Sunday, April 29, 2007

Even time will lose its rigidness, once true love for God awakens..

Even time will lose its rigidness,
once true love for God awakens.

Pure love for the Divine work
will lessen one's dependence upon time.

Such purity will
let one lean upon the inner strength
and the surge of the divine energy
to perform the given work with perfection.

For, such a one
will not be ruled by day nor night.
At every moment, he will only reflect
and focus upon his one goal - his one mission -
to serve his Master and to fulfill the purpose of his own life.

Yes! Time, itself,
will follow him in haste to beg him for it to be a part of the Divine Mission!

divinely sent

Work will be led by the Divine energy when the Inner Will arises!

Know, My dear, that when inner will arises,
work will be led by the Divine energy, rather than time.

Time cannot control
the one that lives by the dedication of his effort.

It controls only a lazy mind
that lacks focus and direction.

Selfless work is superior to time,
and hence can never be inhibited.

Remember that you can always
find the time for that which you dearly love.

True love breaks time with it's persistence.
However, if it is merely a desire to love,
then one will always find the work lengthier and time insufficient.

With such an attitude, one has only pre-destined failure!

divinely sent

There is no right time to be with God, for god does not rest nor fail to respond to an earnest prayer..

There is no right time to be with God -
for there is no time that the Lord rests
and fails to respond to an earnest prayer.

If the mind is restful -
the heart clean and untainted,
then, even in the deepest of sleep,
the true self will be aware of the Lord's presence.

Time can rule and govern worldly activities,
but the work of the spirit can never be hindered by its change.

The one that experiences the changes
of time will not experience the state of constant bliss.

For one to remain constant
during the changes of time,
one must carry with him, always,
the truth that is linked to the nature of the self with complete faith in it -

the truth in which one knows
the spirit to be eternal -
to be indestructible - to be changeless!

To experience this truth,
one must link it with his chosen work, at all times.

Then, My child,
the work will become reality -
the experience of the knowledge!

when it becomes experience becomes the faith.

The experience of faith leads to humility.
Humility leads to surrender.
Surrender leads one to experience peace.

Peace is the highest form of love.
Peace is completely detached to time.
The state of peacefulness is the state
of timelessness, and the timeless liver will be the eternal lover of God!

dvinely sent

If you think you know, you really do not!

If you think you know
You really do not, My child
For thoughts will never, ever,
Sustain within them the true knowledge.

Thoughts are the vision of fear
Knowledge, O child, is the simple awareness
The spontaneous recognition to every truth!

If you think you believe
You truly do not, My child
For thoughts will never, ever,
Awaken within the light of faith

Thoughts are only suspicious
Faith, O child, is the certainty and loyalty to
the truth, always!

If you think you love
You really do not, My child
For thoughts will desire its own gain and

Hence, will never, ever,
Be able to give, to yield, to compromise, to sacrifice.

Thoughts sustain upon inhaling another's wealth
Love is the self provider that sustains upon its own
sacrifice, alone!

If you think you know God
You surely do not, My child
For thoughts, O love, are blinded

To the vision of the divine.
One will know God only by the heart
In thinking, Love vanishes, O child

In thinking, the Lord,
Himself, appears as the blur
In thinking, truth appears false
In thinking, the true self appears imaginary
In thinking, the right becomes unreachable
In thinking, the wrong becomes justifiable.

Hence, in thinking, O love
Lies the weakness in believing the untrue
Thoughts only appear strong
They truly are only of a weak nature
For they weaken the one that receives them.

Hence, let thoughts come
But be not led by them
Let them tease
But be not instigated by them
Let them threaten
But be not fearful of them
Let them come
Allow them to serve no purpose

A thought that is restrained
From awakening fear within you
Will wither, will eventually, die, God promises!

When you do not think, O child
You know!

Knowing the Divine is a silent joy!
For, in knowing, one will truly know
His self - his purpose - his mission -
Knowing that is only the bliss of eternal peace!

divinely sent

Our Lord knows...

The Lord knows, My child,
as to when, where and how
you will choose Him, ultimately.

For now, He waits -
waits until you have known it, too!
Innocent, sincere and persevering devotion
will surely pull the Lord inits loving, wakeful presence.

The Lord will leave,
only when you
have determined the end of your prayers.

Why end?
Simply make it your life,
and bind Him to its glory and complete purity.

divinely sent

You can choose not to follow the right path..but

You can choose not to follow the right path!
But you cannot stop
the cause and effect of all that you do

You can choose the transient world over God
But you cannot erase the existence of His truth

Man can choose -
but not change the truth

Man can accept -
but cannot avert from the truth

One can run from that which follows
But that which is within, that which is the whole - that makes man His part, that which is too close to be measured by distance, that which is the source of life; can never be separated!

Hence, My dear, you can reject God
But you still carry Him with you!

You can ignore Him
But you can never leave Him!

You can believe in any pretense
But the reality, My child, is inseparable from your true knowing

The true knowledge that you hold within the self
Will lean upon and hold the Lord, dearly

Know, My child, that you are not
Unaware of the Holy Presence within you
You are unaware of the knowing of His Presence
You are not unaware of your task in life

You, My child, are unaware of the knowing
of your mission and His message

All is known to you - even before your arrival
Hence the nectar of knowledge
Does not arise by thought
Neither by the powers of the intellect
It arises, naturally, in the one

That makes every thought -
every choice the true self

For the self is bound to speak
When all else remains silent!
The self will reveal its nature
To that life that yearns to focus only upon the Holy truth

The self will lead once it becomes
The only wheel that steers life
Once the self is awakened - once the self speaks
Once the self leads
The life becomes the proof -
the truth and the reflection
of the Divine Presence, alone!

divinely sent

Be open minded at all times...

Be open minded, at all times.
A true seeker of knowledge
learns by every observation and every experience.

Anyone that reflects
the purity of the Divine,
spontaneously becomes his teacher and leader.

To be a keen learner,
you must give up all pride.

Learning that reflects
comparison is simply pitiful.

Until the duality exists -
until you are the devotee
and He is the God,
then, learning, My child, cannot end,
for He will never stop teaching the one that truly loves Him.

When one loses all identity
between the love, the lover
and the loved One, then that is
the moment when the self becomes
the knowledge of the Divine Energy.

That knowledge is the reality -
is the truth - is all the wealth of the Lord's Kingdom!

Swallow your pride,
before its hollow and shallow depth
consumes your divine thirst.

divinely sent

Life has come to withstand the pain and overcome the temptation the wicked world holds..

Life has come to
withstand the pain and
overcome the temptation the wicked world holds.

Life, My child,
has not come to
live this world and
leave upon the call of death.

Within the divine energy of life,
itself, is contained the miracles
of the Supreme Universal Power.

Such miracles will
easily manifest in the life
of the one that spends all time -
all effort - all dedication - all devotion
in being led in all his actions by the Pure Source.

That itself will
give him the reason
and the will to live,
being associated to the form and the name.

The identity of form
and name, is again,
only a part of the Divine Play -
in reality, the role -
the goal of each life is identical.

Hence, each life
is truly linked to
another by the absolute truth.

Hence, My child, stay united -
live in accordance with the
divine nature for the true unity of all lives -
all matter - all energy, together, forms the one kingdom of God.

Even if you segregate one from this love,
the vision of God will remain incomplete!

divinely sent

Keep peace above all thoughts, keep compassion before speaking any words..

Keep peace above all thoughts.
Keep compassion before words.
Keep selfless love as the most sacred companion.

Do not act upon impulse -
do not shatter the present
with the outbursts of passion and emotion.

Unhappiness is that state
in which one denies himself
the joys of one's own divine strengths.

Nothing in the world
can ever attack you,
until and unless you are susceptible to its weakness.

No one -
no circumstance
has the strength to snatch
from you the stability of the inner peace.

Peace is easily lost
by the one that has lost
his confidence to stay happy.

Finding worldly happiness,
My child, is not the perfect life!

True happiness will
never come in receiving -
it comes to those that are ever ready to give!

Remember, O dearest,
that by being angry and bitter,
you will only further spread the disease of discontentment.

Contentment does not come
when life offers you the pleasures of worldly toys -
it comes when one needs only the self to survive.

divinely sent

Do not blame another for your tears of fury..

Do not blame another f
or your tears of fury.

and depression arises,
when one sees the failure as the dead-end.

Do not make haste -
do not, with impatience,
lament the loss.

Failure, in life, is the seed to success.
Nurture the seed with your persistence,
confidence and devotion to God,
and the roots, My child, will be strong
to hold the tree that bears the fruits to spirituality.

Be impartial to what
the eyes see and the mind thinks.
To resolve any issue, one must remain nonjudgmental.

Be pure at heart
and calm by mind and
the mess will de-tangle on its own.

divinely sent

Worry is the biggest stress..

Know, My child,
that worry is the biggest stress.

Unload the burden
of unnecessary fears from your shoulders,
and the problem will appear insignificant before your strength.

Worry comes,
only when one sees
the power of the self as the smallest.

Worry is a stream
of thoughts that simply
imagines the catastrophe,
when, in reality, the catastrophe is avertable, easily.

Do not live your life
on such imaginations,
for, the reality will become too distant to accept.

Remember that change comes,
when one wills it!

Realize that your own change
is imperative for life to
remain constant with the bliss of peace.

