Do not react even.
Initially it is a tough job.
But do not leave in the middle.
Practice always, observation or witness stage.
No thoughts can really harm you.
But you must have patience and perseverance.
It is not a one day affair or one day achievement.
This is the ongoing continuous process.
Remain in the Present always.
Do not drift to the past or future.
divinely sent
Pride and arrogance are most reprehensible qualities..
Every individual shall strive to
emulate the ideals of great souls and elders.
Whatever they say, must be taken
as an authority of the scriptures.
You may perhaps think that
you are able to speak eloquently in English
and therefore feel proud that you know everything.
Pride and arrogance are most reprehensible qualities.
They land you in abysmal depths.
It is only by the quality of love does
a human being becomes great.
divinely sent
emulate the ideals of great souls and elders.
Whatever they say, must be taken
as an authority of the scriptures.
You may perhaps think that
you are able to speak eloquently in English
and therefore feel proud that you know everything.
Pride and arrogance are most reprehensible qualities.
They land you in abysmal depths.
It is only by the quality of love does
a human being becomes great.
divinely sent
Love is God, God is Love, therefore, live in Love...
Cultivate love and strive to attain
the grace of God and sanctify your lives
by humility, devotion, and faith in God.
Love is the sole refuge for a human being,
which will take him to God.
Several elders have reached
their goal only through love.
You follow their example.
Never lose your wealth of love.
Make love your primary objective in your life.
Love may appear to be a very simple thing to you.
But there is no force greater than love.
Love is God,
God is Love;
live in Love.
That is what you have to learn.
divinely sent
the grace of God and sanctify your lives
by humility, devotion, and faith in God.
Love is the sole refuge for a human being,
which will take him to God.
Several elders have reached
their goal only through love.
You follow their example.
Never lose your wealth of love.
Make love your primary objective in your life.
Love may appear to be a very simple thing to you.
But there is no force greater than love.
Love is God,
God is Love;
live in Love.
That is what you have to learn.
divinely sent
A to Z of life...
A to Z of life
Always depend on God
Bear insult, near injury
Control the tongue
Do not cheat anybody
Evil company is dangerous
Fear nothing
Give, give, give. God will Love, Love, Love
Helping others is virtue
Injury is vice
Japa is your coat of arms
Knowledge is the fruit
Live for others
Mind deceives, beware
Now is the best time to utilize
Overcome grief by liberality
Pure mind is your friend
Quietness will lead you to progress
Recite the name of God
Speak sweetly, speak softly
To love is to Serve
Understand yourself
Virtue is the staff of life
Within you is bliss
(E)xert yourself for Good
Your treasure is God
Zero has no value, if not attached to a unit. So life has no value if not attached to God.
divinely sent
Always depend on God
Bear insult, near injury
Control the tongue
Do not cheat anybody
Evil company is dangerous
Fear nothing
Give, give, give. God will Love, Love, Love
Helping others is virtue
Injury is vice
Japa is your coat of arms
Knowledge is the fruit
Live for others
Mind deceives, beware
Now is the best time to utilize
Overcome grief by liberality
Pure mind is your friend
Quietness will lead you to progress
Recite the name of God
Speak sweetly, speak softly
To love is to Serve
Understand yourself
Virtue is the staff of life
Within you is bliss
(E)xert yourself for Good
Your treasure is God
Zero has no value, if not attached to a unit. So life has no value if not attached to God.
divinely sent
When God gives you a task in ur hands, He usually gives a test with it so that u can toughen ur character, hold the reigns of senses tight & be steadf
continued from the previous article..
Hence, I implore you father, do not leave me in the middle of my task. Whatever she has given me is the only love she knows and “May God bless her for that.” This is the test of God, and in His test is always His Grace disguised. Let us pray…In every test let us be graced O God with so much understanding that we pass the ups and downs.
In every test let us realize, dear Lord that we have to learn to bear so that we can experience Your strength within. In every test let us cherish Your work and let us not be lazy to leave it. In every test
Dear God let us believe in ourselves and wait until Thy will is done. In every test ’May God bless all. May all emerge victorious in love.’” Build the home of God in your heart.And when you have placed Him there His task will be born. And you will be at peace!
divinely sent
Hence, I implore you father, do not leave me in the middle of my task. Whatever she has given me is the only love she knows and “May God bless her for that.” This is the test of God, and in His test is always His Grace disguised. Let us pray…In every test let us be graced O God with so much understanding that we pass the ups and downs.
In every test let us realize, dear Lord that we have to learn to bear so that we can experience Your strength within. In every test let us cherish Your work and let us not be lazy to leave it. In every test
Dear God let us believe in ourselves and wait until Thy will is done. In every test ’May God bless all. May all emerge victorious in love.’” Build the home of God in your heart.And when you have placed Him there His task will be born. And you will be at peace!
divinely sent
When God gives you a task in ur hands, He usually gives a test with it so that u can toughen ur character, hold the reigns of senses tight & be steadf
continued from the previous article..
Govinda would often wince to see his Ram abused verbally and sometimes beaten. He often tried to come in the middle of it but landed himself to be the victim of her arrogance and cruelty.
One day when Simran was away Govinda called Ram to his room and said, “Ram, I have cooked this meal with my own hands- I want to feed this meal to you.” Ram replied, “Did you keep some for mother?” “No, my dear son, this treat is not for you but for me. I will receive solace feeding you. I know, my child you do not need anything.”As he had completed these words Simran returned unexpectedly to the room.
Upon seeing the scene of her husband feeding the meager orphan boy she thundered, “How dare you feed this beggar with your hands?” Saying that she kicked the plate full of food. “Get out” she screamed. “God bless you dear Mother” was Ram’s reply.
The next day Ram saw Govinda pack his bags. “Where are you going, father?” he asked. “I am leaving…I am unable to withstand her ways. Please come with me, Ram,” he implored.Ram gently took his father’s hand and placed it in his. Then he took him to the altar of God and said, “Father, this is His work. When God has entrusted you with His work how can you leave? Mother is not bad. She is the test that God has given us, so our work in the midst of resistance must not slow down or stop. O father even though she shouts and makes me work don’t you realize that in her anger is a ‘silent dependence’?
She is unable to take care of her own tasks in a timely way. Even though she is born with parents and has a family she never learnt to love her own self. If she does not have that ability then how can you get angry with her? How can she love you or me, then?
Father, she loves me through her anger, she loves me through her sharp words, she loves me through her hands that strike me.That is all she has known, dear father. And our dear God has sent us ‘orphans’ only so that we could give her the love that she has never experienced within.
We are not the orphans, father. We already have ‘faith’ as our mother and ‘patience’ as our father. We were sent to you only so that dear Mother is not alone in this life.
This is God’s task, dear father. It appears to the world that we have a shelter under your roof. But the real task is that while we are under this shelter we need to build a home for God in the heart of Mother.
to be continued
Govinda would often wince to see his Ram abused verbally and sometimes beaten. He often tried to come in the middle of it but landed himself to be the victim of her arrogance and cruelty.
One day when Simran was away Govinda called Ram to his room and said, “Ram, I have cooked this meal with my own hands- I want to feed this meal to you.” Ram replied, “Did you keep some for mother?” “No, my dear son, this treat is not for you but for me. I will receive solace feeding you. I know, my child you do not need anything.”As he had completed these words Simran returned unexpectedly to the room.
Upon seeing the scene of her husband feeding the meager orphan boy she thundered, “How dare you feed this beggar with your hands?” Saying that she kicked the plate full of food. “Get out” she screamed. “God bless you dear Mother” was Ram’s reply.
The next day Ram saw Govinda pack his bags. “Where are you going, father?” he asked. “I am leaving…I am unable to withstand her ways. Please come with me, Ram,” he implored.Ram gently took his father’s hand and placed it in his. Then he took him to the altar of God and said, “Father, this is His work. When God has entrusted you with His work how can you leave? Mother is not bad. She is the test that God has given us, so our work in the midst of resistance must not slow down or stop. O father even though she shouts and makes me work don’t you realize that in her anger is a ‘silent dependence’?
She is unable to take care of her own tasks in a timely way. Even though she is born with parents and has a family she never learnt to love her own self. If she does not have that ability then how can you get angry with her? How can she love you or me, then?
Father, she loves me through her anger, she loves me through her sharp words, she loves me through her hands that strike me.That is all she has known, dear father. And our dear God has sent us ‘orphans’ only so that we could give her the love that she has never experienced within.
We are not the orphans, father. We already have ‘faith’ as our mother and ‘patience’ as our father. We were sent to you only so that dear Mother is not alone in this life.
This is God’s task, dear father. It appears to the world that we have a shelter under your roof. But the real task is that while we are under this shelter we need to build a home for God in the heart of Mother.
to be continued
When God gives you a task in ur hands, He usually gives a test with it so that u can toughen ur character, hold the reigns of senses tight & be steadf
We often learn more when we hear episodes that involve others. Most of us feel the unnecessary urge to defend our way of thinking even if there is a slight provocation. Hence today God speaks of such an episode that does not involve you or me directly yet when you hear this story as I did, we both shall reflect on its value and hold it close to our hearts from now on.
There was an orphanage in the district of Sholapur. That orphanage was run by a couple. The husband was a great devotee of God. He always had a dream to take care of not so very fortunate children. With the blessings of God his dream came true. For the last fifteen years he had built the orphanage and served the lives of many children.
When God gives you a task in your hands He usually gives a test with it so you can toughen the character, hold the reigns of the senses tight and be steadfast and focused in mind. Yes! The husband Govinda also endured such a test.
It was nothing but his own wife, Simran. God had blessed her with a lot of physical beauty, but with the Grace she carried also the curse of arrogance. And her tongue…who could listen to her knife like words?! Even Govinda was frightened by what next he or the children might have to hear.
Often the children spent time with Govinda. Govinda loved the children as his own, especially Ram. Ram was the first orphan that he had received fifteen years ago. Ram was a true son to both Govinda and Simran. He loved and served all his brothers at the orphanage.
Ram woke up early every morning to do his daily prayers to God. Of course, even in the middle of his prayers Simran would walk into the room, kick him on his back and say, “How dare you waste my time in your prayers?” With that she would hand him a broom in his hand. But Ram always had the same reply to her, “May God bless you dear Mother.”
to be continued
There was an orphanage in the district of Sholapur. That orphanage was run by a couple. The husband was a great devotee of God. He always had a dream to take care of not so very fortunate children. With the blessings of God his dream came true. For the last fifteen years he had built the orphanage and served the lives of many children.
When God gives you a task in your hands He usually gives a test with it so you can toughen the character, hold the reigns of the senses tight and be steadfast and focused in mind. Yes! The husband Govinda also endured such a test.
It was nothing but his own wife, Simran. God had blessed her with a lot of physical beauty, but with the Grace she carried also the curse of arrogance. And her tongue…who could listen to her knife like words?! Even Govinda was frightened by what next he or the children might have to hear.
Often the children spent time with Govinda. Govinda loved the children as his own, especially Ram. Ram was the first orphan that he had received fifteen years ago. Ram was a true son to both Govinda and Simran. He loved and served all his brothers at the orphanage.
Ram woke up early every morning to do his daily prayers to God. Of course, even in the middle of his prayers Simran would walk into the room, kick him on his back and say, “How dare you waste my time in your prayers?” With that she would hand him a broom in his hand. But Ram always had the same reply to her, “May God bless you dear Mother.”
to be continued
Monday, October 29, 2007
Offer God the fragrant leaf of devotion, the flowers of ur emotions & impulses, freed from pests of lust, anger.. give God fruits grown in orchard of
You attach importance to quantity,
but, the Lord considers only quality.
He does not calculate how many sweet dishes you offered,
but, how many sweet words you uttered,
how much sweetness you added in your thoughts.
Offer him the fragrant leaf of devotion;
the flowers of your emotions and impulses,
freed from pests of lust, anger, etc.;
give him fruits grown in the orchard of your mind;
sour or sweet, juicy or dry, bitter or sugary.
Once you decide that the orchard of your mind is His,
all fruits will be sweet. And, for water,
what can be purer and more precious than your tears,
shed not in grief, mind you, but, in rapture at the chance
to serve the Lord and to walk along the path that leads to him.
divinely sent
but, the Lord considers only quality.
He does not calculate how many sweet dishes you offered,
but, how many sweet words you uttered,
how much sweetness you added in your thoughts.
Offer him the fragrant leaf of devotion;
the flowers of your emotions and impulses,
freed from pests of lust, anger, etc.;
give him fruits grown in the orchard of your mind;
sour or sweet, juicy or dry, bitter or sugary.
Once you decide that the orchard of your mind is His,
all fruits will be sweet. And, for water,
what can be purer and more precious than your tears,
shed not in grief, mind you, but, in rapture at the chance
to serve the Lord and to walk along the path that leads to him.
divinely sent
Death is neither good nor bad, One has no choice in the matter.....
Death is considered as something to be afraid of,
as something that should not be spoken about in happy circumstances!
But death is neither good nor bad.
You have no choice in the matter.
You can't get it sooner if you welcome it,
nor can you avoid it if you condemn it as bad.
It is a consummation which is inevitable;
from the moment of birth, the march to the
cremation ground has started.
Some reach the place quicker than others;
some go by a round about route and arrive late.
That is the only difference
between man and man.
Yet, man walks about
as if death is but a distant calamity.
Whatever your struggles
and safeguards and precautions,
the Place has to be reached some day.
Consider Kennedy,
how death was lurking around,
waiting for the chance!
Did he not have men guard him,
soldiers, security men, bodyguards?
But it was all in vain.
Whatever is uncertain,
Death is certain.
It is impossible to change that Law.
divinely sent
as something that should not be spoken about in happy circumstances!
But death is neither good nor bad.
You have no choice in the matter.
You can't get it sooner if you welcome it,
nor can you avoid it if you condemn it as bad.
It is a consummation which is inevitable;
from the moment of birth, the march to the
cremation ground has started.
Some reach the place quicker than others;
some go by a round about route and arrive late.
That is the only difference
between man and man.
Yet, man walks about
as if death is but a distant calamity.
Whatever your struggles
and safeguards and precautions,
the Place has to be reached some day.
Consider Kennedy,
how death was lurking around,
waiting for the chance!
Did he not have men guard him,
soldiers, security men, bodyguards?
But it was all in vain.
Whatever is uncertain,
Death is certain.
It is impossible to change that Law.
divinely sent
Surrender the ego, dedicate every moment and every act to Him who has assured mankind that He will ensure liberation from pain & evil..
Surrender the ego, dedicate every moment
and every act to Him who has assured mankind
that He will ensure liberation from pain and evil.
When asked where God is, people point towards
the sky or to some far and distant region;
no wonder then that He does not manifest Himself!
Realize that He is in you, with you,
behind you and all around you; and
He can be seen and felt everywhere.
Realize also that He is all-merciful,
eager and anxious to fulfill your prayers,
if they arise from a pure heart.
divinely sent
and every act to Him who has assured mankind
that He will ensure liberation from pain and evil.
When asked where God is, people point towards
the sky or to some far and distant region;
no wonder then that He does not manifest Himself!
Realize that He is in you, with you,
behind you and all around you; and
He can be seen and felt everywhere.
Realize also that He is all-merciful,
eager and anxious to fulfill your prayers,
if they arise from a pure heart.
divinely sent
This is a discipline that no text book can teach and no class can communicate...
It may be possible to teach a person the posture,
the position of feet or hands, neck, head or back,
the style of breathing or its speed.
But the meditation is a function
of the inner self; it motivates deep subjective quiet,
the employing of the mind and filling oneself with
the light that emerges from the divine spark within.
This is a discipline that no text book
can teach and no class can communicate.
divinely sent
the position of feet or hands, neck, head or back,
the style of breathing or its speed.
But the meditation is a function
of the inner self; it motivates deep subjective quiet,
the employing of the mind and filling oneself with
the light that emerges from the divine spark within.
