Sunday, April 15, 2007

One must resolve, completely and fully to the spiritual path alone..

One must resolve,
completely and fully,
to the spiritual path alone.

The choice, My child, is only one -
God! Both the feet must be pulled
towards the same direction.

Yes! Walk, My dear,
only to the kingdom of the Lord
where one will be first prepared
to receive the highest honor - the honor of serving Him.

The servant of the Lord
is none but the container
of joy and divine peace.

He carries within him
the gifts of the Lord -
the gifts that he will
never be obsessive to possess alone,
but his mission, My child,
is to cultivate the same land
that he saw in the heavens -

Yes! He comes with the seeds,
he will till and turn the hearts
filled with worldly sorrows,
he will enrich the world with his purity,
with his determination and with absolute faith,
will sow the land with the seeds of love,
and he, My child, will foster the growth
of spirituality in every yearning heart -
and will watch with joy the coming of the
heavens into this world where the son of God had lost all hope.
Yes! Such a perfect one will bring God with Him -
and will build His home wherever he goes!

divinely sent