To control the response
of your own mind's promptings
is much easier than controlling
the minds of all those that you encounter.

Bear in mind
that love is the biggest healer of all pains.
Those that are wounded and maimed
need a noble soul that can accept their pain and anguish.

divinely sent

Life is only what you have made life to be...

Life is only
what you have made life to be.
If you see life as misery,
then you will be miserable.

If you see life as worry,
then you will be fearful.
Often, the true gifts of life
cannot be seen nor touched.

Only the one
that is able to have faith in
its Giver will be able to see His shadow
reflect upon his course, from time to time.

Do not feel cheated
by giving love alone,
for in giving unconditional love,
lies the hidden experience of Godhood!

Do your duty the best you can -
do not waste time in calculating
another's duty towards you.

In performing your duty,
be free from all its attachments.

The freedom lies
in working hard and
in forgetting the pain and the results.

divinely sent

Repent! Don't just simply ask for forgiveness and repeat our sins..

Do not expect to be
forgiven for all your faults -
repent - do not resent the penance.

The one that repents
with remorse and anger
will not learn the lesson, ever.

Faults vanish, My child,
when repentance comes from the heart.

Sacrifice, at all times -
do not remember it, nor resent it.

Do not be a coward
and attempt to end life
before the Lord wills
the soul's exit from the present body.

Ending life will not
take away the existing troubles -
it takes only the body and the present role,
but it carries the weakness of all attachments.

Hence, learn, My child,
to live life - learn to face it -
learn to fight its challenges -
learn to overcome its pain -
learn to maintain the current of purity, at all times.

The Giver of life -
the liver - life -
the way of life are all linked together.

To live in that synchrony,
is to find the beginning of every strength within you.
The end of such divine strength is the will of the Holy Mother!

divinely sent

Our own eyes must shine too!

To realize and recognize
the brilliance of the Lord's gifts,
one's own eyes must shine, too,
with His divine brilliance and luster.

divinely sent

Life is precious to all...

Life is precious to all -
even the most terminally sick fight to revive it.

Why does each
living being battle to preserve
and protect this gift of life?

Only because,
this spark lights the fire
to love God and shows one
the golden light of eternity.

divinely sent

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The world of the spirit is not only different, but quite the opposite from the world of the mind..

The world of the spirit
is not only different, but,
in fact, is quite the opposite
from the world of the mind.

The mind is fulfilled
only upon its own desires,
the spirit is fulfilled with its freedom to be able to give.

The nature of the mind is to think,
the nature of the spirit is to know!
The mind immediately retaliates
and responds to external influences -
the spirit is silent, its strength to wait allows
the attack of the external influence to wither and die!

The mind, My sweet,
is uncertain of its own doings,
the spirit is the only truth, and the truth,
My child, exists upon its certainty!

Mind is the illusion of thoughts -
the Spirit is the life of the Self - the true doer of all!

To live the life of the Spirit,
one must be able to identify every act of his with its truth.

Spiritual yearning can never
be fed by the worldly comfort -
its hunger can be satisfied and extinguished,
only when one reaches and lives the Highest Ideals -
only when one reflects the Higher Life and not the life
in which one sees himself higher than another struggling soul.

Open the mind to the higher way of thinking.
Thoughts must reflect the goodness of the inner, true self.
Then only will one find the inner peace to find and know the true God!

It is your own concentration
that lets you achieve success in your spiritual goals.
Do not ever worry about the external distractions.

If the yearning is sincere,
the Lord will respond even
amidst the screams and threats of the evil demons.

Cry the tears of faith,
walk the path of goodness
no matter what the pain,
and you will shake and awaken the Lord to fulfill His Duty of saving you!

divinely sent

The gifts of God will be held from you until you are ready to receive them..

The gifts of God
will be held from you,
until you are ready to receive them,
in nothing less, other than the state of the fullest purity.

Divine gifts, My child,
do not have the limitation of an absolute value.
Its value, My sweet, varies,
depending upon the receiving and the user.

Know that the worldly gifts
of known value, however pricey,
can be rebought and can be snatched away
from you by the threat of a higher bid.

But divine gifts,
once received, can be lost to no other than your own self.
Yes! With the constant effort of spiritual disciplines
and untouched faith, one receives them.

Then the slightest wavering,
the smallest carelessness,
the littlest laziness can drain the strength
and can steal the luster of the divine shine,
almost as quickly as it was received!

divinely sent

Give the Lord nothing less than your all - the whole self!

Give the Lord nothing
less than your all - the whole self!

Dive - plunge, completely,
in prayer, in silent, joyful conversations and peace,
My child, will surround and separate you from the eye of the wicked world.

Nothing can ever compare -
nothing can ever give you
the satisfaction nor fulfillment.

Nothing, O child of Love,
can ever take the place of God!

The place of God
is much higher than the holy earthly mother -
the bond between you and God is stronger
and much more magnetic than any closeness by marriage.

His love, O child, is dearer
than the miraculous and magical love of any friend!
Those that attempt to steal the nectar of His love,
themselves get enwrapped in its sweetness -
themselves get intoxicated in the fragrance of its purity.

Losing all body consciousness
and carrying the restful mind, they sway,
completely immersed, in the love for the self.

With the lullaby
of His praise, they sleep for the outer world
and keep themselves awake,
only to the truth that the inner world holds.

O what a glorious life,
what a noble birth,
in which time is only the bliss of peace
and work is only the union of divine love!

The true end of suffering
is when one can find peace
in whatever that surrounds him.
That is the true strength of prayer.

When peace comes, My child,
remember the prayer has been answered.

Desire will only provoke prayer.
Hence, My dear, to find the contact
with the Divine Master, leave all asking
and learn just to be in the presence of the Glorious Receiver of all good - all evil.

Learn, My child, just to be - just to be -
just to be! Just to be with Him is the highest form of any prayer -
the most sacred and pure of all spiritual practices.

Being with Him is the only way
the truth can ever be conceived and received for eternity.

The contact with God is the real end to all worldly troubles!
Pray, My child, for time spent in prayer will keep you away
from acting, reacting and repenting!

Pray and demand from
the self the love for the Master,
for you are its rightful receiver -
your life deserves nothing less than the best.

Love for God! Love for God! Love for God!
Being in that love is being in the right place, always!

divinely sent

Life with God is the only truth!

Life with God is the only truth -
any other way of life will make you
bear the consequences of the choice.

Those that deny God
are simply denying the truth of their own divinity.
Until one is not able to experience his own inner strength,
until then, God will simply appear as the unjust ruler that
punishes, teases and controls all forms of life.

But once one is able
to experience the truth of his own purity,
he will be able to see clearly that God wills
only what the seeker chooses.

Know that the Lord
will never influence the seeker,
for He knows that whatever may be his choice,
today - his final choice, will in no way, differ from the nature of the absolute truth.

Man comes to this world to find God,
to establish His truth and to emanate with His peace.
The man that confines his every thought,
word and action to the self will surely fulfill the purpose of his coming!

The blessings of the Lord are
none other than one's own consent to the whole truth.
Follow the truth, love the truth with such dearness
that the identity of the truth becomes that of the seeker.

When truth becomes life
and life becomes truth,
one will see that the Grace of the Divine Lord
will descend to envelop its lover.

The Grace in which the lover -
the love - the truth ascend together as one to the higher planes of existence.

divinely sent

Awaken, realize that God is in you even now..

In this world,
where only ambition reigns,
hatred rules, competitiveness prevails,
in such a dreary world, the human has lost the concept of every truth.

Not only has he lost his
complete vision for the truth,
but he has convinced himself
that the life of the lie is his life of protection.

He hides in the shadows of evil,
only because he is now too afraid
to reach towards that goodness that he had left untouched.

Such an attitude, My child,
will only bury him more and more in the pit,
in which, fate rules, and destiny determines.

Awaken - realize that the Master is in you even now.
Even with all the evil ways you have adapted, He, My child,
still persists to rise, awaken and act within you. Do not give up!

The moment you choose
to seek the life of the spirit,
the life of the past can, in no way,
hinder nor obstruct the path of the earnest spiritual seeker.

The moment you have called upon
the Holy Name, you, My child,
have begun to reach towards the truth -
you have begun to save time - you have begun to serve life!

divinely sent

Negligence is burying the responsibilities and carrying the worries!

The time will come
when each one will experience
the sweetness of that divine moment -

It will be in that second
that one will feel the warmth of love -
Yes! One will meet with the divine current
and feel the divine spark -one will walk and merge into the flame
that does not flicker
but burns with the oneness of equality -
the aura of purity will surround the holy spirit
that walks in the human form on earth -

No more will he be the spec of light,
for his brilliance will speak
of the totality of God's creation!

The human, My child,
walks on his bare feet only to look,
find and fit into the slippers of the Lord.

How can I praise the human mind
that discovered the atom bomb,
which instantly snatches away from life its purpose -

Yes! God awaits for the intelligence to arise,
for at that very instant,
life will recognize and meet its purpose.

Detachment, My child,
does not come by practice -
it is the single, intelligent self-decision!

To win love, My child,
the war of hatred must be fought!

Kindness is knowing
and understanding one's pain -
compassion is in feeling it -
helping is in sharing it -sacrifice is in bearing it.

One moment's lie can become
a lifetime's worry!