This is a discipline that no text book
can teach and no class can communicate.
divinely sent
Sunday, October 28, 2007
So long as a man is fit and able to support his family, see the affection all those around him show... but..
So long as a man is fit and able to support his family,
see the affection all those around him show.
But no one at home cares to even have a word
with him when his body totters due to old age.
see the affection all those around him show.
But no one at home cares to even have a word
with him when his body totters due to old age.
Do not boast of wealth, friends and youth...
Do not boast of wealth, friends, and youth.
Each one of these are destroyed within a minute.
Free yourself from the illusion of the world of Maya and attain the timeless Truth.
divinely sent
Each one of these are destroyed within a minute.
Free yourself from the illusion of the world of Maya and attain the timeless Truth.
divinely sent
Do not waste your efforts to win the love of or to fight against friend & foe, children & relatives. See urself in everyone & give up all feelings of
Do not waste your efforts to win the love of
or to fight against friend and foe, children and relatives.
See yourself in everyone and give up all feelings of duality completely.
divinely sent
or to fight against friend and foe, children and relatives.
See yourself in everyone and give up all feelings of duality completely.
divinely sent
A rich man fears even his own son. This is the way of wealth everywhere...
Wealth is not welfare, truly there is no joy in it.
Reflect thus at all times.
A rich man fears even his own son. This is the way of wealth everywhere.
Reflect thus at all times.
A rich man fears even his own son. This is the way of wealth everywhere.
He who yields to lust for pleasure leaves his body a prey to disease....
He who yields to lust for pleasure leaves his body a prey to disease.
Though death brings an end to everything, man does not give up the sinful path.
Though death brings an end to everything, man does not give up the sinful path.
Give up lust, anger, infatuation and greed...
Give up lust, anger, infatuation, and greed.
Ponder over your real nature.
Fools are they who are blind to the Self.
Cast into hell they suffer there endlessly.
Ponder over your real nature.
Fools are they who are blind to the Self.
Cast into hell they suffer there endlessly.
Shut yourself in a water tight compartment... Read the followings to learn how....
The world is a turmoil.
In addition, the mind pulls us
in all directions and makes us miserable.
We start conceiving disasters and worry endlessly.
Otherwise we dwell on the past and feel guilty
for all the transgressions we indulged.
There is only one way out.
Shut yourself in a water tight compartment.
The idea is;
Do not dwell on the past:
Do not worry about the future.
Live in the "Present" fully.
Do not deviate a dot from the present.
God used to glorify the 'present' as "Omnipresent" .
Hence remain in the present constantly
divinely sent
In addition, the mind pulls us
in all directions and makes us miserable.
We start conceiving disasters and worry endlessly.
Otherwise we dwell on the past and feel guilty
for all the transgressions we indulged.
There is only one way out.
Shut yourself in a water tight compartment.
The idea is;
Do not dwell on the past:
Do not worry about the future.
Live in the "Present" fully.
Do not deviate a dot from the present.
God used to glorify the 'present' as "Omnipresent" .
Hence remain in the present constantly
divinely sent
God governs everything, but in the first instance understand who you are....
" Never think that the society cannot progress if you do not render service.
Society does not depend on you. If not you, someone else will do the needful.
God governs everything.
In the first instance,
understand the meaning of service.
It is possible to understand this
once you understand who you are.
You are a human being.
A human being does not mean the physical form.
It is synonymous with the principle of Atma.
Human being is the manifestation of five elements.
Ancient sages had total control over the five elements
and thus could enjoy peace and security.
But modern man is subjected to hardships,
as he has no control over the five elements.
Man will shine forth as embodiment of Atma
once he becomes the master of the five elements.
divinely sent
Society does not depend on you. If not you, someone else will do the needful.
God governs everything.
In the first instance,
understand the meaning of service.
It is possible to understand this
once you understand who you are.
You are a human being.
A human being does not mean the physical form.
It is synonymous with the principle of Atma.
Human being is the manifestation of five elements.
Ancient sages had total control over the five elements
and thus could enjoy peace and security.
But modern man is subjected to hardships,
as he has no control over the five elements.
Man will shine forth as embodiment of Atma
once he becomes the master of the five elements.
divinely sent
Man has known about everything else, except death, why should a person die? Of what benefit is it to die?
Our body is transient
like a water-bubble,
but life is a long journey.
In this journey, we change
our bodies many a time,
as we change our dress.
In fact, death is nothing
but a change of dress -
"Death is a dress of life."
We change our dresses,
but can we change the journey of our life?
Man has known about everything else, except death.
Why should a person die?
Of what benefit is it to die?
Why does he die?
The answer is: in order that he may not die again.
He is born, so that he may not get born again.
Having been born, man earns and acquires land,
riches, materials, grains, articles of comfort and luxury,
which he feels will give him happiness and which
therefore becomes the objects of his struggles.
But, the object of realizing God is forgotten.
divinely sent
like a water-bubble,
but life is a long journey.
In this journey, we change
our bodies many a time,
as we change our dress.
In fact, death is nothing
but a change of dress -
"Death is a dress of life."
We change our dresses,
but can we change the journey of our life?
Man has known about everything else, except death.
Why should a person die?
Of what benefit is it to die?
Why does he die?
The answer is: in order that he may not die again.
He is born, so that he may not get born again.
Having been born, man earns and acquires land,
riches, materials, grains, articles of comfort and luxury,
which he feels will give him happiness and which
therefore becomes the objects of his struggles.
But, the object of realizing God is forgotten.
divinely sent
Our body is transient like a water-bubble, but life is a long journey. In this journey, we change our bodies many a time, as we change our dress. In fact, death is nothing but a change of dress - "Death is a dress of life." We change our dresses, but can we change the journey of our life?Man has known about everything else, except death. Why should a person die? Of what benefit is it to die? Why does he die? The answer is: in order that he may not die again. He is born, so that he may not get born again. Having been born, man earns and acquires land, riches, materials, grains, articles of comfort and luxury, which he feels will give him happiness and which therefore becomes the objects of his struggles. But, the object of realizing God is forgotten.
One who is engaged in the battle of life needs the armour of spirituality...
One who is engaged in the battle of life
needs the armour of spirituality.
With this invincible armour he can face any situation.
If instead of donning this spiritual armour,
he cloaks himself in ignorance,
he will be haunted by fear and anxiety.
As long as rice is covered by husk
it cannot be consumed.
Likewise, man cannot experience true bliss
until he gets rid of the cloak of ignorance.
Man must hence develop the quality of forbearance.
Through forbearance and spiritual practices,
gradually the shackles of tendencies resulting
from past actions can be broken.
divinely sent
needs the armour of spirituality.
With this invincible armour he can face any situation.
If instead of donning this spiritual armour,
he cloaks himself in ignorance,
he will be haunted by fear and anxiety.
As long as rice is covered by husk
it cannot be consumed.
Likewise, man cannot experience true bliss
until he gets rid of the cloak of ignorance.
Man must hence develop the quality of forbearance.
Through forbearance and spiritual practices,
gradually the shackles of tendencies resulting
from past actions can be broken.
divinely sent
What you see and feel in dreams has some basis on what you have seen and felt in the waking state...and so..
What you see and feel in dream
has some basis on what you have seen
and felt in the waking state; so too,
what you see and feel in the present life has,
as its basis, what you have seen and felt in other lives, previous lives.
divinely sent
has some basis on what you have seen
and felt in the waking state; so too,
what you see and feel in the present life has,
as its basis, what you have seen and felt in other lives, previous lives.
divinely sent
We confused the love of all, but all of this translates to the Higher Love....
continued from the previous blog...
We confuse the love for this love with the identity…
the characteristics… the duty…the relationship…
the time spent…the desires shared…the fears understood…
and the ignorances forgiven.
But all of this translates to the Higher Love.
Only the wise one realizes that he loved
the love of the Higher Self in all the forms
that He Himself took while ‘He” also took your very form.
Yes! We are in love with love
and loving love as one’s Self is “God”.
The “I” is merely a reflection of that Higher Self that takes a form…
lives a story and realizes that in his life…
his search for love was nothing but a search for his Self…
And that search for the Higher Self
must begin today…this very moment.
Begin by saying,
“I am the ‘Higher Self’
and because I have denied
that I have made my own truth a doubt,
and that doubt is the ‘I’.
”“Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?”
Ask…until the answer is born from within you!
Spiritual laziness must go!
The truth is right in front of you…above you…
below you…behind you and within.
divinely sent
We confuse the love for this love with the identity…
the characteristics… the duty…the relationship…
the time spent…the desires shared…the fears understood…
and the ignorances forgiven.
But all of this translates to the Higher Love.
Only the wise one realizes that he loved
the love of the Higher Self in all the forms
that He Himself took while ‘He” also took your very form.
Yes! We are in love with love
and loving love as one’s Self is “God”.
The “I” is merely a reflection of that Higher Self that takes a form…
lives a story and realizes that in his life…
his search for love was nothing but a search for his Self…
And that search for the Higher Self
must begin today…this very moment.
Begin by saying,
“I am the ‘Higher Self’
and because I have denied
that I have made my own truth a doubt,
and that doubt is the ‘I’.
”“Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?”
Ask…until the answer is born from within you!
Spiritual laziness must go!
The truth is right in front of you…above you…
below you…behind you and within.
divinely sent
Until the concept of separation exists to realize your Self as God is extremely confusing and fearful...
Until that concept of separation
exists to realize your Self as God
is extremely confusing and fearful.
From the time of birth we lean
on our mother and father…then in youth upon friends…
later on your life mate and toward the end upon the children.
We love them…we serve them…
still they are the “other” and what
we call our “I” is only a bundle of desires…
fears identity and experience and that “I”
is always searching from freedom from its own self.
Even when we love our dear ones
we do not feel free.
In fact we increase our desires…
share our experiences…
understand each other’s fears…
bind each other and defend
our common ignorances.
And then we pray to the Higher Self
to come to save us from our own “free will”!!
We fail to realize from the time of our birth
that what we have loved all our lives is the love of the mother…
the love of our father…the love of our friends…
the love of our life partner and the love of our children.
divinely sent
exists to realize your Self as God
is extremely confusing and fearful.
From the time of birth we lean
on our mother and father…then in youth upon friends…
later on your life mate and toward the end upon the children.
We love them…we serve them…
still they are the “other” and what
we call our “I” is only a bundle of desires…
fears identity and experience and that “I”
is always searching from freedom from its own self.
Even when we love our dear ones
we do not feel free.
In fact we increase our desires…
share our experiences…
understand each other’s fears…
bind each other and defend
our common ignorances.
And then we pray to the Higher Self
to come to save us from our own “free will”!!
We fail to realize from the time of our birth
that what we have loved all our lives is the love of the mother…
the love of our father…the love of our friends…
the love of our life partner and the love of our children.
divinely sent
God is the higher Self or every self...
God is the higher Self of every self.
Even though for intellectual purposes
we separate this higher Self from the “I”
in reality both are one and inseparable from each other.
Most of us fall into ignorance
because we are more comfortable
with the concept that the “Higher Self”
is the “ruler” and the “I” serves the higher Self with its “free will”.
divinely sent
Even though for intellectual purposes
we separate this higher Self from the “I”
in reality both are one and inseparable from each other.
Most of us fall into ignorance
because we are more comfortable
with the concept that the “Higher Self”
is the “ruler” and the “I” serves the higher Self with its “free will”.
divinely sent
Spirituality is the process of cleansing, self awareness is the tool, self realization is the last step of cleansing...
Spirituality is the process of cleansing.
Self awareness is the tool.
Self realization is the last step of the cleansing.
Beyond that last step there are no more words.
No one has yet spoken of that…
the one who reaches that has no more to say!
divinely sent
Self awareness is the tool.
Self realization is the last step of the cleansing.
Beyond that last step there are no more words.
No one has yet spoken of that…
the one who reaches that has no more to say!
divinely sent
The answers, ways, truth are all within, God has placed Himself in this universe where He is very reachable, at all times & situations, in ur HEART!
Self contentment comes from
continuous self understanding.
Self understanding comes from self analysis.
And self analysis comes from constant
undisturbed self awareness.
Constantly ask yourselves,
”Am I happy to be this me?
Do I understand myself?
Am I content?
What makes me content?
What am I looking for in life and why?
Do I respect the way I am?
Do I believe in myself?
”The answers are within.
The ways are within.
The truth is within.
For God has placed Himself
in this universe where He is very reachable
at all times in all situations…in your heart!
Purity is the presence of God.
divinely sent
continuous self understanding.
Self understanding comes from self analysis.
And self analysis comes from constant
undisturbed self awareness.
Constantly ask yourselves,
”Am I happy to be this me?
Do I understand myself?
Am I content?
What makes me content?
What am I looking for in life and why?
Do I respect the way I am?
Do I believe in myself?
”The answers are within.
The ways are within.
The truth is within.
For God has placed Himself
in this universe where He is very reachable
at all times in all situations…in your heart!
Purity is the presence of God.
divinely sent
The wise, O child, reflect only on the truth in both the good and the bad....
The wise, O child reflect only on the truth in both the good and the bad.
They are able to be in full control in any situation that comes before them
for they have abandoned “desires”.
They seldom plan “God’s ways” for themselves.
They have no picture in their minds of “perfection”.
They are not anxious for time to come nor for it to pass.
They O child, believe in the present moment
…in the Grace of God…in their selfless strength
and in the will of their Divine Master.
They are of the simple faith that God comes as both…
God alone gives the Grace to face both…
God alone protects “the goodness” of the good…
God alone challenges “the wickedness” of the bad;
for even the crooked one in that challenge is
unable to remain that and with the grace of God alone he turns…
and transforms to straight ways.
To the wise there is no fear.
For him truth is no more a choice.
It is his breath…his food…his life…
his attachment…his discrimination…
his principle and his love.
divinely sent
They are able to be in full control in any situation that comes before them
for they have abandoned “desires”.
They seldom plan “God’s ways” for themselves.
They have no picture in their minds of “perfection”.
They are not anxious for time to come nor for it to pass.
They O child, believe in the present moment
…in the Grace of God…in their selfless strength
and in the will of their Divine Master.
They are of the simple faith that God comes as both…
God alone gives the Grace to face both…
God alone protects “the goodness” of the good…
God alone challenges “the wickedness” of the bad;
for even the crooked one in that challenge is
unable to remain that and with the grace of God alone he turns…
and transforms to straight ways.
To the wise there is no fear.
For him truth is no more a choice.
It is his breath…his food…his life…
his attachment…his discrimination…
his principle and his love.
divinely sent
Why is that we lack of peace of mind?
What we lack is peace of mind.
Why is that?
It is due to lack of self-contentment and self understanding.
We become so involved in what we have acquired through
our ambitions that we unknowingly begin to reflect their grandeur.
Little do we realize that we become so aware of the beauty
that surrounds us that in it we lose the highest grace
of God that we are all born with, i.e. “Self awareness”
divinely sent
Why is that?
It is due to lack of self-contentment and self understanding.
We become so involved in what we have acquired through
our ambitions that we unknowingly begin to reflect their grandeur.
Little do we realize that we become so aware of the beauty
that surrounds us that in it we lose the highest grace
of God that we are all born with, i.e. “Self awareness”
divinely sent
There are 3 things which one should keep in mind...
There are three things which one should keep in mind, namely,
"I will not think of anything except God;
I will not do anything without the permission of God and
I will have my attention completely fixed on God at all times."
It is only when one accepts and puts into practice
these three statements that the Lord will look after one's welfare.
However, one does not care to follow
God's injunctions and instead questions
God as to why he does not look after him or her.
divinely sent
"I will not think of anything except God;
I will not do anything without the permission of God and
I will have my attention completely fixed on God at all times."
It is only when one accepts and puts into practice
these three statements that the Lord will look after one's welfare.
However, one does not care to follow
God's injunctions and instead questions
God as to why he does not look after him or her.
divinely sent
When emotion and intellect work both together in results in a mental condition often called 'stress'....
