Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Faith if not tested, will become fear itself!

Why be afraid of the tests of faith.
Faith, if not tested, wil become fear, itself!

As one walks on the spiritual path,
leaving slowly the outer world,
one sometimes fails to recognize the change in his own vision.

He, My child, is sometimes unable
to realize the gifts of higher strengths
that he has received from the self
in the course of his own spiritual development.

Hence, My child, all of a sudden,
the smooth road will end, abruptly,
leaving the spiritual aspirant to cross the bed of thorns.

At first, there will be a small period of devastation,
but each time, the obstacle will come, the seeker of truth
will awaken from the pangs of self pity, quicker,
and will force the strength of his faith for his own self
to arise from within him the higher intellect that will give him the solution.

Yes! With the purity,
will come the higher sense
of discrimination that will allow
the lover of God to build his bridge
and cross the ocean of so called sorrows.

The bigger the pain
that he wades through,
the more clearer is his own
experience of the strength of his own faith.

Hence, My sweet,
look boldly for challenges in your spiritual journey -
seek them - and with no reservations nor limitations, face them.

Measure the strength
that you have attained in simply loving God.
It will amaze you, My child, just to see that
your spiritual discipline and dedication to God
made you travel a long distance and brought
you much closer to the Lord within a brief period.

Faith is the wheel
that turns faster than
any other form of devoted love.

Roll upon the wheel of faith,
crush every desire that will restrict its movement,
and reach the destination much before the awaited arrival!

divinely sent