The mind will take back all that you try to give up,
for it knows that once you succeed
in giving up once -it will be forced to await
its turn the next day!

The Lord gives birth to all,
yet He delivers only a handful.

Simplicity is revealing the inner beauty
and relieving the outer!
He is called dedicated for within him
lies the might to wait, without a single complaint,
until he meets with success.

Negligence is burying the responsibilities and carrying the worries.

divinely sent

Do not worry about others' cynicism towards your approach to God.

Do not worry
about others' cynicism
towards your approach to God.

There is nothing to prove -
it is the battle of one's own self purity
with one's own perception of purity.

Purity is absolute to the self -
it is relative to the mind.
Believe in the absolute -
for in the absolute, lies the Divine Will.

That, which is relative,
will only bury you in the
burden of making choices,
binding you to more time and its repayment.

Pray, My child -

"O Lord, I have made the one final choice - You! For in You, lies every right - every truth - every love. With that choice, I leave the rest to You. You, My Lord, must plan and carry out the final rescue - You are the only choice - Thy Will is the only strength - From now on, You, O Lord, are the Light that keeps me awake and away from all the worldly sins. I have sought You - I have found You and now that I have found You, I will never let You leave - Come, O Lord, make my world only Yours!"

divinely sent

Prayer is the strength of the coming moments..

The power of prayer
is not only inspirational,
but it gives you the surge of purity
that allows the inspirational vision to become the complete reality.

Hence, My child, do not ever stop praying.
Prayer is the strength of the coming moment.

Fill the next moment
with the riches of purity
by spending the present in awakening it.

You are what you believe yourself to be!
If you believe that the Lord is far beyond your reach,
then He will be! No sins can ever separate you from Him -
the moment you have realized the wrong,
in that moment of sincerity, you, My child, have seared the sins into a heap of ashes.

divinely sent

The biggest gift of prayer is when one experiences the presence of God..

Know, My child,
the biggest gift of prayer is
when one experiences the presence of God, instantly.

The joy in receiving God,
alone, is far bigger than receiving the gifts God brings.

When prayer experiences
the union with God, such a prayer,
My child, has reached the highest state of complete bliss.

divinely sent

A loving prayer is that of Power!

Remember, My child,
that even the sins that remain
attached to you cannot take away your right to pray!

For, in the prayer,
the might of the Master
streams even in the one
that has completely lost his way to Him.

It is only in the power
of a loving prayer that one
begins to see and realize the difference
between his true nature and his chosen way of leading his life.

Prayer, My child, is not emotion -
neither is it tears of self-pity -
nor is it the endless wish list.

It is the sacred moment
in which one focuses upon his own state of purity
and gathers his own inner strength to
rectify his present state of ignorance.

It is the sanctuary
in which one chooses
to leave all his bindings aside
and concentrate all his time to learn
to love the Giver, rather than His gifts.

divinely sent

O Lord, guide us towards Thy Light..

O Lord, guide me towards Thy Light -
Let my choice by Thy Will -
Let Thy Will lead me to love the Holy Truth -
Let the Truth carry the burdens of my doings in this life -

Release me from
being imprisoned in my body and mind -
Release me from my own errors
and free me into the world of the Absolute Knowledge of God!

Such a prayer, My child,
will surely affirm within you the truth.
Be devoted and ask from God only that which you truly deserve.

A selfless prayer will surely be granted with the Lord's Blessings.
A prayer that seeks fulfillment of the worldly illusions will follow the stains of its own impurity.

Life, without prayer,
is a life that has not yet learned to speak the only true language -
Yes! The language of an open, sincere heart.

divinely sent

The empty chair..

A girl had asked the local pastor to come and pray with her father. When the pastor arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows and an empty chair beside his bed. The priest assumed that the old fellow had been informed of his visit. "I guess you were expecting me," he said.

"No, who are you?" "I'm the new associate at your local church," the pastor replied. "When I saw the empty chair, I figured you knew I was going to come." "Oh yeah, the chair," said the bedridden man.

"Would you mind closing the door?" Puzzled, the pastor shut the door. "I've never told anyone this, not even my daughter," said the man. "But all of my life I have never known how to pray. At church I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but it always went right over my head.."

"I abandoned any attempt at prayer," the old man continued, "until one day about four years ago my best friend said to me, 'Joe, prayer is just a simple matter of having a conversation with GOD. Here's what I suggest. Sit down on a chair, place an empty chair in front of you, and in faith see GOD (Jesus) on the chair. It's not spooky because GOD promised, 'I'll be with you always.' Then just speak to him and listen in the same way you're doing with me right now."

"So, I tried it and I've liked it so much that I do it a couple of hours every day. I'm careful, though. If my daughter saw me talking to an empty chair, she'd either have a nervous breakdown or send me off to the funny farm." The pastor was deeply moved by the story and encouraged the old guy to continue on the journey. Then he prayed with him, and returned to the church.

Two nights later the daughter called to tell the pastor that her daddy had died that afternoon. "Did he seem to die in peace?" he asked. "Yes, when I got back from the store, I found him dead. But there was something strange, In fact, beyond strange--kinda weird. Apparently, just before Daddy died, he leaned over and rested his head on a chair beside the bed."

Let us also speak to GOD and make GOD live in our Lives and make GOD our Best Friend as a best friend is that whom we love to talk with, Turn towards in the time of need, will share all that is ours and the Best Friend is the one without whom we cannot live.

Do experience this beautiful feeling of Speaking to GOD.

A story of LOVE Incarnated in ALL..

There's an old story about a group of monks living with their master in a Tibetan monastery. Their lives were disciplined and dedicated, and the atmosphere in which they lived harmonious and peaceful. People from villages far and wide flocked to the monastery to bask in the warmth of such a loving spiritual environment.

Then one day the master departed his earthly form. At first the monks continued on as they had in the past, but after a time, the discipline and devotion that had been hallmarks of their daily routine slackened. The number of villagers coming through the doors each day began to drop, and little by little, the monastery fell into a state of disrepair.

Soon the monks were bickering among themselves, some pointing fingers of blame, others filled with guilt. The energy within the monastery walls crackled with animosity.

Finally, the senior monk could take it no longer. Hearing that a spiritual master lived as a hermit two days walk away, the monk wasted no time in seeking him out. Finding the master in his forest hermitage, the monk told him of the sad state the monastery had fallen into and asked his advice.

The master smiled. "There is one living among you who is the incarnation of God. Because he is being disrespected by those around him, he will not show himself, and the monastery will remain in disrepair." With those words spoken, the master fell silent and would say no more.

All the way back to the monastery, the monk wondered which of his brothers might be the Incarnated One.

"Perhaps it is Brother Jaspar who does our cooking," the monk said aloud. But then a second later thought, "No, it can't be him. He is sloppy and ill tempered and the food he prepares is tasteless."

"Perhaps our gardener, Brother Timor, is the one," he then thought. This consideration, too, was quickly followed by denial. "Of course not" he said aloud. "God is not lazy and would never let weeds take over a lettuce patch the way Brother Timor has."

Finally, after dismissing each and every one of his brothers for this fault or that, the senior monk realized there were none left. Knowing it had to be one of the monks because the master had said it was, he worried over it a bit before a new thought dawned. "Could it be that the Holy One has chosen to display a fault in order to disguise himself?" he wondered. "Of course it could! That must be it!"

Reaching the monastery, he immediately told his brothers what the master had said and all were just as astonished as he had been to learn the Divine was living among them.

Since each knew it was not himself who was God Incarnate, each began to study his brothers carefully, all trying to determine who among them was the Holy One. But all any of them could see were the faults and failings of the others. If God was in their midst, he was doing a fine job of hiding himself. Finding the Incarnated One among such rubble would be difficult, indeed.

After much discussion, it was finally decided that they would all make an effort to be kind and loving toward each another, treating all with the respect and honor one would naturally give to the Incarnated One. If God insisted on remaining hidden, then they had no recourse but to treat each monk as if he were the Holy One.

Each so concentrated on seeing God in the other that soon their hearts filled with such love for one another the chains of negativity that held them bound fell away. As time passed, they began seeing God not just in each other, but in every one and everything. Days were spent in joyful reverence, rejoicing in His Holy Presence. The monastery radiated this joy like a beacon and soon the villagers returned, streaming through the doors as they had before, seeking to be touched by the love and devotion present there.

It was some time later that the senior monk decided to pay the master another visit to thank him for the secret he had revealed.

"Did you discover the identity of the Incarnated One?" the master asked.

"We did," the senior monk replied. "We found him residing in all of us."

The master smiled.

from a divine source

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Divine will come, if you steer continuously every part of your life towards God..

The Divine vision will come,
if one continuously steers every part of his life towards the self.

It is easy to know the voice of the self f
rom that of the mind, for the self instantly responds with the truth -
it has no inclination nor desire to ever think!

Self is the voice of wisdom
that carries the confidence of the Lord, always.

To recognize the language of the self,
one must first dive completely to find it -
become familiar with its ways, battle, My sweet,
to keep the inner silence and focus and adapt to the signs of its truth.

Unlike evil, truth is not addictive.
Addictiveness is only temptation and teasing.

The truth, My child, is the endless giver,
hence, one can never attach himself to the truth -
one can only become the truth!

