Sunday, April 29, 2007

Be open minded at all times...

Be open minded, at all times.
A true seeker of knowledge
learns by every observation and every experience.

Anyone that reflects
the purity of the Divine,
spontaneously becomes his teacher and leader.

To be a keen learner,
you must give up all pride.

Learning that reflects
comparison is simply pitiful.

Until the duality exists -
until you are the devotee
and He is the God,
then, learning, My child, cannot end,
for He will never stop teaching the one that truly loves Him.

When one loses all identity
between the love, the lover
and the loved One, then that is
the moment when the self becomes
the knowledge of the Divine Energy.

That knowledge is the reality -
is the truth - is all the wealth of the Lord's Kingdom!

Swallow your pride,
before its hollow and shallow depth
consumes your divine thirst.

divinely sent