Monday, April 16, 2007

Give your work all your attention....

The success and failure of all work,
whether it is duty or work that one
does for making a living or any voluntary work,
depends upon the strength with which one is able to condition the mind.

Give the work all your attention; full attention,
My child, will lead to its fullest comprehension,
and that which is completely understood,
will only bring enthusiasm and interest to the doer.

Once the mind is immersed in interest,
no radical or sporadic thought can disturb
or interfere with the work. In such a state,
where the mind is focused, one develops the powers of concentration.

The power of concentration awakens deep
and even deeper love for the chosen task,
and once such a love arises, one begins to
drown the work in the sweet nectar of perfection.

divinely sent