Sunday, April 29, 2007

Worry is the biggest stress..

Know, My child,
that worry is the biggest stress.

Unload the burden
of unnecessary fears from your shoulders,
and the problem will appear insignificant before your strength.

Worry comes,
only when one sees
the power of the self as the smallest.

Worry is a stream
of thoughts that simply
imagines the catastrophe,
when, in reality, the catastrophe is avertable, easily.

Do not live your life
on such imaginations,
for, the reality will become too distant to accept.

Remember that change comes,
when one wills it!

Realize that your own change
is imperative for life to
remain constant with the bliss of peace.

To control the response
of your own mind's promptings
is much easier than controlling
the minds of all those that you encounter.

Bear in mind
that love is the biggest healer of all pains.
Those that are wounded and maimed
need a noble soul that can accept their pain and anguish.

divinely sent