Yet you want your dream and
at the same time you are convincing
the other of their dream to be only an illusion in their mind.
When one splits himself in these two worlds
and defends his ignorance yet exposes
the ignorance of another such a one will be lead
by both emotion on one hand and intellect on the other.
When emotion and intellect work both
together it results in a mental condition often called “stress”.
Stress is an unnecessary reworking of the mind.
Stress is thinking much more than one can willingly do.
Stress is reasoning that is shocked in emotion.
Stress is the refusal of giving up an attachment…yet willingly giving up your Self.
Stress is the childish denial of facing the present.
Stress is the conflict between reasoning and desire…and where desire wins!
Stress is being constantly anxious of time and timely events.
Before your nature becomes to stress catch
your thought that you are giving too much unnecessary importance to.
Catch it before it catches you
and takes you on a horrible journey
in which you may have to fight your own reasoning…
ignore your own conscience…
give up your self-reliance and
then in return gain temporarily
only to lose your own sanity permanently.
Do not stress.
Nothing is worth so much thought
that you lose the awareness of your
own well being!
When you follow the rules
of the Higher Self' automatically
one inspirational thought will lead you to the task.
If a task is demanding you
to think intensely,immediate ly realize
that the 'I' has found its way before the Divine principle.
divinely sent
at the same time you are convincing
the other of their dream to be only an illusion in their mind.
When one splits himself in these two worlds
and defends his ignorance yet exposes
the ignorance of another such a one will be lead
by both emotion on one hand and intellect on the other.
When emotion and intellect work both
together it results in a mental condition often called “stress”.
Stress is an unnecessary reworking of the mind.
Stress is thinking much more than one can willingly do.
Stress is reasoning that is shocked in emotion.
Stress is the refusal of giving up an attachment…yet willingly giving up your Self.
Stress is the childish denial of facing the present.
Stress is the conflict between reasoning and desire…and where desire wins!
Stress is being constantly anxious of time and timely events.
Before your nature becomes to stress catch
your thought that you are giving too much unnecessary importance to.
Catch it before it catches you
and takes you on a horrible journey
in which you may have to fight your own reasoning…
ignore your own conscience…
give up your self-reliance and
then in return gain temporarily
only to lose your own sanity permanently.
Do not stress.
Nothing is worth so much thought
that you lose the awareness of your
own well being!
When you follow the rules
of the Higher Self' automatically
one inspirational thought will lead you to the task.
If a task is demanding you
to think intensely,immediate ly realize
that the 'I' has found its way before the Divine principle.
divinely sent
When we give too much importance to a thought, we unknowingly start to live that thought...
When we give too much importance to a thought,
we unknowingly start to live that thought.
That results in you splitting yourself in two worlds.
One world that is in our mind…that others cannot see,
but to you it exists because you have given a part
of yourself in that illusionary world.
In the other world again there is
a part of yourself that is without
your dream trying to face reality,
and in that world you witness the
dreams of other minds and realize how real it is to them.
To the one you, the illusionary dream
that is in your mind is real and yet to the other you,
the illusionary dreams in the other‘s mind is only a thought and quite unreal.
divinely sent
we unknowingly start to live that thought.
That results in you splitting yourself in two worlds.
One world that is in our mind…that others cannot see,
but to you it exists because you have given a part
of yourself in that illusionary world.
In the other world again there is
a part of yourself that is without
your dream trying to face reality,
and in that world you witness the
dreams of other minds and realize how real it is to them.
To the one you, the illusionary dream
that is in your mind is real and yet to the other you,
the illusionary dreams in the other‘s mind is only a thought and quite unreal.
divinely sent
You earn 3 friends in this world, but do not be too attached to them. Be in the world, but do not let the world into you...
Do not attach yourself
too much to the body or
to the things that bring comfort to it.
You earn three friends in this life:
The first: the riches you accumulate,
which refuse to come with you when
you move out of this life.
The second: the kith and kin who
accompany your body only up to
the burial ground or cremation ghat.
The third: the merit and demerit you have earned,
which accompany you to the last.
Do not attach yourself too much with the world,
for it is ever changing fast and furiously.
Be in the world, but do not let the world into you.
divinely sent
too much to the body or
to the things that bring comfort to it.
You earn three friends in this life:
The first: the riches you accumulate,
which refuse to come with you when
you move out of this life.
The second: the kith and kin who
accompany your body only up to
the burial ground or cremation ghat.
The third: the merit and demerit you have earned,
which accompany you to the last.
Do not attach yourself too much with the world,
for it is ever changing fast and furiously.
Be in the world, but do not let the world into you.
divinely sent
God's heart is said to be softer than butter, yet, however soft the butter may be, it needs warmth to melt..
God's heart is said to be softer than butter.
Yet, however soft the butter may be,
it needs warmth to melt.
Similarly, in order to melt
the compassionate heart of the Lord,
the devotee should develop the required warmth
by his yearning and spiritual discipline.
He should have intense longing
for His mercy and grace.
When the child cries, will the mother tarry,
assessing or analyzing the tune of the cry?
Similarly, it is enough if you pray to God in all earnestness.
That burning desire is the only spiritual discipline
that easily melts and moves the Lord's heart.
divinely sent
Yet, however soft the butter may be,
it needs warmth to melt.
Similarly, in order to melt
the compassionate heart of the Lord,
the devotee should develop the required warmth
by his yearning and spiritual discipline.
He should have intense longing
for His mercy and grace.
When the child cries, will the mother tarry,
assessing or analyzing the tune of the cry?
Similarly, it is enough if you pray to God in all earnestness.
That burning desire is the only spiritual discipline
that easily melts and moves the Lord's heart.
divinely sent
When wealth increases, so does pride, with prosperity grow vices galore, with moderate prosperity there is less scope for pride, with increasing....
“When wealth increases so does pride.
With prosperity grow vices galore.
With moderate prosperity there is less scope for pride.
With increasing humility virtue grows”
divinely sent
With prosperity grow vices galore.
With moderate prosperity there is less scope for pride.
With increasing humility virtue grows”
divinely sent
It is precisely due to the bad habits, evil traits and unhealthy activities that today's citizens are turning into cruel people..
It is precisely due to the bad habits,
evil traits and unhealthy activities that
today’s citizens are turning into cruel people.
Even their speech is not soft and pleasant but is very rude.
That is why I often tell you,
‘You cannot always oblige, but you can speak obligingly’.
One should speak obligingly with all humility and modesty.
Today even these virtues are disappearing.
In addition to all this they squander away money in idle pursuits.
divinely sent
evil traits and unhealthy activities that
today’s citizens are turning into cruel people.
Even their speech is not soft and pleasant but is very rude.
That is why I often tell you,
‘You cannot always oblige, but you can speak obligingly’.
One should speak obligingly with all humility and modesty.
Today even these virtues are disappearing.
In addition to all this they squander away money in idle pursuits.
divinely sent
Friday, October 26, 2007
One who is lacking in love for fellow beings will not secure God's Love...
One who is lacking in love
for fellow beings will not secure God's love.
Without love for God,
one will not have fear of sin.
In the absence of both of these,
a man will have no social morality.
Neethi means right conduct.
It implies right behaviour in harmony
with the conditions of the particular time, place and society.
You have to subordinate yourself
to the mores of the community.
You should not violate the norms of society.
Hence the ancient Indian scriptures
enjoined observance of social disciplines.
divinely sent
for fellow beings will not secure God's love.
Without love for God,
one will not have fear of sin.
In the absence of both of these,
a man will have no social morality.
Neethi means right conduct.
It implies right behaviour in harmony
with the conditions of the particular time, place and society.
You have to subordinate yourself
to the mores of the community.
You should not violate the norms of society.
Hence the ancient Indian scriptures
enjoined observance of social disciplines.
divinely sent
The body is God's moving temple, the sanctum is the chamber of our own heart...
The body is God's moving temple.
The sanctum is the chamber of our own heart."
GOD says: Close your eyes.
Withdraw your senses from the sensual objects.
Search Him in the heart with one pointed mind, devotion, and pure love.
You will surely find Him.
He is waiting there with outstretched arms to embrace you.
If you can not find Him there, You cannot find Him anywhere else."
God is the Supreme Being,
the creator and ruler of the universe.
His attributes are infinite power,
limitless wisdom boundless love,
inexhauustable goodness, interminable justice absolute truth.
It is omnipresent, omnoscient and omnipotent.
Its glory, majesty, soverignty is unparralled.
God will express itself everywhere as Law.
The laws of gravitation, cohesion, relatively,
cause and effect, so also nature as a whole must be explained.
It must have some cause.
The cause must be different from the effect.
It must be some super-natural, i.e; GOD.
divinely sent
The sanctum is the chamber of our own heart."
GOD says: Close your eyes.
Withdraw your senses from the sensual objects.
Search Him in the heart with one pointed mind, devotion, and pure love.
You will surely find Him.
He is waiting there with outstretched arms to embrace you.
If you can not find Him there, You cannot find Him anywhere else."
God is the Supreme Being,
the creator and ruler of the universe.
His attributes are infinite power,
limitless wisdom boundless love,
inexhauustable goodness, interminable justice absolute truth.
It is omnipresent, omnoscient and omnipotent.
Its glory, majesty, soverignty is unparralled.
God will express itself everywhere as Law.
The laws of gravitation, cohesion, relatively,
cause and effect, so also nature as a whole must be explained.
It must have some cause.
The cause must be different from the effect.
It must be some super-natural, i.e; GOD.
divinely sent
Where is god? There is no place where is not...
Where is God?
There is no place where is not.
Just one thread penetrates all the flowers
in a garland, so also, one self penetrates all the living beings.
He is hidden in all beings and all forms,
like oil in seed, butter in milk and mind in brain,
fetus in the wonb, sun behind the clouds, fire in wood,
fragrance in flowers, gold in quartz, microbes in blood and life in the body.
He is not very far, but nearer to us
than we are to ourselves. It is wrong
to think that He could be found only in Kailash,
Rameswaram, Mecca, Jerusalem, Vatican, sky or heaven.
divinely sent
There is no place where is not.
Just one thread penetrates all the flowers
in a garland, so also, one self penetrates all the living beings.
He is hidden in all beings and all forms,
like oil in seed, butter in milk and mind in brain,
fetus in the wonb, sun behind the clouds, fire in wood,
fragrance in flowers, gold in quartz, microbes in blood and life in the body.
He is not very far, but nearer to us
than we are to ourselves. It is wrong
to think that He could be found only in Kailash,
Rameswaram, Mecca, Jerusalem, Vatican, sky or heaven.
divinely sent
To think a particular day is "New Year Day" is a delusion, if fact each second is new.. It is a gift, a chance...
To think a particular day is "New Year Day" is a delusion.
In fact, each second is new. It is a gift, a chance, an opportunity,
a thing to be celebrated, to be used for your up-lift.
That is to say, each second is
a fresh chance given to you,
for training the mind,
refining the intellect,
purifying the emotions,
strengthening the will for getting
confirmed in the conviction,
that you are the deathless soul.
In fact, each second is new. It is a gift, a chance, an opportunity,
a thing to be celebrated, to be used for your up-lift.
That is to say, each second is
a fresh chance given to you,
for training the mind,
refining the intellect,
purifying the emotions,
strengthening the will for getting
confirmed in the conviction,
that you are the deathless soul.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Remember peace over all, if anything touches it, it needs to go...
Remember peace over all.
If anything touches it, it needs to go.
Nothing can give peace security
other than remaining in it.
Peace is never given…
it is never found…
it is never chased…
it never can be kept!
Peace is a state of being that is
born when one can witness his thoughts
and not be bound to it.
It is that state in which one
is able to see his thoughts chase the needless.
It is that state in which one finds
endless patience to see the thought roam and return.
It is that state in which one remains
like a stone that is untouched and cannot
be moved by the emotion of thoughts.
The resolve in one’s Atmic principle
will finally make the thought dissolve
in the truth of the Self.
The only thing that you have to realize
is that the peace you chase is simply
suffering awaiting its return to you.
Peace is present in you…right now.
Be fearless of such thoughts.
Continue to concentrate on truth.
They are bound to subside and once
they do the same energy that was utilized
to go outward will turn inward and return
to you as peace.May you always be at peace.
May your thoughts always return to it!
divinely sent
If anything touches it, it needs to go.
Nothing can give peace security
other than remaining in it.
Peace is never given…
it is never found…
it is never chased…
it never can be kept!
Peace is a state of being that is
born when one can witness his thoughts
and not be bound to it.
It is that state in which one
is able to see his thoughts chase the needless.
It is that state in which one finds
endless patience to see the thought roam and return.
It is that state in which one remains
like a stone that is untouched and cannot
be moved by the emotion of thoughts.
The resolve in one’s Atmic principle
will finally make the thought dissolve
in the truth of the Self.
The only thing that you have to realize
is that the peace you chase is simply
suffering awaiting its return to you.
Peace is present in you…right now.
Be fearless of such thoughts.
Continue to concentrate on truth.
They are bound to subside and once
they do the same energy that was utilized
to go outward will turn inward and return
to you as peace.May you always be at peace.
May your thoughts always return to it!
divinely sent
The way one thinks, that is what he finally becomes...
The way one thinks,
that is what he finally becomes.
It is often said,
“The way you think, that will be the world before you.”
However, happiness and sadness is only a state of mind.
When we are promised security for the moment,
we experience less fear and hence the voice of the mind
that becomes less chaotic offers a little peace to the thinker.
That momentary peace gives joy
within and hence the thinker falsely leans
on the security that he has received rather
than realizing that both his states of worry
and peace were merely dependent on the way he alone thought.
We often feel that when
we are happy others too must be happy.
One may be very happy for what he received…
the same happiness that he received may become
a source of anxiety and unhappiness to another
who has yet not received the security that the former received.
Yet we pretend to be happy for the former
while we think and bring to ourselves misery
and anxiety.At every moment we bear within a new thought.
From this new thought is born a new analyzer.
From the new analyzer is born a new planner.
From this new planner is born the new desirer.
From the new desirer is born the new chaser.
The new chaser readily and willingly accepts
to chase that thought at any cost…
even at the cost of his own self.
And from that chase is born
the sufferer that is confident
that he will gain the ultimate peace
if he allows his thought to chase his mirage
and in that chase he is ready to leave behind
only temporarily his so-called ‘present peace’.
After he has caught his mirage
he feels he will return with its gain
to his self and add its treasures to his ‘present peace’.
All of this happens within the mind of the thinker,
and while he crushes himself for his dream
he crushes the present wealth of his peace
and as well the peace of those he lives and works for.
How very sad!Hence, O child
if you need to watch anything carefully,
watch your thought.
Watch if it dares to repeat.
Watch if it creates the havoc of fears in you.
Watch if it is asking for you to forget the
present knowledge you have gained to remember peace.
divinely sent
that is what he finally becomes.
It is often said,
“The way you think, that will be the world before you.”
However, happiness and sadness is only a state of mind.
When we are promised security for the moment,
we experience less fear and hence the voice of the mind
that becomes less chaotic offers a little peace to the thinker.
That momentary peace gives joy
within and hence the thinker falsely leans
on the security that he has received rather
than realizing that both his states of worry
and peace were merely dependent on the way he alone thought.
We often feel that when
we are happy others too must be happy.
One may be very happy for what he received…
the same happiness that he received may become
a source of anxiety and unhappiness to another
who has yet not received the security that the former received.
Yet we pretend to be happy for the former
while we think and bring to ourselves misery
and anxiety.At every moment we bear within a new thought.
From this new thought is born a new analyzer.
From the new analyzer is born a new planner.
From this new planner is born the new desirer.
From the new desirer is born the new chaser.
The new chaser readily and willingly accepts
to chase that thought at any cost…
even at the cost of his own self.
