Monday, April 16, 2007

Do not believe in the mind's suspicions and superstitions..

Do not prejudge the work,
before giving it a single chance.
Remember, there is no work that is truly difficult -
there is no work bigger or more powerful than the self.

The difficulty is only in accepting the work.
The difficulty, My child, is in finding the faith
in your abilities and in reaching out, fully,
to the confidence of one's own self.

Remember, the biggest thorn
of any successful work is fear.
Yes! Fear that is truly only
an excuse of the lazy mind.

Do not believe in the mind's
suspicions and superstitions.
The mind only desires, and desires,
My child, will make every work conditional.

Believe, intensely,
that you will do whatever it takes.
Such determination will mature the mind
from its childish pranks on you.

divinely sent