The eyes of truth behold only the Lord.
Hence, My sweet, knowing the truth,
believing the truth, facing the truth,
living the truth, adapting the truth,
enveloping in the truth, breathing the truth, feeding the truth,
lets one become its permanence and constantness.

Once you have reached beyond
the stage of change, once you have reached the point
where there is no higher truth than the truth itself,
then, at that stage, will come the vision
that will remain the same, wherever you look.

Wherever you will see,
whatever you will see,
will turn to the golden God!

That, My child, is the divine vision!
The vision in which one only beholds the truth
and with the power of truth makes the appearance of all before him simply divine!

That vision, My sweet, will come to all,
but first, he must learn to stay awake in the dark and await the light!

Those that spend the night in prayer
will remain awake and experience the first light at dawn.

The one that salutes the sun, first, will start his work -
his day the earliest and hence, will be able to finish
the divine task much before the threat of dusk!

divinely sent

In whatever good or evil you do, God is in sight....

Know and realize that there is no work
in which one will not be able to see the role of the Blessed Hand.

In whatever good or evil you do,
you can never leave God behind.

You carry God wherever you go,
you utilize God's strength in whatever you do.

The truth, My child, is inseparable from you.
Action is led by time - truth is led by the continuity of its eternal nature.

Hence, a wrong act will reveal
its own truth of the wrong, at the right time.
The beginning of truth is the same at the end -
the end is only the beginning again!

Hence, My child, be led by only the truth
and not be the temptation to act, compulsively.

divinely sent

Focus all work, action, reaction, response towards the inspirational wisdom of the inner divine source...

Focus all work, all action,
every reaction, each response
towards the inspirational wisdom of the inner divine source

Such continuous practice is not only possible,
but is the only sure way for you to reach the truth of God.
Bigger suffering and confusion lies in thinking and handling several thoughts.

When thoughts become too many,
the strength of discrimination fails.
Once discrimination fails, action suffers,
and when action suffers, one faces further pain by being bound to its outcome.

To break the binding chains of karma,
one must learn to focus the direction
of every emerging thought towards God.

If the thought is worrisome or fearful,
direct it towards God's Feet,
and one will experience the consolation
and reassurance of the Universal Mother.

If the thought is filled with
the poison of anger, send it, My child,
towards God's Heart;
God will drink the poison
and return the nectar of calmness and patience to you.

If the thought has drained
the awareness and consciousness
with petty worldly temptations,
direct it to God, ask God, and God
will bestow you with a gift much bigger - a gift that is truly real.

divinely sent

The vision of God comes as one puts all effort to know his own true self..

The vision of God,
My sweet, does not develop with time -
time and devotion are not linked, My child!

The vision comes
as one puts all effort to know his own true self.

The length of prayer,
is in no way, related to the love of prayer.

The strength of prayer
lies in one's sincere effort
to remain single pointed towards the Lord, alone.

Such single pointedness,
must not only be present
at the time of prayer or meditation,
but at all waking moments,
one must focus all work, all action,
every reaction, each response towards
the inspirational wisdom of the inner divine source.

divinely sent

The vision of God is granted to the one that has no body consciousness..

The vision of God is granted
to the one that has no body consciousness,
that is not enwrapped nor led by any worldly desire,
that, in full awareness of only the Lord's presence,
develops the tightest reigns of control over all his senses.

Such a noble one,
will close his eyes to all
the perishable gifts and bindings of this world
and will receive the golden light of the heavens
that will illumine the intellect and will warm the heart
with love that is purely divine.

Know, My child,
that this vision can never
be attained by wishfulness.

However much one may attempt to learn,
no spiritual education can ever teach you the way to see the Lord.

Seeing and loving God in a chosen form
will eventually, too, restrict you from knowing
and experiencing the true glory of the Mighty Universal Power.

Hence, always remember,
My child, that one prayer,
one session of meditation will not simply
let you attain the wisdom that will illuminate
the inner eye to reveal the miracle and the magic
of one's own relationship with the absolute truth - God!

divinely sent

Be patient, my child...

Be patient,
My child,for once
you have chosen to meet God -
God will take the pain of walking the whole distance
and give you the comfort of only waiting!

God respond to any voice and every heart -
whatever you are -whoever you have become,
know for sure, My dear,that God will come!

The one that has encountered with Living God,
even once, will then see the world as the waking death!

divinely sent

Spiritual revolution is now on..

A revolution -
more powerful and pervasive
than any that man has undergone so far -
not political, economic, scientific or technological
but deeper and more fundamental than them all, is now on.

It is the spiritual revolution.
It clarifies the inner vision of man
so that he can see the Atmic Reality.

Its impact will surely envelop
and enrich all human communities
and transform mankind into a stream of seekers
flowing smoothly to the limitless sea of divinity.

divinely sent

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Another cause of ill-health is vice and vile conduct..

Yes, vice and vile conduct
is another cause of ill-health.
Do not seek to listen to vile and vicious stories.

This tendency reveals a diseased mind.
What is heard is imprinted like
a carbon copy through the ear, on the heart.
One injures oneself through indulgence in this evil habit.

People believe that
a wicked person need not
be a diseased person,
but most diseases are mental illness, fundamentally.

Polluted air and water
are full of maleficent viruses and germs
and have to be avoided at all costs.

There are four pollutions
against which man has to be vigilant -
of the body, removable by water;
of the mind, removable by truthfulness;
of reason, removable by correct knowledge,
and of the self, removable by yearning for God.

divinely sent

Bring your thoughts constantly back to the True Self

A certain amount
of attention has to be paid
to the body and its care,
as well as to escape the
overpowering handicaps of poverty.

But you must ever be cautious
that you are not caught in the coils
and forget the transitoriness of all this.

Bring your thoughts
constantly back to the True Self,
which is the substance of all the objective world,
the basic reality behind all this appearance.

divinely sent

The principle is that food is only a drug to cure hunger ....

The principle that food
is only a drug to cure hunger is ignored
and man is enslaved to the tongue.

All the twenty-four hours
are spent in attending to the care of the body,
the prevention of disease, the promotion of health,
the development of muscle, etc.

No care is spent on the God,
resident in the physical tabernacle,
who has to be recognized and revered.

The weighing machine,
on which you stand and read your weight with pride,
laughs at you for the silly exaltation.

It sneers at your conceit
over physical victories;
it warns you against too
much concern over paltry gains.

It knows that death
is lying in wait to snatch you away,
however heavy you may grow.

Develop vision, not the body,
concentrate on the Maker, not the made.

divinely sent

Love and faith are the cardinal principles for redeeming human life..

Love and faith are
the cardinal principles
for redeeming human life.

God's Life is His Message.
God loves everyone;
that is God's very nature.

All are God's whether
they call God by this name
or any other name or by no name at all!

Divinity is the primal source of universal love.
Faith in Divinity is the key to develop such love.
The way of love alone can transform man and hence the world.

divinely sent

Faith if not tested, will become fear itself!

Why be afraid of the tests of faith.
Faith, if not tested, wil become fear, itself!

As one walks on the spiritual path,
leaving slowly the outer world,
one sometimes fails to recognize the change in his own vision.

He, My child, is sometimes unable
to realize the gifts of higher strengths
that he has received from the self
in the course of his own spiritual development.

Hence, My child, all of a sudden,
the smooth road will end, abruptly,
leaving the spiritual aspirant to cross the bed of thorns.

At first, there will be a small period of devastation,
but each time, the obstacle will come, the seeker of truth
will awaken from the pangs of self pity, quicker,
and will force the strength of his faith for his own self
to arise from within him the higher intellect that will give him the solution.

Yes! With the purity,
will come the higher sense
of discrimination that will allow
the lover of God to build his bridge
and cross the ocean of so called sorrows.

The bigger the pain
that he wades through,
the more clearer is his own
experience of the strength of his own faith.

Hence, My sweet,
look boldly for challenges in your spiritual journey -
seek them - and with no reservations nor limitations, face them.

Measure the strength
that you have attained in simply loving God.
It will amaze you, My child, just to see that
your spiritual discipline and dedication to God
made you travel a long distance and brought
you much closer to the Lord within a brief period.

Faith is the wheel
that turns faster than
any other form of devoted love.

Roll upon the wheel of faith,
crush every desire that will restrict its movement,
and reach the destination much before the awaited arrival!

divinely sent

Pleasure is the fear of keeping, pain is the fear of losing..

Stay away from your own mind
as much as possible and desires will surely lessen.
Know that each of your reactions are only the state of the mind.

Feeling happy, feeling sad, feeling angry
are merely the expressions of the mind.
The true self, My child, is in a state of constantness.

It, My dear, wades calmly through the biggest waves.
For the self, there is never the fear of uncertainty,
for it exists in the truth of its indestructibility.

The external influences will remain,
as long as the mind waivers in its fears.
Once the mind is opened to the intelligence
of the inner, higher life, then, to such a one,
life, too, will remain as constant as one's own true nature.

Hence, look at pain
and look at pleasure with the same eye
and fight both with the same strength,
for remember that pain is simply the disguise of pleasure,
and pleasure is the mask of the face of fear. Both, My child, are only the fear of the mind.

Pleasure is the fear of keeping -
pain is the fear of losing.
Stop living in such fear. God is here -
Yes! God is with you, in you, and around you.
Be with the Source - become the Source.
Love, My dears - love fearlessly -
blessed is that life that comes,
awakens and leaves only with the one joy - the joy of loving God!

divinely sent

Become selfless with unconditional love..