And from that chase is born
the sufferer that is confident
that he will gain the ultimate peace
if he allows his thought to chase his mirage
and in that chase he is ready to leave behind
only temporarily his so-called ‘present peace’.
After he has caught his mirage
he feels he will return with its gain
to his self and add its treasures to his ‘present peace’.
All of this happens within the mind of the thinker,
and while he crushes himself for his dream
he crushes the present wealth of his peace
and as well the peace of those he lives and works for.
How very sad!Hence, O child
if you need to watch anything carefully,
watch your thought.
Watch if it dares to repeat.
Watch if it creates the havoc of fears in you.
Watch if it is asking for you to forget the
present knowledge you have gained to remember peace.
divinely sent
The one that loves God is always light-hearted....
The one that loves God
is always light-hearted.
Why? When we love someone fully,
we place our full faith in Him.
In the same way when
we love God fully we place our faith
that all He does for us is good for us.
That faith keeps one free
from anxiety, doubts, hatred,
misunderstandings and desires.
Most of us are under the false impression
that a spiritual life is a serious life.
That is completely a misconception.
A spiritual heart always concentrates
on simplicity and simplicity,
and in that focus he escapes a life
of artificiality.
Simplicity is one’s natural
response to one’s conscience.
A simple person believes
in the wisdom of the conscience
and overcomes the tribulations
of the mind by the sincerity of his reasoning.
He reasons by not focusing
on the desire but instead on
the guidance of his conscience.
With that he is always content
always happy!
We all wish to be light-hearted
but we choose wrong ways.
Often we choose ways
that bring us to a loose way of thinking.
As a result we are unable
to receive guidance from
within ourselves and rely on outside methods.
The greater we rely on these
outside methods the more cynical
we get toward our own inner voice.
The more we doubt ourselves
the more we resent to rely
on the outside guidance.
It is indeed a vicious cycle
that once one steps into,
one is unable to get out of.
We often carry heavy loads in our minds.
But none of us truly realize that most of these loads
that we carry are born out of desire.
They become a “must” only
because we have desired them so very much.
We are prepared to carry the burden
of so much in our minds but we are
not prepared to be simple.
Simplicity to the ‘ordinary mind’ is ‘deprivation’.
And ‘deprivation of these burdens’ to the ‘simple mind’
is contentment.
Be simple…be sincere…then only will you be content.
If you wish to focus on being happy then realize
the three things that you will need to carry are self-respect,
self-confidence, and self-awareness.
Self-respect is the love for truth
that is within you
Self-confidence is the love for carrying
out that truth.
Self-awareness is the love
of the Self as that truth.
May you be blessed with all of them.
May simplicity and sincerity bring you heart-filled contentment.
divinely sent
is always light-hearted.
Why? When we love someone fully,
we place our full faith in Him.
In the same way when
we love God fully we place our faith
that all He does for us is good for us.
That faith keeps one free
from anxiety, doubts, hatred,
misunderstandings and desires.
Most of us are under the false impression
that a spiritual life is a serious life.
That is completely a misconception.
A spiritual heart always concentrates
on simplicity and simplicity,
and in that focus he escapes a life
of artificiality.
Simplicity is one’s natural
response to one’s conscience.
A simple person believes
in the wisdom of the conscience
and overcomes the tribulations
of the mind by the sincerity of his reasoning.
He reasons by not focusing
on the desire but instead on
the guidance of his conscience.
With that he is always content
always happy!
We all wish to be light-hearted
but we choose wrong ways.
Often we choose ways
that bring us to a loose way of thinking.
As a result we are unable
to receive guidance from
within ourselves and rely on outside methods.
The greater we rely on these
outside methods the more cynical
we get toward our own inner voice.
The more we doubt ourselves
the more we resent to rely
on the outside guidance.
It is indeed a vicious cycle
that once one steps into,
one is unable to get out of.
We often carry heavy loads in our minds.
But none of us truly realize that most of these loads
that we carry are born out of desire.
They become a “must” only
because we have desired them so very much.
We are prepared to carry the burden
of so much in our minds but we are
not prepared to be simple.
Simplicity to the ‘ordinary mind’ is ‘deprivation’.
And ‘deprivation of these burdens’ to the ‘simple mind’
is contentment.
Be simple…be sincere…then only will you be content.
If you wish to focus on being happy then realize
the three things that you will need to carry are self-respect,
self-confidence, and self-awareness.
Self-respect is the love for truth
that is within you
Self-confidence is the love for carrying
out that truth.
Self-awareness is the love
of the Self as that truth.
May you be blessed with all of them.
May simplicity and sincerity bring you heart-filled contentment.
divinely sent
Most of what is seen on the television are things that are lewd, disgusting, immoral and vile... Why?
Much of what is seen on the television
are things that are lewd, disgusting, immoral and vile.
Such are the undesirable things being shown.
I wonder what pleasure or profit accrues to
the Government out of all this.
On the other hand Government
promotes this as a great medium.
So it is Government which is spoiling the children. I
t turns the pure, steady and selfless hearts
of the youth into impure, wicked and repugnant.
On top of it, it seeks for more import from foreign countries.
Instead of habituating children to such evil traits,
can one not encourage good practices?
Can they not be shown good stories
which promote good behavior in them?
divinely sent
are things that are lewd, disgusting, immoral and vile.
Such are the undesirable things being shown.
I wonder what pleasure or profit accrues to
the Government out of all this.
On the other hand Government
promotes this as a great medium.
So it is Government which is spoiling the children. I
t turns the pure, steady and selfless hearts
of the youth into impure, wicked and repugnant.
On top of it, it seeks for more import from foreign countries.
Instead of habituating children to such evil traits,
can one not encourage good practices?
Can they not be shown good stories
which promote good behavior in them?
divinely sent
None protests against the evil of television, neither parents inside house, nor the teachers, the educated persons and the elders in the society...why
None protests against the evil of television,
neither parents inside house, nor the teachers,
the educated persons and the elders in the society.
The reason simply is that they too
have succumbed to this addiction.
So if they try to correct children,
they would have to face the question
“What about you?”
Such are the elders of today
to whom children would give a piece of mind.
They in fact are the ones who occupy
the front seats in front of TV sets.
divinely sent
neither parents inside house, nor the teachers,
the educated persons and the elders in the society.
The reason simply is that they too
have succumbed to this addiction.
So if they try to correct children,
they would have to face the question
“What about you?”
Such are the elders of today
to whom children would give a piece of mind.
They in fact are the ones who occupy
the front seats in front of TV sets.
divinely sent
All relationships are incidental and temporary...
All relationships are incidental and temporary.
Hence, one must perform one's duties in the world with detachment.
Even when involved in worldly life,
one has to recognise the relationships between mother and son,
husband and wife, brother and sister etc., as being intrinsically impermanent.
Separation is inevitable sooner or later.
But, between man and God there can never be any separation.
Even if you forget God, He will not forget you.
Therefore, develop faith in God and yearn for His Love.
divinely sent
Hence, one must perform one's duties in the world with detachment.
Even when involved in worldly life,
one has to recognise the relationships between mother and son,
husband and wife, brother and sister etc., as being intrinsically impermanent.
Separation is inevitable sooner or later.
But, between man and God there can never be any separation.
Even if you forget God, He will not forget you.
Therefore, develop faith in God and yearn for His Love.
divinely sent
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
You came into this world alone, with no companion, isn't it?
You came into this world alone,
with no companion, isn't it?
During the years of life,
you collected all this kith and kin;
you gathered wife and children,
friends and acquaintances,
who attached themselves to you.
When you return to the realm
from which you came, you enter the portals alone,
with no one to keep you company.
You leave no address behind,
no indication of the place where you might be.
Carry on your legitimate duties.
Discharge your obligations,
live up to your rights; but,
do not allow attachments to grow.
Be like a trustee so far as family,
riches, reputation, knowledge and skills are concerned.
Leave them gladly aside,
when the call of death comes.
Mohammed of Ghazni,
who amassed vast heaps of treasure
by his campaigns against India,
died of fever.
He directed his vazir to carry
his corpse to the burial ground with
both his palms uplifted for all to see
that the emperor who had accumulated
fabulous wealth was going to the other world
with empty hands.
"Let every one know how transient is the
splendor derived from worldly possessions, "
divinely sent
he said during his last moments.
with no companion, isn't it?
During the years of life,
you collected all this kith and kin;
you gathered wife and children,
friends and acquaintances,
who attached themselves to you.
When you return to the realm
from which you came, you enter the portals alone,
with no one to keep you company.
You leave no address behind,
no indication of the place where you might be.
Carry on your legitimate duties.
Discharge your obligations,
live up to your rights; but,
do not allow attachments to grow.
Be like a trustee so far as family,
riches, reputation, knowledge and skills are concerned.
Leave them gladly aside,
when the call of death comes.
Mohammed of Ghazni,
who amassed vast heaps of treasure
by his campaigns against India,
died of fever.
He directed his vazir to carry
his corpse to the burial ground with
both his palms uplifted for all to see
that the emperor who had accumulated
fabulous wealth was going to the other world
with empty hands.
"Let every one know how transient is the
splendor derived from worldly possessions, "
divinely sent
he said during his last moments.
Truth and righteousness are the 2 most impt spiritual practices that will liberate you from this mundane world...
Truth and righteousness are the
two most important spiritual practices
that will liberate you from this mundane world.
You should always remember that you are the breathe of God.
You should realise your relationship with God.
This is the only relationship that will last forever;
you may belong to any country or religion.
But do not entertain any differences on that basis.
All religions teach the same truth and will lead to the same God.
Not a single religion is bad, provided your intellect is good.
Hence, you have to keep your intellect in good condition.
You have to understand religion in its proper perspective.
Your mind may be changing constantly, but the religion does not change.
Hence, do not give scope for doubt in every aspect.
Do not entertain any doubts. Keep only one thing in mind – truth and love.
Truth is Truth. What is the meaning of the word 'Myself?'
It means Atma.
Follow your Atma.
That is your Dharma.
If you do this, you will
not encounter any calamity.
Everything will merge into this Divine Atma.
Realise the Truth.
Then your life will be sanctified.
divinely sent
two most important spiritual practices
that will liberate you from this mundane world.
You should always remember that you are the breathe of God.
You should realise your relationship with God.
This is the only relationship that will last forever;
you may belong to any country or religion.
But do not entertain any differences on that basis.
All religions teach the same truth and will lead to the same God.
Not a single religion is bad, provided your intellect is good.
Hence, you have to keep your intellect in good condition.
You have to understand religion in its proper perspective.
Your mind may be changing constantly, but the religion does not change.
Hence, do not give scope for doubt in every aspect.
Do not entertain any doubts. Keep only one thing in mind – truth and love.
Truth is Truth. What is the meaning of the word 'Myself?'
It means Atma.
Follow your Atma.
That is your Dharma.
If you do this, you will
not encounter any calamity.
Everything will merge into this Divine Atma.
Realise the Truth.
Then your life will be sanctified.
divinely sent
Truth and righteousness alone protect the world...
Truth and righteousness alone protect the world.
We are undertaking several types of spiritual practices
in order that the world is protected.
But, they are all pompous spiritual practices only!
You must install these two values in the heart
and follow them at all times, day in and day out.
Presently, you are just chanting these words by mouth.
This is not enough. When you practice these values
with all the sincerity at your command,
you will achieve the desired results.
There is no use repeating these words like a parrot.
Even record player does such an exercise.
One has to develop conviction in these values with all sincerity.
Only then will they be imprinted in your heart forever.
They always remain in you, with you.
You have to put forth efforts to achieve such type of sadhana.
divinely sent
We are undertaking several types of spiritual practices
in order that the world is protected.
But, they are all pompous spiritual practices only!
You must install these two values in the heart
and follow them at all times, day in and day out.
Presently, you are just chanting these words by mouth.
This is not enough. When you practice these values
with all the sincerity at your command,
you will achieve the desired results.
There is no use repeating these words like a parrot.
Even record player does such an exercise.
One has to develop conviction in these values with all sincerity.
Only then will they be imprinted in your heart forever.
They always remain in you, with you.
You have to put forth efforts to achieve such type of sadhana.
divinely sent
The body is made up of 5 elements and is bound to perish sooner or later, but the indweller has neither birth nor death..
The body is made up of five elements and is bound to perish sooner or later, but the indweller has neither birth nor death. The indweller has no attachment whatsoever and is the eternal witness.
The body is not permanent.
Hence, do not give importance to the physical body.
The Indweller is important.
He alone is the embodiment of Truth.
It is a serious mistake to ignore such an indweller.
When you repose confidence in the Indweller and rely upon Him,
He by himself will look after everything.
We should never forget the Indweller,
who is free from all ailments.
divinely sent
The body is not permanent.
Hence, do not give importance to the physical body.
The Indweller is important.
He alone is the embodiment of Truth.
It is a serious mistake to ignore such an indweller.
When you repose confidence in the Indweller and rely upon Him,
He by himself will look after everything.
We should never forget the Indweller,
who is free from all ailments.
divinely sent
Meditation is a function of inner self that motivates deep subjective quiet, which employs the mind and filling oneself with the light that emerges fr
It may be possible to teach a person the posture,
the position of feet or hands, neck, head or back,
the style of breathing or its speed.
But the meditation is a function of the inner self;
it motivates deep subjective quiet,
the employing of the mind and filling oneself
with the light that emerges from the divine spark within.
This is a discipline that no text book
can teach and no class can communicate.
divinely sent
the position of feet or hands, neck, head or back,
the style of breathing or its speed.
But the meditation is a function of the inner self;
it motivates deep subjective quiet,
the employing of the mind and filling oneself
with the light that emerges from the divine spark within.
This is a discipline that no text book
can teach and no class can communicate.
divinely sent
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Prayers should come from the heart without any malice towards anyone, with no self-interest or self bearing, carries no attachments of the past....
A prayer that comes from the heart,
that has no malice toward anyone,
that has no self-interest or self bearing,
that carries no attachments of the past,
such a prayer when spoken carries its vibrations
to the Divine Master instantly and returns
with His Grace, and that prayer My child,
becomes a proof that one’s soul is always in touch with God.
Grace is always there for all
but the pure one alone sees it…
recognizes it…realizes it…utilizes it…shares it…
and carries it for the benefit of God’s work.
The one that wakes up to selfish interests
speaks the prayer of fear and walks past
the Grace to reach whatever he can grab
in case God had denied his fearful requests.
Pray to God. Pray every minute.
Pray from the heart. Pray and believe in your prayers.
Pray and believe in your inner strength.
Pray and overcome the obstacles that
make you deny His Grace.
God is present…this very moment…as you read.
And why must your practice wait even for a second?
Pray and begin right now!
Close your eyes and speak these words,
“I shall speak to You
O friend of my heart
From now on every day...Whenever I wish
For something else
Other than you
I, O Lord
Shall return
My mind to You
And place my heart
Upon Your feet.
I will never deny
From now on
My right to pray
That you have always
Given to me
And Your GraceI shall see
With the eyes
Of love.
From now on
When I shall slip
Into self-interest
And self-pity
I shall holdYour hand
O Father
And rise above The lows
For I am well With You alone.
I, O Lord
Am unwell
With my own thoughts.
From now onI shall speakTo You
Before I speak To my mind
And whatever Comes before me I shall
Generously accept
And say to myself,'His Grace has come
His Grace has come
My prayers have been answered!'"
divinely sent
that has no malice toward anyone,
that has no self-interest or self bearing,
that carries no attachments of the past,
such a prayer when spoken carries its vibrations
to the Divine Master instantly and returns
with His Grace, and that prayer My child,
becomes a proof that one’s soul is always in touch with God.
Grace is always there for all
but the pure one alone sees it…
recognizes it…realizes it…utilizes it…shares it…
and carries it for the benefit of God’s work.
The one that wakes up to selfish interests
speaks the prayer of fear and walks past
the Grace to reach whatever he can grab
in case God had denied his fearful requests.
Pray to God. Pray every minute.
Pray from the heart. Pray and believe in your prayers.
