Monday, May 21, 2007

Do not fritter away your energies playing the silly game of gaining and losing, gathering and scattering, winning temporary fame, fortune, felicity..

Do not fritter away
your energies playing
the silly game of gaining and losing,
gathering and scattering,
winning temporary fame, fortune and felicity.

Go, straight on the
royal road that leads
to self-realization,
and don't stray on
the bye-lanes of counterfeit bliss.

This does not mean
that you have to give up
kith and kin and foot it all alone.

The community in
which you find yourself
is the arena where you
can win the victory,
the gymnasium where you develop the skill to win.

The spiritual journey
lies through compassion,
sympathy, mutual help and service,
and these are fostered by society
and are to be used for society.

The duties, dichotomies
and relativities of the world
do not affect the immortal Soul.

The coexistence and juxtaposition
of good and evil should be acknowledged.

From the point of view of the True Self,
good and evil are only phenomenal, and not absolute.

divinely sent