Depend less and lesser on the love you receive -
depend, My child, more on the strength that lets you give selfless, unconditional love.

With such an attitude,
relationships will bind you lesser and lesser
and will free you from the fears of attachments.

Remember, whenever you receive,
you are indebted to the giver.

One, My child, can never receive
a gift from this world that one will not pay for in the future.
Hence, touch nothing, for anything you received from anyone,
other than the self, will possess you and your time,
much more, than you will ever enjoy it.

divinely sent

Know that the truth will always stay, it can never end!

Know, My dear,
that the truth always stays -
it can never end!

Pain in life comes and goes.
Anything that changes is only transient -
anything that has a beginning and an end is unreal.

The truth is only eternal,
none can ever trace its beginning,
none can ever determine its end.

One can only follow its course
and become a part of its permanence.

Joy and pain are
alternate cycles of life
that make man aware
that he is not in any way bound to the gain or loss.

Yes! Pleasure can truly offer him nothing -
pain can never truly even touch him.

They are only the course
on which the soul races to reach
the true purpose and goal of life.

Hence, do not depend nor fear,
develop a pleasing attitude towards life -
do not wake up to attack life, everyday!

divinely sent

Be attuned to the Lord's presence so as to pass the period of every worldly pain..

Those that are attuned to the Lord's presence,
will pass the period of every worldly pain.

Remember, O child of truth,
that it is in pain, alone, that
one finds the pillar of faith to lean upon.

The strength, to ignore
the pinch of pain comes,
only when one finds the opportunity to face it.

The loss of the self is only an illusion -
to experience this truth, time must
play the role of the heartless robber.

The man of desires weeps,
letting the illusion of loss appear
real with the creation of self suffering.

The period of gloom,
that night of doom passes -
the tears dry - and man rises with a new strength
that he always had, but was unaware of.

He fights and finds the smiles
amidst the tears and chooses to accept the loss,
for his simple acceptance makes the loss the illusion
and makes his strength the only reality.

divinely sent

Life, itself is God...

Life, itself, is God.
The love for life is
the strength and might of this power - you call God!

God is simple to understand,
if you do not separate Him for your own self, anymore.

Life, My child, is His form,
love is His way in which He manifests.

Awaken, O child,
with the knowledge of this blessed union.

Believe that the Lord
is not only a part of you -
but recognize and realize that you here,
to play the full role of the Master. Yes!

Yes! The role in which one can live in this world,
loving the life within him, making his life the love
that brings in it only God and leaving time behind to cry its sorrows, alone.

divinely sent

Sacrifices must remain unknown...

The face of sacrifice must remain unknown to the one that reaped its benefits.

The father is the head of the household, the mother is its heart!

Yes, the father is respectfully the head of the household while the mother is the heart! The Lord does not change the heart by persuasion or pressure, He changes with His true belief and faith in all of you.

divinely sent

10 kinds of purity needed for all students..

The divine teacher
turns to the students
to promote ten kinds of purity.

However, these advices are universal, for everyone.
To develop one's moral and mental strength,
one should practice sadhana for disciplining the mind.

For this purpose, one has to
promote ten kinds of purity.
It is needful to remember
that the Lord cares for the purity
of the motive behind the act, not for the pomp and the show.

1. The first is purity of the place in which one lives.

It is necessary to fill the room in which one resides or studies with a sathwic atmosphere. The pictures or other objects you see should fill you with peace and pure thoughts. The room should be clean and free from anything that is impure.

2. In the family in which you live, there should be mutual understanding and cooperation, and a sense of harmony. A harmonious atmosphere will give you true peace of mind.

3. Using sathwic food. This means that none of the edible items should be excessively sour, bitter or hot. You should eschew rajasic food like fish or meat. Even good sathwic food should not be taken in excess. It is only sathwic when you sit for the meal with a light stomach and get up from it with a light stomach.

4. Whatever fluids you take should also be sathwic. You should not drink whatever water is available. It should be pure water. Alcoholic splits should be eschewed.

5. Sathwic thoughts and feelings are of great importance. Only if your thoughts and feelings are pure, can you get the full benefit of a clean room, a good family, and pure food.

6. If you want to develop sathwic feelings and thoughts, your vision must be pure. All Srishti (Creation) is based upon drishti (sight). When you have wrong vision, you have wrong thoughts. You should not commit the sort of offences, which you will not tolerate in others.

7. Whatever books you read or whatever you write should be pure. A good book makes for a good mind. Any book you may study about physics or chemistry or other subjects, does not affect your character. However, books, which are literary, are not always good literature. If improper books are prescribed for study, treat them as mere textbooks and do not attach any high value to them as guides for life.

8. Pure sathwic service. With regard to service, you have to decide what is sathwic and what is rajasic. We go and clean streets, build roads in villages or dig wells and do them all as a service to the community. However, the kind of service, which we do, should give real happiness to the people.

Narayana has two forms: one is 'Lakshmi Narayana', the other is 'Daridra Narayana'. This 'Lakshmi-Narayana' is full of wealth. He will be able to get many persons to serve him. But, for 'Daridra Narayana' there is nobody to serve him. It is to such persons that we should do sathwic service. (People today usually are eager to receive help from others, but have no desire to render help).

9. Sadhana. This is spiritual discipline. This must be sathwa. Some people do Hata Yoga. Some strive to develop the Kundalini Sakthi Some invoke evil spirits, to do harm to others. These forms of sadhana are not sadhana at all. The individual is Chith (Consciousness), God is Sath (The Eternal Absolute). When Sath and Chith combine, you have Ananda Sath-Chith-Ananda. Only the sadhana undertaken to realise Sath-Chith-Ananda is true sadhana.

Where is this Sath? This Sath is in everybody. You must perform sadhana in the spirit that the One pervades the many. In this process, you must cultivate the feeling of Love. By the way, there are two forms of Love. One binds you to God. The other binds you to the world. The mind is responsible for either of these states. It is like a lock. If you turn the key to the right, the lock opens. If you turn the key to the left, it gets locked. The heart is the key to the lock of the mind. If you turn the key towards the world, you have attachment (bondage).

10. Your occupation or profession. It should be work, which can benefit the nation, the community. You must ask yourself, "What is the service, what is the help I can do for the community?" You must see that there is no untruth in any work you do, no unfairness, no fraud, no evil motive. Absorb the teachings of all the great seers and prophets. Do not despise anyone. Everyone is entitled to accept what is good from any source. Differences of creed and caste are irrelevant. Swami's famous quotation declares,

"There is only one caste, the caste of humanity. There is only one religion, the religion of Love. There is only one language, the language of the heart. There is only one God, He is omnipresent." It is said that atom bombs will reduce the world to ashes. However, those who are promoting religious bigotry and hatred are doing worse damage than what the atom bombs can do.

They are destroying the love and compassion in human hearts. They are breaking up mankind into fragments. There is no greater sin than this. What the world needs today is the redeeming and unifying force of Love - Love that continually expands and embraces more and more people.

divinely sent

Monday, April 16, 2007

Importance of people coming in our lives..

Importance of people coming in our lives

Sometimes people
come into your life
and you know right away
that they were meant to be there,
they serve some sort of purpose,
teach you a lesson or help figure out
who you are and who you want to become.

You never know who these people may be:
your neighbour, child, long lost friend, lover,
or even a complete stranger who, when you lock eyes with them,
you know at that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.

And sometimes things happen to you
and at the time they seem painful and unfair,
but in reflection you realize that without overcoming
those obstacles you would have never realized your
potential strength, will power, or heart.

Everything happens for a reason.
Nothing happens by chance or
by means of good or bad luck,
Illness, injury, love, lost moments
of true greatness and sheer stupidity,
all occur to test the limits of your soul.

Without these small tests,
whether they be events,
illnesses, or relationships,
life would be like a smoothly
paved straight flat road to nowhere,
safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet
who affect your life and
the successes and downfalls
you experience create who you are,
and even the bad experiences can be learned from;
In fact, they are probably the poignant and important ones.

If someone hurts you,
betrays you, or breaks your heart,
forgive them, for they have helped
you learn about trust and the importance
of being cautious to whom you open your heart...

If someone loves you,
love them back unconditionally,
not only because they love you,
but because they are teaching you to love
and opening your heart and eyes to things
you would have never seen or felt without them.

Make every day count.
Appreciate every moment
and take from it everything
that you possibly can, for you
may never be able to experience it again...

Talk to people
you have never talked to before,
and actually listen, let yourself fall in love,
break free and set your sights high...

Hold your head up
because you have every right to.
Tell yourself you are a great individual
and believe in yourself...
for if you don't believe in yourself,
no one else will believe in you either.

You can make of
your life anything you wish.
You cannot do kindness too soon
because you never know how soon it will be too late...

Create your own life
and then go out and live it!!!
Tomorrow is Not Promised

divinely sent

Any work can be made good if one's intent towards the task is sincere, pure and selfless..

Any work can be made good
if one's intent towards the task
is sincere, pure and selfless.

No work is too small - too low -
if work is done with love,
if it gives you the opportunity to serve God,
if it is done only to please God,
then such work will surely please
the one you serve and will give you
the strength and joy to give even more.

All work becomes God's,
if you make Him the aim -
the principle - the procedure -
the observation and the end result!

divinely sent

Remember that God is in all duties and work that you perform..