Pray and believe in your inner strength.
Pray and overcome the obstacles that
make you deny His Grace.
God is present…this very moment…as you read.
And why must your practice wait even for a second?
Pray and begin right now!
Close your eyes and speak these words,
“I shall speak to You
O friend of my heart
From now on every day...Whenever I wish
For something else
Other than you
I, O Lord
Shall return
My mind to You
And place my heart
Upon Your feet.
I will never deny
From now on
My right to pray
That you have always
Given to me
And Your GraceI shall see
With the eyes
Of love.
From now on
When I shall slip
Into self-interest
And self-pity
I shall holdYour hand
O Father
And rise above The lows
For I am well With You alone.
I, O Lord
Am unwell
With my own thoughts.
From now onI shall speakTo You
Before I speak To my mind
And whatever Comes before me I shall
Generously accept
And say to myself,'His Grace has come
His Grace has come
My prayers have been answered!'"
divinely sent
Everything which is petty and worldly should be transformed in course of time into something sacred and divine...
When a sculptor transforms
a piece of rock into a beautiful idol
to be worshipped in a shrine,
what was inert and worthless becomes sacred.
In the same manner,
everything which is petty and worldly
should be transformed in course of time
into something sacred and divine.
That is the real transformation that every man must aspire for.
divinely sent
a piece of rock into a beautiful idol
to be worshipped in a shrine,
what was inert and worthless becomes sacred.
In the same manner,
everything which is petty and worldly
should be transformed in course of time
into something sacred and divine.
That is the real transformation that every man must aspire for.
divinely sent
God does not exist for those who deny Him, He exists for those who believe in His existence...
God does not exist for those who deny Him.
He exists for those who believe in His existence.
He says 'yes' for those who say 'yes'
and 'no' for those who say 'no'.
You may say 'yes' or 'no', but, for God,
everything is 'yes, yes, yes'.
If someone were to tell you that God does not exist,
teach him a lesson saying,
"God may not exist for you but He does exist for me.
You have no right to deny the existence of my God."
With such courage and conviction, you should uphold our ancient culture.
divinely sent
He exists for those who believe in His existence.
He says 'yes' for those who say 'yes'
and 'no' for those who say 'no'.
You may say 'yes' or 'no', but, for God,
everything is 'yes, yes, yes'.
If someone were to tell you that God does not exist,
teach him a lesson saying,
"God may not exist for you but He does exist for me.
You have no right to deny the existence of my God."
With such courage and conviction, you should uphold our ancient culture.
divinely sent
Every artist gives nature its own beauty, his art reveals his inspiration, his inner beauty and the depth of his love for his work..
Practice renunciation from now on, that you may set out on the journey when the call comes, you don't know when..
Practice renunciation from now on,
that you may set out on the journey
when the call comes, you don't know when.
Or at that moment,
you will be in tears when you think
of the house you have built,
the property you have accumulated,
the fame you have amassed,
the titles you have won.
Know that all this is
for the fleeting moment;
develop attachment for the Lord
who will be with you, wherever you go.
Only the years that you have lived
with the Lord have to be counted as life;
the rest are all out of count.
An old grandfather of seventy
was asked by his seven year old grandchild,
"Grandpa! How old are you?"
The old man replied, "Two!"
The child was struck with wonder
and looked a picture of doubt.
The old man replied,
"I have spent only the last two years
in the company of the Lord;
until then I was plunged
in the marshland of pleasure seeking.
divinely sent
that you may set out on the journey
when the call comes, you don't know when.
Or at that moment,
you will be in tears when you think
of the house you have built,
the property you have accumulated,
the fame you have amassed,
the titles you have won.
Know that all this is
for the fleeting moment;
develop attachment for the Lord
who will be with you, wherever you go.
Only the years that you have lived
with the Lord have to be counted as life;
the rest are all out of count.
An old grandfather of seventy
was asked by his seven year old grandchild,
"Grandpa! How old are you?"
The old man replied, "Two!"
The child was struck with wonder
and looked a picture of doubt.
The old man replied,
"I have spent only the last two years
in the company of the Lord;
until then I was plunged
in the marshland of pleasure seeking.
divinely sent
Monday, October 22, 2007
Every life is a new chance, a fresh opportunity for realizing the truth..
Every life is a new chance,
a fresh opportunity for realizing the truth.
Yesterday is gone;
today is the fresh chance,
the new opportunity is now;
tomorrow, you cannot be sure of.
Every minute is to be welcomed
as unique and as valuable, precious in fact.
Do not pine over the chunks
of time you have wasted.
Seize the moment that has come within your grasp.
divinely sent
a fresh opportunity for realizing the truth.
Yesterday is gone;
today is the fresh chance,
the new opportunity is now;
tomorrow, you cannot be sure of.
Every minute is to be welcomed
as unique and as valuable, precious in fact.
Do not pine over the chunks
of time you have wasted.
Seize the moment that has come within your grasp.
divinely sent
Patience is not a 'resentful wait' for the desirable to happen...
Patience is not a
“resentful wait” for
the desirable to happen…
Patience is that strength in which
a desireful mind holds hands with God
and in that companionship God
teaches the mind to resist its burning desires,
witness its resentments and pass to a higher state of thinking.
Patience is not passing the time…
it is O child the “passing away” of the mind.
We must learn to wait.
And while we wait,
we must realize that when
we have given up our plans
and surrendered to Him
it is then only that we shall see
that His plan was always before us…
our desires… our anxiety and that
our doubts simply had made that picture so faded.
Should we fear when we are patient?
Should we check on His ways?
Should we ask Him for a ‘clue’?
Or should we just bear our minds
until time slowly takes it away?
Wait! Wait! His gifts shall come…
they were always there.
For us to see His Grace our hearts
and mind must become one!
Everything shall come to you…
but only when we are ripe.
Be patient, for God has declared,
“I alone walk with the patient man.
While he waits, I do.
While he forgets his desires,
I remember his welfare.
While he is grateful for whatever he receives,
I give him the very best!
I alone walk with the patient man…
I alone do…I only ask him to wait!
divinely sent
“resentful wait” for
the desirable to happen…
Patience is that strength in which
a desireful mind holds hands with God
and in that companionship God
teaches the mind to resist its burning desires,
witness its resentments and pass to a higher state of thinking.
Patience is not passing the time…
it is O child the “passing away” of the mind.
We must learn to wait.
And while we wait,
we must realize that when
we have given up our plans
and surrendered to Him
it is then only that we shall see
that His plan was always before us…
our desires… our anxiety and that
our doubts simply had made that picture so faded.
Should we fear when we are patient?
Should we check on His ways?
Should we ask Him for a ‘clue’?
Or should we just bear our minds
until time slowly takes it away?
Wait! Wait! His gifts shall come…
they were always there.
For us to see His Grace our hearts
and mind must become one!
Everything shall come to you…
but only when we are ripe.
Be patient, for God has declared,
“I alone walk with the patient man.
While he waits, I do.
While he forgets his desires,
I remember his welfare.
While he is grateful for whatever he receives,
I give him the very best!
I alone walk with the patient man…
I alone do…I only ask him to wait!
divinely sent
Thursday, October 18, 2007
If you win the grace of the Lord, even the decree of destiny can be overcome....
If you win the grace of the Lord,
even the decree of destiny can be overcome.
When a bottle of medicine is purchased,
on the label is a date, printed by the drug manufacturer,
that indicates its expiration.
The drug loses its efficacy beyond that date.
Although the drug remains in the bottle,
it will no longer be effective.
Similarly, the grace of God can work
like an expiration date and make the effects of destiny ineffective.
divinely sent
even the decree of destiny can be overcome.
When a bottle of medicine is purchased,
on the label is a date, printed by the drug manufacturer,
that indicates its expiration.
The drug loses its efficacy beyond that date.
Although the drug remains in the bottle,
it will no longer be effective.
Similarly, the grace of God can work
like an expiration date and make the effects of destiny ineffective.
divinely sent
Today's youth do not understand this secret of life, dawn to dusk they adopt unhealthy ways of living & face miserable consequences..
Today’s youth do not understand this secret of life.
Dawn to dusk they adopt unhealthy ways
of living and face miserable consequences.
Scholars, noble men and many
such intelligent people carried out
a variety of experiments and discovered ways
to free this body from disease and illness.
When body is ridden with diseases,
health wanes and one is afflicted by all kinds of miseries.
divinely sent
Dawn to dusk they adopt unhealthy ways
of living and face miserable consequences.
Scholars, noble men and many
such intelligent people carried out
a variety of experiments and discovered ways
to free this body from disease and illness.
When body is ridden with diseases,
health wanes and one is afflicted by all kinds of miseries.
divinely sent
How can anyone give a specific name to God who is all powerful and all pervasive?
" How can anyone give a specific name
to God who is all powerful and all-pervasive?
The earth absorbs rainwater
and supplies it to the crop.
As a result, we reap the harvest.
Thus, mother earth sustains our life
by providing our sustenance.
Water is very essential for our survival.
One may live without food for a few days,
but no one can live without water.
Water is the gift of God.
It can be acquired only through
prayer and not by any other means.
People in many places perform worship
and offer special prayers to invoke divine grace for water.
Pauper or millionaire,
everyone must pray to God,
for He is the one who gives us food and water.
Man cannot create food and water by himself.
He does not even know what type of food is
essential to lead a healthy life.
He should make efforts to understand this Truth.
divinely sent
to God who is all powerful and all-pervasive?
The earth absorbs rainwater
and supplies it to the crop.
As a result, we reap the harvest.
Thus, mother earth sustains our life
by providing our sustenance.
Water is very essential for our survival.
One may live without food for a few days,
but no one can live without water.
Water is the gift of God.
It can be acquired only through
prayer and not by any other means.
People in many places perform worship
and offer special prayers to invoke divine grace for water.
Pauper or millionaire,
everyone must pray to God,
for He is the one who gives us food and water.
Man cannot create food and water by himself.
He does not even know what type of food is
essential to lead a healthy life.
He should make efforts to understand this Truth.
divinely sent
Engage in some work which will take u out of ur narrow self into the vaster magnificence...of divinity
Engage in some work which will take you
out of your narrow self into the vaster magnificence;
some task where you dedicate the fruit of karma to God,
where you devote your time and energy to share your joy,
skill, or knowledge with fellow-men.
Alternatively, keep yourself surrounded
always by persons devoted to the higher life;
persons who will encourage you to move
forward along the road towards the goal.
By these means, you can achieve cleansing of the mind,
so that the Truth can be clearly reflected therein.
Company of pious and holy people leads gradually
to withdrawal from the entangling activities.
When a cold bit of coal is placed
in the midst of glowing cinders,
and when the fire is fanned,
the coal too gets glowing with fire.
The Fire of Wisdom operates similarly.
divinely sent
out of your narrow self into the vaster magnificence;
some task where you dedicate the fruit of karma to God,
where you devote your time and energy to share your joy,
skill, or knowledge with fellow-men.
Alternatively, keep yourself surrounded
always by persons devoted to the higher life;
persons who will encourage you to move
forward along the road towards the goal.
By these means, you can achieve cleansing of the mind,
so that the Truth can be clearly reflected therein.
Company of pious and holy people leads gradually
to withdrawal from the entangling activities.
When a cold bit of coal is placed
in the midst of glowing cinders,
and when the fire is fanned,
the coal too gets glowing with fire.
The Fire of Wisdom operates similarly.
divinely sent
In any business in which u engage urself, treat it as God's work, this is known as attitude of oneness...
Often devotees make a distinction
between personal duties and service to the Divine.
They look upon worship,
meditation the like as Divine service.
What they do for their families
and friends they accept as personal duties.
Hence, there is no meaning
in making a distinction between
one kind of work and another.
In any business in which
you engage yourself,
treat it as God's work.
This is known as attitude of oneness.
Be vigilant, even while engaged in little tasks.
Maintain silence, in the recesses of the heart,
as well as outside.
The Divine says, God's hands
and feet are everywhere.
Develop the awareness of God,
see Him, and serve Him in every living being.
You have the instance
of people in different bodies,
with different forms and names.
Nevertheless, irrespective of these differences,
they are basically made up of the same five elements.
These elements are aspects
of the Supreme Self, Over Soul.
Why then should any distinctions
be made in our activities between
different persons constituted by the same common elements?
There should be unitary attitude to work.
This means that whatever work you do
should be dedicated to God.
All such actions become thereby
sanctified and divinized, they
acquire the unifying quality of holiness.
divinely sent
between personal duties and service to the Divine.
They look upon worship,
meditation the like as Divine service.
What they do for their families
and friends they accept as personal duties.
Hence, there is no meaning
in making a distinction between
one kind of work and another.
In any business in which
you engage yourself,
treat it as God's work.
This is known as attitude of oneness.
Be vigilant, even while engaged in little tasks.
Maintain silence, in the recesses of the heart,
as well as outside.
The Divine says, God's hands
and feet are everywhere.
Develop the awareness of God,
see Him, and serve Him in every living being.
You have the instance
of people in different bodies,
with different forms and names.
Nevertheless, irrespective of these differences,
they are basically made up of the same five elements.
These elements are aspects
of the Supreme Self, Over Soul.
Why then should any distinctions
be made in our activities between
different persons constituted by the same common elements?
There should be unitary attitude to work.
This means that whatever work you do
should be dedicated to God.
All such actions become thereby
sanctified and divinized, they
acquire the unifying quality of holiness.
divinely sent
Science is powerful, but it cannot explain everything, you have to turn ur mind from the mundane to the Divine, from Nature to Nature's God..
Human today is basing own life
on reliance on Nature, forgetting God.
This is agrievous mistake.
You must place your faith in God,
who is the prime supporter of Nature,
and enjoy what Nature provides.
Look at the modern attempts
to understand God by concentrating
on exploring the secrets of Nature.
The scientific method is the
foundation of modern science.
It is a process for making observations,
recording data, and analyzing data that
can be duplicated by other scientists.
Science is powerful,
but it cannot explain everything.
However, the effort should be
to realize that Nature has come from God.
You have to turn your mind from the mundane
to the Divine, from Nature to Nature's God.
Admittedly, the phenomenal world
presented by Nature is true.
The Spirit is also true.
Human's journey is not from untruth
to truth but from a lesser truth to a higher Truth.
divinely sent
on reliance on Nature, forgetting God.
This is agrievous mistake.
You must place your faith in God,
who is the prime supporter of Nature,
and enjoy what Nature provides.
Look at the modern attempts
to understand God by concentrating
on exploring the secrets of Nature.
The scientific method is the
foundation of modern science.
It is a process for making observations,
recording data, and analyzing data that
can be duplicated by other scientists.
Science is powerful,
but it cannot explain everything.
However, the effort should be
to realize that Nature has come from God.
You have to turn your mind from the mundane
to the Divine, from Nature to Nature's God.
Admittedly, the phenomenal world
presented by Nature is true.
The Spirit is also true.
Human's journey is not from untruth
to truth but from a lesser truth to a higher Truth.
divinely sent
You are drawing wealth out of Nature of which is the manifestation of God. Nature is not anyone's private property...
The Self is Atma, of which the
entire Creation is composed and so,
knowledge of the Self alone can
quench the thirst of human being.
Nature is a projection of the Self,
and so, unless the Self is known,
knowledge of Nature is either distorted or deceptive.
You are drawing wealth out of Nature
what is the manifestation of God.
Nature is not anyone's private property.
It belongs to God.
When you desire to master Prakriti,
and bend it for your needs,
you have to earn the Grace of Purusha.
Not realizing this truth,
some people embark on the exploitation of Nature,
out of arrogance and self-conceit.
divinely sent
entire Creation is composed and so,
knowledge of the Self alone can
quench the thirst of human being.
Nature is a projection of the Self,
and so, unless the Self is known,
knowledge of Nature is either distorted or deceptive.
You are drawing wealth out of Nature
what is the manifestation of God.
