Sunday, April 15, 2007

Resolutions must be made so that one can carry them out..

Make resolutions
and determine the changes, My child.

Resolutions must be
made so that one can carry them out.
Do not cheat yourselves, anymore -
if you have decided to make the change -
then it is only you that will be able to fulfill
the promise of the inspirational vision.

Know that you have already
lost time in bringing within you the determination.

Once the determination
arises do not fail the self, anymore.
The task, My child, will surely suffer
if you are continuously weakened
by the tortuous attacks of simple laziness.
If yesterday was the day of planning,
today must be the day of implementation.

If today is lost,
remember, the yesterday,
too, was wasted, and tomorrow will be the day
where you will be followed by the teasing footsteps of worry -

tomorrow will be the day
in which you will face the anger
of your own lack of commitment.

Past and future
depend upon the present work.
Hence, let weak commitments not fail you.

What you have to do,
you will do - if not now - later!
Why carry the worries until later, My child?

If the task is before you now,
you must finish it now, too -
or else time will play the game of evil anxiety upon you!

divinely sent