Remember that God,
My child, is in all duties
and work that you perform.

Hence, every work
that is done in such awareness
will become the worship.

Spend time with the Lord,
alone, in meditation or prayer,
only if all work is finished.

Even in spiritual activities,
one can only perform with
complete concentration,
when one is not anticipating another unfinished work.

Chanting God's name fervently
and closing the doors to your duty
will never let you find God -
such prayer is selfish,
and where there is the "I", the Lord, My child, is not present.

divinely sent

Show the right balance between the type of work and time..

Show the right balance
between the type of work and time.
Do not spend too much time to do
one work perfectly and neglect another, completely.

One must be able to
recognize the priority of his work.
Duty will always comes first - Yes!

The duty to love
is the foremost.
Love, always, the ones
that God has chosen for you to care,
love them with your sacrifice,
love them with your patience,
love them with your dedication,
love them by giving, always, your undivided attention.

Yes! All love and
commitment begins at home -
then when love becomes bigger, family, too,
will become much larger.

The eyes of love
will see all as his very own.
Do not begin, My child,
by neglecting the home and serving outside.

Such work is done only for praise and pride.
Satisfy the hunger in your own home, first -
it is only the confidence and fulfillment
of such work that will give one the strength to feed another.

divinely sent

Do not believe in the mind's suspicions and superstitions..

Do not prejudge the work,
before giving it a single chance.
Remember, there is no work that is truly difficult -
there is no work bigger or more powerful than the self.

The difficulty is only in accepting the work.
The difficulty, My child, is in finding the faith
in your abilities and in reaching out, fully,
to the confidence of one's own self.

Remember, the biggest thorn
of any successful work is fear.
Yes! Fear that is truly only
an excuse of the lazy mind.

Do not believe in the mind's
suspicions and superstitions.
The mind only desires, and desires,
My child, will make every work conditional.

Believe, intensely,
that you will do whatever it takes.
Such determination will mature the mind
from its childish pranks on you.

divinely sent

Give your work all your attention....

The success and failure of all work,
whether it is duty or work that one
does for making a living or any voluntary work,
depends upon the strength with which one is able to condition the mind.

Give the work all your attention; full attention,
My child, will lead to its fullest comprehension,
and that which is completely understood,
will only bring enthusiasm and interest to the doer.

Once the mind is immersed in interest,
no radical or sporadic thought can disturb
or interfere with the work. In such a state,
where the mind is focused, one develops the powers of concentration.

The power of concentration awakens deep
and even deeper love for the chosen task,
and once such a love arises, one begins to
drown the work in the sweet nectar of perfection.

divinely sent

Love your commitements..

Without the love for your commitment,
you will begin to find them a burden.
Hence, My child, do not rush,
do not let the temptation of being praised
lure you to take up a task that you are unable to fulfill with the heart.

Remember, work that is not led
by the heart will only be lost
and destroyed by the lazy mind.

First, believe that you are
fit to undertake the task.
Choose it for your own love,
your own interest, and do not
undertake it due to the
challenge of one's pride or envy.

Work, taken under such an attitude,
will remain incomplete and will show the stress of its incompetency.

divinely sent

The umbrella is useful, My child, as long as it rains..

The umbrella is useful,
My child, as long as it rains -
once the clouds clear and the skies brighten,
it becomes only a burden to carry in the journey!

The one will be untouched by the rain,
whose spirit remains dry and comfortable
under the roof of all skies!

He will carry no hat nor an umbrella,
for he carries God's hand over his head.

divinely sent

Divinity cannot be seen through the eyes..

Divinity cannot
be seen through the eyes,
for Divinity is that which enables
the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

It can be known
only through penance.
No other means can help.

Everything in the
universe originates from Divinity,
exists in Divinity,
unfolds through Divinity
and merges in Divinity.
Discover it yourself through penance.

divinely sent

Sunday, April 15, 2007

4 goals include righteousness, wealth, desire and liberation, but....

The Vedas lay down
four goals before man: Dharma (righteousness),
Artha (wealth), Kama (desire) and Moksha (liberation).

But they have to be
pursued in pairs,
Dharma and Artha together
and Kama and Moksha together.

That is to say,
Artha has to be earned through Dharma,
and Kama has to be for Moksha.
But man takes these four separately
and ends up losing everything.

He puts them into
separate compartments and
adopts distinct plans to achieve them.
He gives up Dharma and Moksha as beyond him
and wastes his life pursuing only Artha and Kama.
This leads him to ruin.

divinely sent

Prayer should be pure from our heart..

Pray to the Lord,
My sweet -
"Let the purity arise -
let it flow, so much so,
that the power of my prayer
becomes Thy Divine Will.
Make Thy Will my work,
make Thy Will my faith,
make Thy Will my life"

divinely sent

Remember in every prayer, the will of the Lord must prevail...

in every prayer,
the will of the Lord must prevail.

Do not direct
the Lord by your prayer, ever.
Practice fervently only to love Him -
let Him choose the way of response.

By loving God,
you, My sweet,
will experience the love of God.

Devotion is Divine Love.
The devotee is the
living form of the formless God.

Rise above the small mindedness -
taste the nectar of prayer.
It is the will power that makes the prayer truly happen!

divinely sent

Do not wear yet another face when you go before your Lord..

Do not wear,
yet another face,
when you go before the Lord.

to deceive the Lord
is the darkest of all ignorance.

Be your self -
that is the first step of a true prayer.
Speak only that which you truly feel.

If one has no words,
then observe silence,
close the eyes and just
learn to simply be with the Lord.

He understands every language,
My child. Prayer is the pure act that
uplifts and awakens one's true self.

It calms the mind,
energizes the body
and brings one to focus inward.
Pray, My child, every moment!
There is no place where the
Lord will not be able to hear you.

and you will experience
that the thought that was
beginning to steal your peace
will wither in shame before the act of purity.

If the thoughts
are too many and
the concentration to pray is poor,
do not give up!

Speak louder
and louder to the Lord -
so loud that the thought becomes unheard.

When the Lord sees such effort,
He will send the miracle that will
help you to conquer the mind with ease.

constant prayer will never fail you.

One faces failure,
only when one puts the
limitation of time and place on his prayer.

divinely sent

Do not be afraid to pray....

Do not be afraid to pray,
do not be afraid that the road
of your sinful wrongs will make
the Lord turn away from you.

His love for you is so great,
that at this stage, one must
not even make the foolish
attempt to measure or judge it.

The Lord knows,
My sweet, that you are not the wrong,
the wrong will stay, only as long as one is in ignorance of it.

Once one becomes aware of the wrong -
once he begins the payment by repentance -
once he cries the tears of begging forgiveness -
once he begins the process of changing the wrong -
the wrong, My child, is not more present.

For, the Lord forgives the moment
one is aware of the self assault -
the Lord helps those immediately
who beg from Him the magic wand of transformation -

He remembers and knows you only as Him -
He, My child, does not identify you with your actions.
The wrong act, My child, will itself bring the opportunity of payment.

The Lord, My child, is not the punisher -
He is only the witness and the savior!

divinely sent

A loving prayer that shines with the truth will receive a deserving response...

Such prayer,
My sweet, will surely awaken a silent response from within.

A loving prayer that shines with the truth
will receive a deserving response.

One will experience a sudden sense of inner joy,
a feeling of relief, an enclosure of security and the wings of freedom.

Those that make the Lord
their confidant and truly repent their wrongs,
struggling, persevering to receive guidance that
shows them the way of change,
will be blessed with the voice of truth
that will speak to them the words of wisdom,
that will direct them each time their feet
are about to slip in the grime and slime of selfishness and ignorance.

divinely sent..

The act of prayer is joyous on its own...

Break every condition of prayer,
for those that expect from prayer
will gain simply nothing from it.

The act of prayer is joyous on its own -
expecting the fulfillment of worldly desires from it,
in itself, steal the strength and the will power that can emanate from it.

The power of prayer lies in its purity,
My child - hence lead the act with the sincere heart -
do not plan the prayer - a prayer that speaks the mind
will only be unrestful and unresponsive.

Prayer is the foremost attempt
the mortal makes to develop contact with the Divine force.
Contact will only be made, if one, during the chosen period,
drops all his inhibitions, clears the thorns of pride from his path
and speaks to the Lord only the language of truth.

With faith in his Mother, the child must put
before the Holy Feet all his strengths, weaknesses, fears, evils,
and ask for guidance from his heart from the Angel of Love
to come and lead him to the reality where he comes from and
eternally belongs to!

divinely sent

Anger is another enemy of health...

Anger is
another enemy of health.

When you pay
undue attention to differences,
spasms of hatred, anger,
malice and envy overwhelm you.

Anger rushes
blood to the brain;
the temperature rises;
the composition of the blood changes;
toxins enter into it in such quantities
that it injures the nerves, and make you old before your time.

divinely sent

Heed this advice...anger kills..

There was a mother
who was feeding her tender baby at her breast.

Suddenly, she plunged
into a violent quarrel with her neighbors,
and forgot to keep her baby down,
in the heat of vulgar oratory.

The poor child drank
the toxin-mixed milk of the mother
and when the flames of anger subsided,
the mother found that she had a corpse on her breast!