Nature is not anyone's private property.
It belongs to God.
When you desire to master Prakriti,
and bend it for your needs,
you have to earn the Grace of Purusha.
Not realizing this truth,
some people embark on the exploitation of Nature,
out of arrogance and self-conceit.
divinely sent
Theoretical knowledge is a burden, unless it is practiced, when it can be lightened into wisdom & assimilated into daily life..
Theoretical knowledge is a burden,
unless it is practiced, when it can be lightened into wisdom,
and assimilated into daily, life.
Knowledge that does not give
harmony and wholeness to the
process of living is not worth acquiring.
Every activity must be rendered valid
and worthwhile by its contribution to the
discovery of truth, both of the Self and of Nature.
Of what use is it to know
everything about Nature,
if you do not know anything of the Self?
divinely sent
unless it is practiced, when it can be lightened into wisdom,
and assimilated into daily, life.
Knowledge that does not give
harmony and wholeness to the
process of living is not worth acquiring.
Every activity must be rendered valid
and worthwhile by its contribution to the
discovery of truth, both of the Self and of Nature.
Of what use is it to know
everything about Nature,
if you do not know anything of the Self?
divinely sent
When intelligence is saturated with the fragrance of Love, Virtue and Charity, you can derive contentment and joy, & those around u can also share ...
Intelligence has to be directed
to good ends; to seek and discover ways
and means of expanding one's Love and
deepening one's compassion.
It should not descend to cynicism,
and the search for faults in others.
When a rose is held in the hand,
its fragrance can give the holder joy;
people standing near can enjoy the fragrance.
So too, when your intelligence is
saturated with the fragrance of Love,
Virtue and Charity you can derive contentment and joy,
and those around you also can share in the peace and harmony.
divinely sent
"Attractive people know that Love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate Truth at the heart of the Universe
to good ends; to seek and discover ways
and means of expanding one's Love and
deepening one's compassion.
It should not descend to cynicism,
and the search for faults in others.
When a rose is held in the hand,
its fragrance can give the holder joy;
people standing near can enjoy the fragrance.
So too, when your intelligence is
saturated with the fragrance of Love,
Virtue and Charity you can derive contentment and joy,
and those around you also can share in the peace and harmony.
divinely sent
"Attractive people know that Love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate Truth at the heart of the Universe
"I" means the 'ego', 'want' means 'desire', remove the 2 covers, the ego and desire, and what remains is liberation...
It is your duty to serve,
and to be good, whether people
honour you or throw scorn at you.
Liberation in your hands already are,
packed between the upper cover 'I' and the lower cover 'want'.
'I' means the 'ego;' 'want' means 'desire.'
Remove the two covers, the ego and the desire.
What remains is Liberation.
In order to remove the upper and lower covers,
intelligence is wanted.
That is why a holy man went round the country
with the prayer: "O Lord, give every one good intelligence. "
divinely sent
and to be good, whether people
honour you or throw scorn at you.
Liberation in your hands already are,
packed between the upper cover 'I' and the lower cover 'want'.
'I' means the 'ego;' 'want' means 'desire.'
Remove the two covers, the ego and the desire.
What remains is Liberation.
In order to remove the upper and lower covers,
intelligence is wanted.
That is why a holy man went round the country
with the prayer: "O Lord, give every one good intelligence. "
divinely sent
The proper directions of study are reading, reflection, and regular application in life...
The proper directions of study are -
reading, reflection, and regular application in life.
Study is work.
Inquiry into the value and applicability
of what is studied is worship;
the experience of the validity and
value of the practice is wisdom.
divinely sent
reading, reflection, and regular application in life.
Study is work.
Inquiry into the value and applicability
of what is studied is worship;
the experience of the validity and
value of the practice is wisdom.
divinely sent
When one cultivates the inner look, one attains the conviction of the basic equality of all...
External discipline is the acquisition of
righteousness as a way of living;
internal discipline is the acquisition
of spiritual experience as a perpetual treasure.
When one cultivates the inner look,
one attains the conviction of the basic equality of all.
Every individual is a pilgrim
on that road proceeding at his/her own pace,
according to qualification and the stage reached by its means.
The advice that appeals to one of you
or applies to one of you might not be appropriate to another,
who has traveled less distance or reached a more advanced state.
When one person follows
one line of spiritual discipline,
it is specifically for his/her benefit;
do not take it as prescription for your benefit also.
Each has a different make-up - mental, physical, and spiritual.
When a person is obese, doctor advises certain types of food;
when a person is lean, doctor advises other types.
When doctors who treat diseases
of the body have to prescribe different remedies,
how much more specific and personal
must be the remedies for the complex and
varied conditions of mental situations and
spiritual yearnings and aspirations?
Unless you make earnest inquiry,
you cannot discover the remedy applicable
to your temperament and its problems.
Study with faith and devotion.
Delve into the significance and
the meaning of what you read; and,
always have before you the goal
of putting what you read into practice.
What have you gained?
Knowledge, what this or that author
says or this or that sage teaches is not
what a study circle or individual must aim to acquire.
Not information,
but transformation;
not instruction,
but construction should be the aim.
divinely sent
righteousness as a way of living;
internal discipline is the acquisition
of spiritual experience as a perpetual treasure.
When one cultivates the inner look,
one attains the conviction of the basic equality of all.
Every individual is a pilgrim
on that road proceeding at his/her own pace,
according to qualification and the stage reached by its means.
The advice that appeals to one of you
or applies to one of you might not be appropriate to another,
who has traveled less distance or reached a more advanced state.
When one person follows
one line of spiritual discipline,
it is specifically for his/her benefit;
do not take it as prescription for your benefit also.
Each has a different make-up - mental, physical, and spiritual.
When a person is obese, doctor advises certain types of food;
when a person is lean, doctor advises other types.
When doctors who treat diseases
of the body have to prescribe different remedies,
how much more specific and personal
must be the remedies for the complex and
varied conditions of mental situations and
spiritual yearnings and aspirations?
Unless you make earnest inquiry,
you cannot discover the remedy applicable
to your temperament and its problems.
Study with faith and devotion.
Delve into the significance and
the meaning of what you read; and,
always have before you the goal
of putting what you read into practice.
What have you gained?
Knowledge, what this or that author
says or this or that sage teaches is not
what a study circle or individual must aim to acquire.
Not information,
but transformation;
not instruction,
but construction should be the aim.
divinely sent
You can be very wrong, if you estimate a person's spiritual development, by mere externals...
You can be very wrong, if you estimate
a person's spiritual development, by mere externals.
Inner purity cannot express itself
through pompous show. Only one,
who sees into every heart the Divine source,
can know who resides therein:
God or selfish desire.
Of course, disciplines like singing hymns,
silent repetition of God's name are
needed for cleansing the mind.
They cure the terrible malady of birth and death,
as the external medication of these spiritual practices
so the internal medication and virtuous conduct are both essential.
divinely sent
a person's spiritual development, by mere externals.
Inner purity cannot express itself
through pompous show. Only one,
who sees into every heart the Divine source,
can know who resides therein:
God or selfish desire.
Of course, disciplines like singing hymns,
silent repetition of God's name are
needed for cleansing the mind.
They cure the terrible malady of birth and death,
as the external medication of these spiritual practices
so the internal medication and virtuous conduct are both essential.
divinely sent
God is not to be found in the temple, church or in a palace, find Him in your heart...
Have faith in His Grace,
and lead a virtuous life,
a life devoted to service of the weak,
a life spent in thoughts about the might and glory of God.
How should devotion to God express itself?
Not in ostentatious external forms like smearing vibhuti,
wearing a special dress or flaunting a japamala.
For spiritual seekers on the
nirguna (without qualities, attributeless) path
is not always necessary to go in search
of temples and shrines for worship.
The body itself is a temple
and the indweller is the eternal God.
God is not to be found
in the temple or in a palace.
Find Him in your heart.
divinely sent
and lead a virtuous life,
a life devoted to service of the weak,
a life spent in thoughts about the might and glory of God.
How should devotion to God express itself?
Not in ostentatious external forms like smearing vibhuti,
wearing a special dress or flaunting a japamala.
For spiritual seekers on the
nirguna (without qualities, attributeless) path
is not always necessary to go in search
of temples and shrines for worship.
The body itself is a temple
and the indweller is the eternal God.
God is not to be found
in the temple or in a palace.
Find Him in your heart.
divinely sent
This world is so plentiful, so charming, so rich, so comfortable, so regular in its movements & moods, because it has an unseen Master, the sustainer
Truth is undercurrent of
all happenings in the Universe.
Trees are able to stand firm and grow,
because of the roots that have spread out of your sight.
This world is so plentiful,
so charming, so rich, so comfortable,
so regular in its movements and moods,
because it has an unseen Master the sustainer of the seen.
Have faith in His Grace,
and lead a virtuous life,
a life devoted to service of the weak,
a life spent in thoughts about the might and glory of God.
divinely sent
all happenings in the Universe.
Trees are able to stand firm and grow,
because of the roots that have spread out of your sight.
This world is so plentiful,
so charming, so rich, so comfortable,
so regular in its movements and moods,
because it has an unseen Master the sustainer of the seen.
Have faith in His Grace,
and lead a virtuous life,
a life devoted to service of the weak,
a life spent in thoughts about the might and glory of God.
divinely sent
Human has been sent into the world, in order that he/she may use the time and the opportunity to realize the Truth that he/she is not human, but God..
Human has been sent into the world, in order that
he/she may use the time and the opportunity to
realize the Truth that he/she is not human, but God.
Nevertheless, everything in
its own good time, as the saying goes.
A flower blooms; but a long time elapses
before it grows into a fruit and is filled,
with nectarine juice.
A child is born; but it takes a long time
to grow into a strong intelligent member of society.
The wave dances with the wind,
basks in the Sun, frisks in the rain,
imagining it is playing on the breast of the Sea;
it does not know that it is the Sea itself.
Until it realizes that Truth,
it will be tossed up and down;
when it knows it, it can lie calm
and collected at peace with itself.
The creation emerges from Truth and merges into Truth.
Is there a place where Truth does not exist?
Visualize such pure and unsullied Truth
what is the essence of Atmic Reality, the Great One.
Truth may sound like a simple word,
but it is very important to know its greatness.
The entire Universe is dependent on Truth.
If the very basis is lost, what is left of our life?
Truth is one, but sages refer to it by many names.
All types of wealth, comforts, and conveniences are
based on Truth what neither can be hidden nor be changed.
Truth is that which the same
remains in the past, present and future.
All human values are based on Truth.
divinely sent
he/she may use the time and the opportunity to
realize the Truth that he/she is not human, but God.
Nevertheless, everything in
its own good time, as the saying goes.
A flower blooms; but a long time elapses
before it grows into a fruit and is filled,
with nectarine juice.
A child is born; but it takes a long time
to grow into a strong intelligent member of society.
The wave dances with the wind,
basks in the Sun, frisks in the rain,
imagining it is playing on the breast of the Sea;
it does not know that it is the Sea itself.
Until it realizes that Truth,
it will be tossed up and down;
when it knows it, it can lie calm
and collected at peace with itself.
The creation emerges from Truth and merges into Truth.
Is there a place where Truth does not exist?
Visualize such pure and unsullied Truth
what is the essence of Atmic Reality, the Great One.
Truth may sound like a simple word,
but it is very important to know its greatness.
The entire Universe is dependent on Truth.
If the very basis is lost, what is left of our life?
Truth is one, but sages refer to it by many names.
All types of wealth, comforts, and conveniences are
based on Truth what neither can be hidden nor be changed.
Truth is that which the same
remains in the past, present and future.
All human values are based on Truth.
divinely sent
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Oh God, kindle the lamp of wisdom in our hearts, so tht it shines in all its brightness, to radiate light and knowledge all around us..
O God in different forms -
Thou art the Creator of the universe..
Thou art Destroyer of Mahishasura
Kill the asuras of lust, ego
and jealousy lurking in our hearts;
So that we can enthrone you with all splendor
Thou art bestower of wealth -
Grant us the boon of bhakti and shraddha;
Thou art dispeller of ignorance;
Kindle the lamp of wisdom in our hearts
So that it shines in all its brightness
To radiate light and knowledge all around us.
Let us dance and sing thy glories during nine nights
Let us bathe and rejoice in the ocean of divine love
Let us medidate on thy glorious forms
And attain the summum bonum of existence.
divinely sent
Thou art the Creator of the universe..
Thou art Destroyer of Mahishasura
Kill the asuras of lust, ego
and jealousy lurking in our hearts;
So that we can enthrone you with all splendor
Thou art bestower of wealth -
Grant us the boon of bhakti and shraddha;
Thou art dispeller of ignorance;
Kindle the lamp of wisdom in our hearts
So that it shines in all its brightness
To radiate light and knowledge all around us.
Let us dance and sing thy glories during nine nights
Let us bathe and rejoice in the ocean of divine love
Let us medidate on thy glorious forms
And attain the summum bonum of existence.
divinely sent
Each has his faith, conviction and experience. No one has the right to criticize others..
Some people may call the
Hunger for God as madness;
that is their madness.
Each has his faith,
conviction and experience.
No one has the right to criticize others.
It is only the body that
has birth and death,
but Atma has no birth and no death.
It has no beginning and no end.
It is the all-pervading eternal Brahma.
divinely sent
Hunger for God as madness;
that is their madness.
Each has his faith,
conviction and experience.
No one has the right to criticize others.
It is only the body that
has birth and death,
but Atma has no birth and no death.
It has no beginning and no end.
It is the all-pervading eternal Brahma.
divinely sent
Happiness is your greatest wealth, health is your greatest wealth..
Happiness is your greatest wealth.
Health is your greatest wealth.
Eat your meals on time. Have your fill.
Relish and enjoy the food provided
by your parents which they have
secured through much hard work.
Never find fault with it or refuse it.
If you relish fondly, it nourishes your body well.
Then the body can do any amount of work
divinely sent
Health is your greatest wealth.
Eat your meals on time. Have your fill.
Relish and enjoy the food provided
by your parents which they have
secured through much hard work.
Never find fault with it or refuse it.
If you relish fondly, it nourishes your body well.
Then the body can do any amount of work
divinely sent
You must find the essence of education and live by it. Never abuse anyone with harsh words...
What you have learnt here today
is different from the kind of studies you did earlier.
You must find the essence of education and live by it.
Never abuse anyone with harsh words.
Today if you hurt the feelings of others with harsh words,
tomorrow many others will hurt you with harsher words.
You cannot escape this law of reaction, resound and reflection.
divinely sent
is different from the kind of studies you did earlier.
You must find the essence of education and live by it.
Never abuse anyone with harsh words.
Today if you hurt the feelings of others with harsh words,
tomorrow many others will hurt you with harsher words.
You cannot escape this law of reaction, resound and reflection.
divinely sent
You complain that ur neighbor began his spiritual discipline only 2 yrs ago, while u have been keeping schedule since 20 yrs, but he has secured......
You complain that your neighbor
began his spiritual discipline only two years since,
while you have been keeping schedule since 20 years.
But, he has secured happiness, while you are miserable.
You feel that you have been coming to me since years,
but I take near me, those who have come just a short while ago.
Your reactions lead you to ascribe injustice
and partiality but answer lies in the past about which you are not aware.
Twenty hammer stroke have been
given to a slab but it did not break.
An another fellow comes along
and his second stroke, the slab is broken.
The man who dealt the 20 is disappointed
and the man who broke it in 2 is elevated,
but the slab broke as a result of the cumulative impact of the 22.
Your neighbor has his credit
20 years of sadhana, stored up
in the causal body into which he came,
from previous birth to his present one.
Your nature and your predilections
are shaped by the way in which you
loved and wrought, fed and fought,
in the long serious of lives you had already.
divinely sent
began his spiritual discipline only two years since,
while you have been keeping schedule since 20 years.
But, he has secured happiness, while you are miserable.