Desire, to which you are too fondly attached,
breed anger and its nefarious brood.
Discard it and you can have perpetual youth.
The bliss that the Atman can manifest will keep age and aging away.

divinely sent

The educated man...

The educated man
must be able to distinguish
between the momentary and the momentous,
the effervescent and the lasting.

He must not run
after glitter and glamour
but seek instead the good and golden.

He must know
how to keep the body in good trim,
the senses under strict control,
the mind well within check,
the intellect sharp and clear,
unhampered by prejudices and hatred,
and the feelings untouched by egoism.

divinely sent

It is through pain that pleasure is gained...

It is through pain that pleasure is gained.
Darkness enables us to appreciate light.

Death teaches us to love life.

Diseases which torment man are many in number;
of these, hatred, envy and egoism are the worst.

Even doctors cannot cure them,
for most of them suffer from these.

One should develop equanimity and serenity
if one desires to be free from these diseases.

divinely sent

Evil thoughts cause ill-health, fear, anxiety and tension..

Evil thoughts cause ill-health.
Anxiety, fear and tension also contribute their share.
All these result from greed -
greed to have more of things,
of power, and of fame.

Greed results in sorrow and despair.
Contentment can come only from a spiritual outlook.
The desire for worldly goods has to be given up.
One should not distinguish between "my work"
and "work for God". All work should be worship.

Whatever the reward,
it is the gift of God.
It is for our lasting good.
If this attitude is developed,
suffering and pain can toughen us
and help us to progress towards Divinity.

divinely sent

Bliss is the nature of life itself..

Unlike joy
or sadness -
bliss is not
the state of mind -
it is the nature of life itself.

divinely sent

A good teacher must bend like...

A good teacher
must bend like
the branch of a tree
that carries the burden
of the tasteful fruits,
for only then,
will the hungry aspirant
attempt to reach out and taste its sweetness.

divinely sent

Don't procrasinate dear..

Know that if
one task is kept on hold,
one will lose the efficiency of
dealing with another coming project.

The mind, My dear,
will not be at rest,
for it fears the incompleteness
of the previous task and faces
constant anxiety in handling
the new one that comes its way.

Remember that
the perfection of the task
is also lost with the time wasted.

One loses the intensity
and love to perform the work,
and hence, the work will surely reflect the poor effort.

Do not delay anymore,
My sweet, for time is yet not in your hands.

Time will lose its superiority over you,
only when you have developed the control
and discipline to use every coming moment fully and wisely.

Timely work never suffers.
Believe in early planning,
believe to discipline your self to the plan -
control and divert from the temptations
that take you away from your chosen work.
Pray to God for His assistance and His guidance
for the entire piece of work.

Work willfully,
show patience and persistence,
let love be the planner - the plan -
the work - the reward.

Such work will be the masterpiece!
Its presentation, then, will be easy, f
or the work will speak, and you,
My child, will stay silent with its joy!

divinely sent

Resolutions must be made so that one can carry them out..

Make resolutions
and determine the changes, My child.

Resolutions must be
made so that one can carry them out.
Do not cheat yourselves, anymore -
if you have decided to make the change -
then it is only you that will be able to fulfill
the promise of the inspirational vision.

Know that you have already
lost time in bringing within you the determination.

Once the determination
arises do not fail the self, anymore.
The task, My child, will surely suffer
if you are continuously weakened
by the tortuous attacks of simple laziness.
If yesterday was the day of planning,
today must be the day of implementation.

If today is lost,
remember, the yesterday,
too, was wasted, and tomorrow will be the day
where you will be followed by the teasing footsteps of worry -

tomorrow will be the day
in which you will face the anger
of your own lack of commitment.

Past and future
depend upon the present work.
Hence, let weak commitments not fail you.

What you have to do,
you will do - if not now - later!
Why carry the worries until later, My child?

If the task is before you now,
you must finish it now, too -
or else time will play the game of evil anxiety upon you!

divinely sent

One must resolve, completely and fully to the spiritual path alone..

One must resolve,
completely and fully,
to the spiritual path alone.

The choice, My child, is only one -
God! Both the feet must be pulled
towards the same direction.

Yes! Walk, My dear,
only to the kingdom of the Lord
where one will be first prepared
to receive the highest honor - the honor of serving Him.

The servant of the Lord
is none but the container
of joy and divine peace.

He carries within him
the gifts of the Lord -
the gifts that he will
never be obsessive to possess alone,
but his mission, My child,
is to cultivate the same land
that he saw in the heavens -

Yes! He comes with the seeds,
he will till and turn the hearts
filled with worldly sorrows,
he will enrich the world with his purity,
with his determination and with absolute faith,
will sow the land with the seeds of love,
and he, My child, will foster the growth
of spirituality in every yearning heart -
and will watch with joy the coming of the
heavens into this world where the son of God had lost all hope.
Yes! Such a perfect one will bring God with Him -
and will build His home wherever he goes!

divinely sent

Do not let the sinful past haunt you..

The inner enemy
must have its own way!
It expects silent obedience -
debate it, and it will revolt
and assault you with blackmail -
Yes! It will threaten to reveal
its association with you
in the dreadful past.

Do not let the sinful past haunt you -
let the tears of repentance
wash the sins in the present -
the pilgrimage of the present
will lead you to God's shrine in the future -
the present will then become the past,
and one will remember the sins as his journey to God.

divinely sent

Give the body the attention it deserves, but not more..

Give the body
the attention it deserves,
but not more. .....
Tend it as an instrument,
use it as a raft.

When you cultivate
the attitude that you are the body,
the body will demand from you more food,
more variety in food, more attention
to appearance and physical comfort.

A large portion of the food
now consumed is superfluous;
man can live healthy on much less.

A good deal of effort
and expenditure now spent
to cater to taste and to social pomp
can be given up, and health too will improve thereby.

Eat to live; do not believe that you live in order to eat?

An intake of too much food is also harmful..

An intake of too much food is also harmful.
Simply because tasty food is available
and is being offered, one is tempted to overeat.

We have air all around us,
but we do not breathe in more than we need.
The lake is full, but we drink only as much as the thirst craves for.

But overeating has become
a social evil, a fashionable habit.
The stomach cries out, "Enough,"
but the tongue insists on more,
and man becomes the helpless victim of disease.

He suffers from corpulence, high blood pressure and diabetes.

It is too early to lose heart and tire from fighting the battle of life..

It is too early to lose heart and
tire from fighting the battle of life -
Fight, My child,for the battle will end in defeat,
only when you have given up!

When the eyes awaken to the light of dawn,
stay alert, My child,for the enemy from within, too, has risen!
Do not be fooled, My dear,when the inner enemy
plays the role of a friend -the true friend lives to sacrifice -
the enemy lives only by sacrificing you!

divinely sent

True success is not in fearing the loss....

True success is
not in fearing the loss,
but in keeping the faith in God
all through the threat of change.

The true knower
and lover of God knows
and realizes, at every moment,
that his devotion is not only the
strength within him, but truly,
is the state of constantness that
gives him the reward and joy much
before the declaration of the end result.

He is free
from the pain of expectations,
for he knows that he already
has what is needed to face
the uncertainty of the next coming moment.

He holds the key
to the prison,
yet he serves his sentence
with utmost humbleness and awaits,
in eagerness, for the Lord to arrive.

He, My child,
will wait with patience
until the Lord wills his freedom.

To him,
the Lord must command his smallest act -
without the divine will, he, My dear,
has no direction. Hence, remember always,
that troubles in life come to awaken y
our own strength and to make you aware
that the true self will never lose - loss is only a perception -
the reality, My child, is quite different.

You have come to succeed,
not by earning worldly gain,
but have come to make life a success
by giving it completely and fully your inner divine strength.

Destiny, My child,
cannot touch the one
that has brought time in his palms!

divinely sent

Lack of inner self-confidence will cluster a human mind with worries and unknown fears..

The lack of inner self-confidence
has made the human mind cluster
with worries and unknown fears.

With that continuous stream of worry,
one has become attached to his worldly gains.

Attachment has led to selfishness,
and in this mode of imperfection,
he functions only in the stream of his own desires.

He fears that all the pain
and wrong he suffers from
is the will of God, and whatever
gives him the momentary happiness,
is the fruits of his efforts to be able
to survive in the savage world.

In this ignorance,
he has made the Lord the blame
and his mind, he has made the master.

In such a state of confusion,
he expects happiness to stay with him.

Can happiness
stay with the one
that lives only to fulfill his own dreams?

No! My child!
Happiness will never come
to the one that builds the walls around him -
the one that lives in the world of the "I"
will experience its pains, too.

One must break
the walls of his own illusions,
and only then, will he realize that
only in selflessness lies the true state of happiness.

The one that "expects"
from life will only live in its fears
and in the entanglement of possessiveness.

The one that learns
to "accept" life will live in peace
and in complete harmony between
his own self and the Universal Spirit.

Hence, My dear,
do not fight to be happy -
do not steal to be happy,
for such happiness will give you
the pain of appearing to come
and then leaving you the very instant it reached you.

Such happiness,
is not true happiness -
its teasing will only tempt you
to do more evil, in order to possess it.

Happiness that is
possessed is vindictive.
Hence, it is not happiness, anymore -
it is only a state of pleasure desired
by the mind and that which is desired,
is bound to leave as easily as it came.

Do not be foolish
to believe in such
a kind of happiness, anymore.

Believe in the kindness
and in the giving nature
of your own true self.

Believe that you
have come to be with God.
Serving Him must be the
only state of your fulfillment.

Believe that you are happy
with whatever He has given -
believe that no one has any
intentions of malice towards you -
believe all to be a part of your love -
believe that the Lord has chosen this life for you -
believe that your contentment is the Lord's fulfillment -
believe, and you will be happy.

You will be happy,
God promises - once you know
and realize that God and you are
the two different forms of the one love -
the one love that gave birth to all its creation,
in its different forms of the one love -
the one love that gave birth to all its creation, in its own image.

Love is happiness -
happiness is the lover of love -
it is only the servant - never the slave!
It is the expression of true devotion,
it is the faith of life's goal,
it is the persistence of one's true purpose,
it is the patience that reveals the Lord's every miracle!

divinely sent

Happiness must be spontaneous...

Happiness, My child,
must be spontaneous,
it must be the very nature.

Be full of smiles
and not only will you
experience calmness,
but you will spread its joys, wherever you go.

There is no place
where a smile is not welcome -
even in times of sadness and hopeless despair,
the smile of a loving soul will ignite the hope
with the sufferer that the state of true happiness
can exist, even at that moment.

Those that harbor
resentment and bitterness towards another,
will steal from their own self.
Hatred is the curse,
My child, that will
doom one to face the
ultimate state of unhappiness.

Hence, learn to love; love,
My child, for it is the only food
that makes the self within alive to respond to life's challenges.

divinely sent

Happiness is not the golden pot of worldly gains..

No one, My child,
will be able to take away
the smile from you,
if you are determined to be happy.

Happiness is not
the golden pot of worldly gains -
it is the inner strength that
one finds to stay calm and balanced -
to stay fulfilled and thankful,
no matter what life may bring upon one's lap.

Such inner strength can be developed,
when one truly begins his journey to God.
The one that is always engaged in constant prayer
with the Divine Mother will be overwhelmed,
experiencing the flow of inner joy and his sincere focus
on only pleasing his Sweet Lord will keep him sheltered from life's pains.

The one that has found the biggest treasure,
i.e., his love for God - will never, ever again,
turn to the glitter of the worldly jewels.
His eyes will anticipate and seek only the
presence of the pure vision - he will only hunger
and yearn to make the contact with his secret love -
his only Master.

He is completely unaware of the pain,
the aging of his own body -
he, My child, lives in this world
with the vision of only the inner eye.

To him, joy is not what he receives -
but what he can give,
for he knows that in giving away all,
he will receive the magic wand that
will make the world, its temptations and its pains, disappear.

The light of the Lord is sure to shed
on the one that endures all of life's taunts, only to stay happy.

divinely sent

Pay attention to the intake of impressions into the mind...whether they debilitate or strengthen..

Just as everyday
you engage in exercises and consume tonics,
calculating the intake of calories and vitamins,
paying meticulous attention to the nutritional value of the food,
pay attention also to the intake of impressions into the mind -
whether they debilitate or strengthen, whether they add
to the power of resistance of the mind against the viruses
of greed, envy, hatred, pride, malice, etc.

Have a meal of good acts,
divine thoughts, and drink the juice of love,
so that they may be washed down and digested well.
Then you can be shining in mental health and wholesomeness.

divinely sent

Fast one day in a week...take only water..

Drink large
quantities of pure water,
not during meals, but some time before and after.

Fast one day in a week. .....
Take only water, so that all the dirt is washed away.

Do not crave
for fruit juice or other liquids.

Even physical
machinery is given rest;
they cannot run for ever continuously.

What then shall
we say of this delicately
organized human body!

When you take food,
all the evils are eliminated
if you offer the first morsel to God.

The food then
becomes prasad (sacred offering)
of the Lord bestowed on man.

divinely sent

Be eating non-vegetarian foods, we develop brutal mentalities..

Raajasik food
generates virulent thoughts.
By consuming non-vegetarian food
we develop brutal mentalities.

Those who are
practicing meditation
must abstain from meat.

We should also
remember constantly
that ahimsa or non-violence is the supreme Dharma.

When you kill an animal
you give him suffering, pain, harm.
God is in every creature,
so how can you give such pain?

Animals did not come
for the purpose of supplying food to human beings.
They came to work out their own life in the world.

divinely sent

Best that you don't smoke...

If you do not smoke,
you escape a number of illnesses
that follow that raajasik practice.

Any intoxicant or stimulant,
because it disturbs nature's trend, is harmful.

Smoking destroys health,
happiness, energy and even charm.

Smoke will not quench
your thirst or fill the hungry stomach.

It disfigures your face
and denigrates your lungs.
It debilitates you and makes you diseased.

Control yourself
and do not yield
to the snares of friends or society,
or what is miscalled social convention,
and become a prey to this and other bad habits.

divinely sent

Where is the 'life-force' of food?

When the seeds
are fried, they do not sprout;
that is clear proof that the "life-force" is eliminated.

Therefore, uncooked food,
nuts, fruits and germinating pulses are the best.

Use these at least at one meal,
say, for dinner; this will ensure long life.

And long life is to be striven
for in order that the years may be
utilized for serving one's fellow-beings.

divine message

We sustain ourselves by means of food provided by Nature, but...

Millions of living beings
grouped as species dwell on earth;
they sustain themselves by means
of food secured from Nature, as provided by Nature.

It is only man that is an exception.
He is the only living being which dislikes
raw food found in the natural state.

All other animals eat food as they are -
grain, grass, leaves, shoots, fruits.
Man boils, fries, melts, mixes and
adopts various methods of cooking
in order to satisfy the cravings
of the tongue, the eyes and the nose.

As a consequence, the food value
of these articles are either reduced or destroyed.
Birds and beasts do not adopt such destructive methods.
They eat things raw and consume the strength-giving vital essence.
So, they do not fall victim to the many ills that man brings on himself.

divinely sent

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Thought of the Day...

This New Year Day proclaims
the truth that God is the Master of Time.
Unfortunately, man fails to understand the power of God.
He wastes three quarters of his time in unworthy earthly pursuits.
Spiritual pursuit is the right way of making use of time.

It calls for cultivating good feelings and doing good deeds
without selfish motive, extending love and c
ompassion towards all beings. This is real spiritual exercise.

'Sa' means Atma and 'Dhana' means wealth.
By utilising your time in spiritual pursuits,
you can enjoy spiritual wealth. But, man wastes
all his time in unholy thoughts and evil deeds
without understanding the divinity within him.

One should understand the value of time,
each moment of which vanishes faster than lightning.
If you want to sanctify your hard-earned human birth,
you have to cultivate divine thoughts.

divinely sent

You will receive grace and spiritual energy..

One will surely receive
the grace and energy
to spend time in a
spiritual manner -but, first,
he must stop all activities
that hinder and drain
the divine energy from arising.

Take upon yourselves
the most impossible spiritual exercise -
dedicate the disciplined soul
to the worthy task and lose
the weight of body consciousness -
let the buoyancy of faith and devotion
set you afloat to reach and touch
the divine ties of you and God!

divinely sent

The journey of the spirit carries nothing but the weight of its own effort..

The journey of the spirit
carries nothing but the weight of its own effort.
Work hard, correct your every move,
be conscious of the thought pattern that develops,
leave not even a speck of dirt upon yourself -
clean immediately, until the vision is even clearer.

Stop criticizing or competing with another's spiritual path.
Compare with none, envy none, see the wisdom
behind the pain you face, keep your mistakes
always open before you, constantly speak to yourself
and remind yourself of your goal.

Stop analyzing and build the glorious kingdom of faith.
Stop justifying the wrong, accepting the truth is much easier.
No one can ever take anything from the spiritual seeker.
Stealing from the self is impossible, My child.

Leave worry and fear the moment
you have chosen God, for God chooses
only the strong devotee to take home.
Do not speak or seek advice from the mind.
The mind is meant to be led - it is to be focused -
it is to be steered, constantly, by the Inner Doer.

Constantly separate
good thoughts from bad ones -
leave the bad thoughts and
use the good thoughts for the coming action.

Life must emanate only with the self -
any other reflection, impression or expression must be wiped.
God's love, My child, is the highest - to react it, one must climb the ladder of purity -
the peak of purity is the last of the uppermost step in the life of a noble one.

This last step, My child, leads to the doors of heaven -
the door the Lord, himself, opens eagerly,
once He hears the footsteps of His pure love mate.

The last stretch of the walk is the sweetest of all,
for the two hold hands - Yes! God
and the perfect man walk to complete
the last lap of the journey and their love
for each other merges them for eternity.
No life, no time can ever separate them now!

divinely sent

Be with a pure heart....

It is only the pure heart
that will be able to comprehend the sweetness,
and selflessness and the sacrifice of the Universal Mother's love.

Hence, there must be
constant effort to purify one's own vision.
One complains of praying for years,
yet, he has not been able to make
even a small contact with the Lord.

That will happen,
My child, to those who pray,
yet have no love for their prayer.

Prayer, My sweet,
must have the meaning -
it must have purity,
it must come from the heart.

Simple utterance
of the name will not awaken
the inner strength of divine communication.

The conversation with God begins,
when one learns His language -
the language of the heart.

Those that live by love will see life as the loving Hand of God!

divinely sent