You feel that you have been coming to me since years,
but I take near me, those who have come just a short while ago.
Your reactions lead you to ascribe injustice
and partiality but answer lies in the past about which you are not aware.
Twenty hammer stroke have been
given to a slab but it did not break.
An another fellow comes along
and his second stroke, the slab is broken.
The man who dealt the 20 is disappointed
and the man who broke it in 2 is elevated,
but the slab broke as a result of the cumulative impact of the 22.
Your neighbor has his credit
20 years of sadhana, stored up
in the causal body into which he came,
from previous birth to his present one.
Your nature and your predilections
are shaped by the way in which you
loved and wrought, fed and fought,
in the long serious of lives you had already.
divinely sent
God's grace cannot be had by one who is wavering from moment to moment and whose heart is not pure..
God's grace cannot be had by one
who is wavering from moment to moment
and whose heart is not pure.
The Lord judges the devotee
by the purity of his heart and not
by the kind of worship he performs.
Even if you do not practise worship
or meditation, it is enough if
you have cleansed your heart.
The Divine will then enter it.
divinely sent
who is wavering from moment to moment
and whose heart is not pure.
The Lord judges the devotee
by the purity of his heart and not
by the kind of worship he performs.
Even if you do not practise worship
or meditation, it is enough if
you have cleansed your heart.
The Divine will then enter it.
divinely sent
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
If only one intensifies one's thirst for God, one can live in perpetual content...
Man is the monarch of all animals;
his is the most glorious chance among all living beings.
Though the elephant lives longer,
the lion is more fierce, the eagle more far-seeing,
the cock more punctual in early rising,
the cow more imbued with the spirit of sacrifice,
man has in him the potentialities
which can be brought out by proper culture.
If only he intensifies his thirst for God,
he can live in perpetual content, instead of
grovelling in perpetual discontent, pining for land,
buildings, bank-balance, furniture, status, power,
authority and all such trivial satisfactions.
At last, when man is about to leave the world,
as leave he must, he is surrounded by his wife
and children who lament loudly, asking,
" What is to happen to us when you leave?"
But the poor fellow is confronted by a more urgent,
a more personal problem:
"What is to happen to me?"
And he has no more time to discover the answer
or to prepare for something good to happen.
divinely sent
his is the most glorious chance among all living beings.
Though the elephant lives longer,
the lion is more fierce, the eagle more far-seeing,
the cock more punctual in early rising,
the cow more imbued with the spirit of sacrifice,
man has in him the potentialities
which can be brought out by proper culture.
If only he intensifies his thirst for God,
he can live in perpetual content, instead of
grovelling in perpetual discontent, pining for land,
buildings, bank-balance, furniture, status, power,
authority and all such trivial satisfactions.
At last, when man is about to leave the world,
as leave he must, he is surrounded by his wife
and children who lament loudly, asking,
" What is to happen to us when you leave?"
But the poor fellow is confronted by a more urgent,
a more personal problem:
"What is to happen to me?"
And he has no more time to discover the answer
or to prepare for something good to happen.
divinely sent
Many people say they are in search of Divinity, once you follow the path of Truth, you will find Divinity everywhere..
" Many people say they are in search of Divinity.
Once you follow the path of Truth, you will find Divinity everywhere.
A small example:
The same eyes see the mother, daughter, wife and sister.
Here you need to inquire as to what kind of feeling you should have towards each.
This is the quest for Truth.
Mother should be viewed with reverence and respect,
daughter should be considered as a part of your own being.
In this way you should inquire and understand the Truth.
If you just go by the direct evidence of what you see,
you will never know the Truth. All that you see is bound to perish.
divinely sent
Once you follow the path of Truth, you will find Divinity everywhere.
A small example:
The same eyes see the mother, daughter, wife and sister.
Here you need to inquire as to what kind of feeling you should have towards each.
This is the quest for Truth.
Mother should be viewed with reverence and respect,
daughter should be considered as a part of your own being.
In this way you should inquire and understand the Truth.
If you just go by the direct evidence of what you see,
you will never know the Truth. All that you see is bound to perish.
divinely sent
Let all your actions be pleasing to God, then you can achieve anything in life...
It is the greatest ignorance to blame God for anyone's suffering.
People commit sin and consequently when they are confronted with difficulties,
they blame God saying that He does not come to their rescue.
There can be no greater ignorance than this.
So, never commit sin. Do not blame God for your suffering.
You have to reap the consequences of your actions.
God is the eternal witness.
It is a great mistake to criticize God.
Leave everything to His Will.
Let all your actions be pleasing to God.
Then you can achieve anything in life.
divinely sent
People commit sin and consequently when they are confronted with difficulties,
they blame God saying that He does not come to their rescue.
There can be no greater ignorance than this.
So, never commit sin. Do not blame God for your suffering.
You have to reap the consequences of your actions.
God is the eternal witness.
It is a great mistake to criticize God.
Leave everything to His Will.
Let all your actions be pleasing to God.
Then you can achieve anything in life.
divinely sent
Do not get too much attached to your body, so long as u are alive, naturally u must keep ur body in a healthy condition as without body spiritual ...
The Universe is entirely constituted
out of these three components.
Radiation is Divinity,
vibration is the life principle,
and materialization is the body.
All these three are in you.
When you recognize these realities,
you achieve your humanness.
Do not get too much attached to your body.
So long as you are alive,
naturally you must keep your body
in a healthy condition as without
body spiritual awareness is impossible.
divinely sent
out of these three components.
Radiation is Divinity,
vibration is the life principle,
and materialization is the body.
All these three are in you.
When you recognize these realities,
you achieve your humanness.
Do not get too much attached to your body.
So long as you are alive,
naturally you must keep your body
in a healthy condition as without
body spiritual awareness is impossible.
divinely sent
To win Divine Grace, you need only have faith and virtue...
Individual effort and Divine Grace
are both interdependent; without effort,
there will be no conferment of Grace; without Grace,
there can be no taste in the effort.
To win that Grace,
you need only have faith and virtue.
Your devotion must be such that God seeks you.
Like a child crying ceaselessly till the mother rushes to pacify it,
like a calf calling for its mother-cow,
like a forlorn wife praying for the return of her husband,
the devotee should feel the yearning for His coming.
divinely sent
are both interdependent; without effort,
there will be no conferment of Grace; without Grace,
there can be no taste in the effort.
To win that Grace,
you need only have faith and virtue.
Your devotion must be such that God seeks you.
Like a child crying ceaselessly till the mother rushes to pacify it,
like a calf calling for its mother-cow,
like a forlorn wife praying for the return of her husband,
the devotee should feel the yearning for His coming.
divinely sent
Your heart is the lock and your mind is the key, turn your mind to God and you are free...
Therefore, your mind should be focused on God.
Consider this as lock and here is the key.
Put the key in the lock and turn it to the right
and the lock opens; turn it to the left and it is locked.
Your heart is the lock and your mind is the key.
Turn your mind to God and you are free.
Turn it to the world and you are bound.
Our mind is constantly turned towards the world.
Of course, the world is there,
but our experience there is impermanent, ephemeral.
There is only one truth and that is spiritual.
To become spiritual is to ‘merge’.
The worldly life is as if a ‘marriage’
no, not even a marriage, actually a ‘mirage’, an illusion.
A mirage is visible but there is no reality behind it.
divinely sent
Consider this as lock and here is the key.
Put the key in the lock and turn it to the right
and the lock opens; turn it to the left and it is locked.
Your heart is the lock and your mind is the key.
Turn your mind to God and you are free.
Turn it to the world and you are bound.
Our mind is constantly turned towards the world.
Of course, the world is there,
but our experience there is impermanent, ephemeral.
There is only one truth and that is spiritual.
To become spiritual is to ‘merge’.
The worldly life is as if a ‘marriage’
no, not even a marriage, actually a ‘mirage’, an illusion.
A mirage is visible but there is no reality behind it.
divinely sent
If you keep transplanting a sapling from one place to another frequently, how can it grow healthily into a tree?
If you keep transplanting a sapling
from one place to another frequently,
how can it grow healthily into a tree?
You have to plant it in one place
and feed it with fertilizer and water regularly
until it grows into a firm, strong tree.
This is true devotion.
If you keep changing your spiritual guides frequently,
your devotion gets adulterated.
Trust that God is in all,
but if one keeps on changing
from one God to another, it is false devotion.
Worship God in any form or with any name.
In fact, God has thousands of names and a myriad forms.
Worshipping the Lord with a thousand names,
you should be fully aware there is a single Divinity you are addressing.
divinely sent
from one place to another frequently,
how can it grow healthily into a tree?
You have to plant it in one place
and feed it with fertilizer and water regularly
until it grows into a firm, strong tree.
This is true devotion.
If you keep changing your spiritual guides frequently,
your devotion gets adulterated.
Trust that God is in all,
but if one keeps on changing
from one God to another, it is false devotion.
Worship God in any form or with any name.
In fact, God has thousands of names and a myriad forms.
Worshipping the Lord with a thousand names,
you should be fully aware there is a single Divinity you are addressing.
divinely sent
There is only one Divinity, stick to any one God of your choice and hold firm to it..
There are spiritual guides
with many different various names.
Because of this, human’s mind gets confused.
However, there is only one Divinity.
Stick to any one God of your choice
and hold firm to it.
Unnecessarily, do not go around
to various places, confuse yourself, and ruin your faith.
divinely sent
with many different various names.
Because of this, human’s mind gets confused.
However, there is only one Divinity.
Stick to any one God of your choice
and hold firm to it.
Unnecessarily, do not go around
to various places, confuse yourself, and ruin your faith.
divinely sent
Shine your light in the world and do what you love, we all have different unique talents to offer the world..
Shine your light in the world and do what you love.
We all have different unique talents to offer the world.
What the world needs is work done in spirit.
Remember always that it is easy to do what is pleasant;
but it is difficult to be engaged in what is beneficial.
Not all that is pleasant is profitable.
Success comes to those who give up
the path strewn with roses, and brave
the hammer-blows and sword-thrusts of the path fraught with danger.
divinely sent
We all have different unique talents to offer the world.
What the world needs is work done in spirit.
Remember always that it is easy to do what is pleasant;
but it is difficult to be engaged in what is beneficial.
Not all that is pleasant is profitable.
Success comes to those who give up
the path strewn with roses, and brave
the hammer-blows and sword-thrusts of the path fraught with danger.
divinely sent
Do not talk hatefully, do not disturb the sky with your shouts and curses...
View the beauties of nature
that are spread out before you in earth and sky;
green expanses of the crops you have raised,
cool breezes that waft contentment and joy,
the panorama of colored clouds, the music of the birds.
Sing the glories of the Creator
as you walk along the bunds of the fields
and the banks of the canals.
Do not talk hatefully;
do not disturb the sky
with your shouts and curses.
divinely sent
that are spread out before you in earth and sky;
green expanses of the crops you have raised,
cool breezes that waft contentment and joy,
the panorama of colored clouds, the music of the birds.
Sing the glories of the Creator
as you walk along the bunds of the fields
and the banks of the canals.
Do not talk hatefully;
do not disturb the sky
with your shouts and curses.
divinely sent
Pray to God a few minutes at least everyday before you begin work..
Everyday before you begin work,
pray to God a few minutes at least;
and, at the end of the day, when the work is over,
offer grateful thanks to the Lord.
divinely sent
pray to God a few minutes at least;
and, at the end of the day, when the work is over,
offer grateful thanks to the Lord.
divinely sent
Do not involve yourselves in the affairs of your neighbors or others to the extent that you get so entangled that u cannot extricate yourselves..
Do not give up your worldly duties,
but do them with the name of God on your lips.
When you spend
your hours in thoughts about God,
you are free from evil ways.
You will not be tempted to
abuse others or harm them in any way.
Do not involve yourselves in the affairs
of your neighbors or others to the extent
that you get so entangled you cannot extricate yourselves.
Nevertheless, worry and grief
there will always be, of one type or other,
in the past, present and future: while walking,
dreaming, and sleeping.
However, place faith in the Lord
and do your tasks as dedicated
to Him and they both will vanish.
Accept all the events of life as His Gifts.
Force your mind to breathe the grander
atmosphere of the eternal by reminding it
of God and His Glory, every second, with every breath,
when you repeat any one of His Names.
Hearts dedicated to these noble ideals are indeed golden.
divinely sent
but do them with the name of God on your lips.
When you spend
your hours in thoughts about God,
you are free from evil ways.
You will not be tempted to
abuse others or harm them in any way.
Do not involve yourselves in the affairs
of your neighbors or others to the extent
that you get so entangled you cannot extricate yourselves.
Nevertheless, worry and grief
there will always be, of one type or other,
in the past, present and future: while walking,
dreaming, and sleeping.
However, place faith in the Lord
and do your tasks as dedicated
to Him and they both will vanish.
Accept all the events of life as His Gifts.
Force your mind to breathe the grander
atmosphere of the eternal by reminding it
of God and His Glory, every second, with every breath,
when you repeat any one of His Names.
Hearts dedicated to these noble ideals are indeed golden.
divinely sent
5 minutes of anger damages the relationship for 5 generations, remember..
When you get violent and angry
with any one, quietly repeat the name
of the Lord to overcome it or drink a glass of cold water
or spread your bed and lie down until the fit of fury passes.
Five minutes of anger damages the relationship for five generations, remember.
divinely sent
with any one, quietly repeat the name
of the Lord to overcome it or drink a glass of cold water
or spread your bed and lie down until the fit of fury passes.
Five minutes of anger damages the relationship for five generations, remember.
divinely sent
Human carries the twin burdens of joy and grief tied to the ends of a single pole slung across shoulders...
Human carries the twin burdens
of joy and grief tied to the ends of
a single pole slung across shoulders.
Courage is the tonic
for getting both physical
as well as mental health and strength.
Do not give any chance
for these to strike root in your mind.
Pray that you may carry your duty well.
God will certainly answer your prayer.
Knock, the doors of Grace will open.
Open the door - the Sun’s rays waiting
outside will flow silently in and flood the room with light.
Human being by means of the
inner Divine strength with which
he/she is equipped, can achieve anything;
he/she can even become God.
divinely sent
of joy and grief tied to the ends of
a single pole slung across shoulders.
Courage is the tonic
for getting both physical
as well as mental health and strength.
Do not give any chance
for these to strike root in your mind.
Pray that you may carry your duty well.
God will certainly answer your prayer.
Knock, the doors of Grace will open.
Open the door - the Sun’s rays waiting
outside will flow silently in and flood the room with light.
Human being by means of the
inner Divine strength with which
he/she is equipped, can achieve anything;
he/she can even become God.
divinely sent
Success, health or happiness is not a game of chance...
Success, health or happiness ect., is not a game of chance.
It springs from deep within us, from our deepest thoughts and beliefs.
One person cannot change the whole world, but he/she can change him/herself.
After this action, pictorially as a new world is born for this person.
divinely sent
It springs from deep within us, from our deepest thoughts and beliefs.
One person cannot change the whole world, but he/she can change him/herself.
After this action, pictorially as a new world is born for this person.
divinely sent
There is no point in undertaking spiritual practices without obeying God's command..
" In this world, there may be at least
one good person out of every ten persons.
Out of every ten good persons,
there may be at least one who has love for God.
Out of every ten persons who have love for God,
there may be at least one who wants to attain Divinity.
Out of every ten persons who want to attain Divinity,
there may be at least one who is ever ready to obey God's command.
Only he who obeys God's command is redeemed.
There is no point in undertaking spiritual practices without obeying God's command.
divinely sent
one good person out of every ten persons.
Out of every ten good persons,
there may be at least one who has love for God.
Out of every ten persons who have love for God,
there may be at least one who wants to attain Divinity.
Out of every ten persons who want to attain Divinity,
there may be at least one who is ever ready to obey God's command.
Only he who obeys God's command is redeemed.
There is no point in undertaking spiritual practices without obeying God's command.
divinely sent
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sorrow is the temporary absence of joy, joy is the temporary disappearance of sorrow, thus duality is ever the basis of sorrow & pain..
Thus Spake The Lord
You proceed from "death" to "life"
and from "illness" to "health"
by the experience of the buffetings of the world.
The World is a very essential curriculum for man;
through the agony of search is born the infant, wisdom.
The pains are worthwhile;
they indicate the birth of new life.
From restlessness you get absolute peace,
from absolute peace you get bright spiritual illumination;
and from bright spiritual illumination, Supreme Divine Radiance.
It is like the alternating of night and day,
this recurrence of joy and grief.
Night and day are the twin sisters;
both are necessary to increase the fertility of the soil,
to activate and refresh life.
Duality is ever the basis of sorrow and pain.
Sorrow is the temporary absence of joy;
joy is the temporary disappearance of sorrow.
Both are not everlasting,
except when joy is won by spiritual means.
divinely sent
You proceed from "death" to "life"
and from "illness" to "health"
by the experience of the buffetings of the world.
The World is a very essential curriculum for man;
through the agony of search is born the infant, wisdom.
The pains are worthwhile;
they indicate the birth of new life.
From restlessness you get absolute peace,
from absolute peace you get bright spiritual illumination;
and from bright spiritual illumination, Supreme Divine Radiance.
It is like the alternating of night and day,
this recurrence of joy and grief.
Night and day are the twin sisters;
both are necessary to increase the fertility of the soil,
to activate and refresh life.
Duality is ever the basis of sorrow and pain.
Sorrow is the temporary absence of joy;
joy is the temporary disappearance of sorrow.
Both are not everlasting,
except when joy is won by spiritual means.
divinely sent
Tolerance and sympathy are essential, only then can man be enlightened...
"Tolerance and sympathy are essential.
Only then can man be enlightened.
What is the use of having tolerance
if you do not practice it in the right way?
Upon the demise of someone in a house,
people comfort the bereaved by asking
questions about the deceased.
But such questions give only temporary relief.
But if you tell them the truth that
everyone has to face death, they think you are harsh.
If you speak pleasingly, they think you are gentle.
When people report to God about death and disease,
God says, "Very happy". A man was angered by this and asked God,
" You say You are happy when I am dying?"
"Death is inevitable. If not today,
it will come some day or the other!
Truth grants real happiness, so I speak the truth!"
When God replied thus, he was pacified.
divinely sent
Only then can man be enlightened.
What is the use of having tolerance
if you do not practice it in the right way?
Upon the demise of someone in a house,
people comfort the bereaved by asking
questions about the deceased.
But such questions give only temporary relief.
But if you tell them the truth that
everyone has to face death, they think you are harsh.
If you speak pleasingly, they think you are gentle.
When people report to God about death and disease,
God says, "Very happy". A man was angered by this and asked God,
" You say You are happy when I am dying?"
"Death is inevitable. If not today,
it will come some day or the other!
Truth grants real happiness, so I speak the truth!"
When God replied thus, he was pacified.
divinely sent
Dedicate your talents to God and be full of the fragrance of love and sacrifice..
All men are made of the same divine essence.
Service to man will help your Divinity to blossom,
for it will gladden your heart and make you feel that
life has been worthwhile.
Service to man is service to God,
for He is in everyman, nay,
every living being, stone and stump.
Dedicate your talents to God;
let every act be a flower free from
creeping worms of envy and egoism,
and full of the fragrance of love and sacrifice.
divinely sent
Service to man will help your Divinity to blossom,
for it will gladden your heart and make you feel that
life has been worthwhile.
Service to man is service to God,
for He is in everyman, nay,
every living being, stone and stump.
Dedicate your talents to God;
let every act be a flower free from
creeping worms of envy and egoism,
and full of the fragrance of love and sacrifice.
divinely sent
Thursday, October 11, 2007
A soiled mind can never progress in spiritual growth..thus getting rid of all the bad in us is real sacrifice..
As many rules govern human society,
there are many spiritual disciplines that should be followed
A soiled mind can never progress in spiritual growth.
Hence He often says, "getting rid of all the bad in us is real sacrifice".
We should nurture noble thoughts after removing the bad.
It is like cultivation.
A riot first ploughs the land,
removes the weeds,
plant the seeds,
water it and await the sprouts.
Once the stem and leaves grow and flourish,
he applies manure and spray pestisides.
When the grains mature, he harvest them.
This process may take few months
to several months according to the variety of the crop.
Likewise remove the weeds in your heart
which is bad thoughts and intentions
Plough the field of your heart with good deeds and services
Water it with love.
Sow the seeds of faith and in due course,
you will find the harvest of happiness...
God is our cultivator..
which is concerned to good agriculture.
Hence it is opt that He is called so
as He cultivate in our hearts Love.
divinely sent
there are many spiritual disciplines that should be followed
A soiled mind can never progress in spiritual growth.
Hence He often says, "getting rid of all the bad in us is real sacrifice".
We should nurture noble thoughts after removing the bad.
It is like cultivation.
A riot first ploughs the land,
removes the weeds,
plant the seeds,
water it and await the sprouts.
Once the stem and leaves grow and flourish,
he applies manure and spray pestisides.
When the grains mature, he harvest them.
This process may take few months
to several months according to the variety of the crop.
Likewise remove the weeds in your heart
which is bad thoughts and intentions
Plough the field of your heart with good deeds and services
Water it with love.
Sow the seeds of faith and in due course,
you will find the harvest of happiness...
God is our cultivator..
which is concerned to good agriculture.
Hence it is opt that He is called so
as He cultivate in our hearts Love.
divinely sent
Patience and sympathy are very important virtues in a family to gain peace...
" Patience and sympathy are very important virtues.
A family lacking in these values is never peaceful.
Some may claim that they are peaceful, but it is only momentary.
One who is patient and sympathetic is happy all the time.
Desires, which take gigantic dimensions gradually,
are the root cause for the decline in these values.
An unfulfilled desire gives rise
to worry that keeps on growing.
It is said, "To be born is a worry;
to be on earth is a worry;
world is a cause of worry and death too;
entire childhood is a worry
and so is the old age; living is a worry;
evil is a worry;
all actions and difficulties cause worry;
even happiness too is a mysterious worry."
divinely sent
A family lacking in these values is never peaceful.
Some may claim that they are peaceful, but it is only momentary.
One who is patient and sympathetic is happy all the time.
Desires, which take gigantic dimensions gradually,
are the root cause for the decline in these values.
An unfulfilled desire gives rise
to worry that keeps on growing.
It is said, "To be born is a worry;
to be on earth is a worry;
world is a cause of worry and death too;
entire childhood is a worry
and so is the old age; living is a worry;
evil is a worry;
all actions and difficulties cause worry;
even happiness too is a mysterious worry."
divinely sent
The treasures are within, we search for treasures in the manifest world, actually all we see, all we hear, all we feel are already inside us..
The treasures are within.
We search for treasures in the manifest world.
All we see, all we hear, all we feel are already inside us.
"You are the yonder mountain",
you are the distant star".
"What else you aspire?"
The idea behind this is simply this.
We are the all that we perceive
and we are neither the body nor the mind
and hence we should never rely on
the 'finite' instruments but dwell on the "infinite"
divinely sent
We search for treasures in the manifest world.
All we see, all we hear, all we feel are already inside us.
"You are the yonder mountain",
you are the distant star".
"What else you aspire?"
The idea behind this is simply this.
We are the all that we perceive
and we are neither the body nor the mind
and hence we should never rely on
the 'finite' instruments but dwell on the "infinite"
divinely sent
Love is 'cool' like ice-cream...
'Love is 'cool' like ice-cream!"
This is so very different
from the commonly understood
meaning attached to the word love.
We somehow think that love is 'hot'.
Our popular conception of 'love'
is that of a heated passionate emotion.
This is what happens when people 'fall in love'!
But actually it is of a kind of love which belongs to a higher realm,
more lasting and sustained than the passion that fluctuates!
Ice cream makes people who taste it
by allowing it to melt slowly on the tongue, joyful and happy.
The solid block of ice cream loses its form by melting
and finally disappearing, fulfilling itself.
Pure love springs from self-sacrifice;
pure love is fulfillment.
It is in losing that one gains everything.
Like Ice cream,
God also melts when the heart
of the devotee displays the warmth of Love towards Him.
divinely sent
This is so very different
from the commonly understood
meaning attached to the word love.
We somehow think that love is 'hot'.
Our popular conception of 'love'
is that of a heated passionate emotion.
This is what happens when people 'fall in love'!
But actually it is of a kind of love which belongs to a higher realm,
more lasting and sustained than the passion that fluctuates!
Ice cream makes people who taste it
by allowing it to melt slowly on the tongue, joyful and happy.
The solid block of ice cream loses its form by melting
and finally disappearing, fulfilling itself.
Pure love springs from self-sacrifice;
pure love is fulfillment.
It is in losing that one gains everything.
Like Ice cream,
God also melts when the heart
of the devotee displays the warmth of Love towards Him.
divinely sent
Life becomes sweet and joyful by stirring the Divine, whose most potent expression is Love, into every action of ours..
Here is an imagery of a cup of water
with a spoonful of sugar added to it,
"There is sugar in the cup,
but the water is insipid,
for you have not stirred it well.
There is God in the world,
and by stirring the Divine
well into every drop and atom thereof,
you can make the world a sweet thing to live by."
Life becomes sweet and joyful
by stirring the Divine,
whose most potent expression is Love,
into every action of ours.
divinely sent
with a spoonful of sugar added to it,
"There is sugar in the cup,
but the water is insipid,
for you have not stirred it well.
There is God in the world,
and by stirring the Divine
well into every drop and atom thereof,
you can make the world a sweet thing to live by."
Life becomes sweet and joyful
by stirring the Divine,
whose most potent expression is Love,
into every action of ours.
divinely sent
Let's come together and sing a song of love...of GOD..
Go to the land with the heaven aglow
Go to the home of the troll and the snow
Lead your dream by the hand
To wonderland
Go for the future you know you can win
Go for the goal that you carry within
Go where the wishes come true
I'll go with you
Climb the mountains, show me Your heaven
Lend me Your hand if I go astray
Life is magic when We're together
Close to You is where I will stay
You've got a fire in Your heart
I need Your flame to warm me when We're apart
When the world is dark I'll share Your light
You'll make my world a star in the night
Love is forever with You as my friend
When I am tired You cheer me again
You're my force when I fight
This game called life
divinely sent
Go to the home of the troll and the snow
Lead your dream by the hand
To wonderland
Go for the future you know you can win
Go for the goal that you carry within
Go where the wishes come true
I'll go with you
Climb the mountains, show me Your heaven
Lend me Your hand if I go astray
Life is magic when We're together
Close to You is where I will stay
You've got a fire in Your heart
I need Your flame to warm me when We're apart
When the world is dark I'll share Your light
You'll make my world a star in the night
Love is forever with You as my friend
When I am tired You cheer me again
You're my force when I fight
This game called life
divinely sent
Love and music are synonymous... here is a love song that sings about loving God..
Climb the mountains, show me Your heaven
Lend me Your hand if I go astray
Life is magic when we're together
Close to You is where I will stay
You've got a fire in Your heart
I need Your flame to warm me when we're apart
When the world is dark I'll share Your light
You'll make my world a star in the night
divinely sent
Lend me Your hand if I go astray
Life is magic when we're together
Close to You is where I will stay
You've got a fire in Your heart
I need Your flame to warm me when we're apart
When the world is dark I'll share Your light
You'll make my world a star in the night
divinely sent
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Do realize that man has no contentment despite acquiring plenty of riches and luxuries. Remember that man's health is the greatest wealth..
“Do realize that man has no contentment
Despite acquiring plenty of riches and luxuries
Peace and contentment will accrue to man
Only when he attains consciousness of Self
For man health is the greatest wealth.
From time immemorial, many countries
have been delving into the ways
to preserve good health and
disseminating the knowledge among all.
In the absence of sound health,
human aspirations become futile.
Unable to realize this truth,
man is losing his wealth by wrong habits.
divinely sent
Despite acquiring plenty of riches and luxuries
Peace and contentment will accrue to man
Only when he attains consciousness of Self
For man health is the greatest wealth.
From time immemorial, many countries
have been delving into the ways
to preserve good health and
disseminating the knowledge among all.
In the absence of sound health,
human aspirations become futile.
Unable to realize this truth,
man is losing his wealth by wrong habits.
divinely sent
Righteousness purifies the mind and leads you to Divinity, leads u to God..
Righteousness purifies the mind and leads you to God.
It creates a taste for the Name and Form of God.
When you love the Name and Form of God,
you will naturally respect and obey the command of God.
Have the Name on the tongue and Form in the eye;
and the demon of unending desire will fly away from your mind,
leaving joy and contentment within.
This kind of constant contemplation on the indwelling God
will promote love for all beings.
You will then see good in others
and you will strive to do good to others.
divinely sent
It creates a taste for the Name and Form of God.
When you love the Name and Form of God,
you will naturally respect and obey the command of God.
Have the Name on the tongue and Form in the eye;
and the demon of unending desire will fly away from your mind,
leaving joy and contentment within.
This kind of constant contemplation on the indwelling God
will promote love for all beings.
You will then see good in others
and you will strive to do good to others.
divinely sent
Many decorate themselves with jewels, but the grandest most beautiful jewel of all is within...our heart..Learn to act in love, not abuse..

See the weary traveler;
How he suffers carrying everything he owns,
Ten years worth,
Twenty years worth,
Wondering why.
Upset at how the years have gone.
And many have taken him in,
Offering him shelter from the constant storms.
But the storms are within him.
And in his anger,
he can always find something wrong;
"The bed is too hard"
"They were not so kind"
"I am not welcome anywhere"
"This is not the truth
I was meant to find".
One day he met a calm man
That in anger, he could not shake.
The men greeted each other with smiles and bows,
One in kindness, the other, fake.
"Would you take tea with me?",
the calm man asked
"Yes thank you." the angry man replied.
So the man set off to make his tea
Leaving the angry man there for awhile.
And while he waited, his anger grew,
Harsh and loud like a storm of the sea.
He thought long about how rude his host was
For keeping him waiting,
And what he would say when he returned;
How he would show him humility.
Hours past and day became night
Finally the calm man returned with just one cup of tea.
"This is the best tea from my village." he said,
"We serve it for only most honored guests.
It takes a very long time to brew
because we can only pick and steep the leaves
when the leaves are just right."
The angry man sat staring at the beautiful tea cup
and the hot tea steaming inside
In it, he could see the many people picking the leaves.
He could hear their prayers and chants,
He could see their smiles,
How heavy their burdens were,
And yet, how light their lives seemed.
He looked deeper and could see the earth blossoming
The simply beauty of both flowers and trees.
At the bottom of the cup there was a single tea leaf
Rolled up like a pearl
"You left something in my tea." he said quietly.
The calm man smiled and touched the mans hands.
"Many decorate themselves with jewels." he said,
"But the grandest most beautiful jewel of all, is within.
Hidden beneath our fragility,
Hidden far beyond our every day sight,
Buried in the places we'd rather not go,
Beneath all the hurt we'd rather deny,
So in our tea, the curled green leaf is a reminder
to cultivate the inner jewels that cannot be seen.
""Then why did you offer it to me?"
the angry man asked,
"I am not worthy of such things.
I hate and rage, am ungrateful and unkind.
I am a foolish man, foolish, cruel and blind.
I have hurt more than I have helped,
and have left so many feeling angry and used.
Why give me such a gift?
Why share with me this "precious jewel"?
"Every being is worthy.
Every being has such worth inside,
No matter how deep they bury it,
No matter how hard it is to find,
We offer only what we have to give
And ask nothing of you in return.
Drink the tea my friend,
May we all work with joy to cultivate and share
the very best of ourselves
We cannot always stop the storms,
But we can always learn to act in love, not abuse."
divinely sent
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