Monday, May 28, 2007

The one that adapts himself to the worldly ways will see lesser and lesser of the truth..

The one that adapts himself
to the worldly ways will see lesser and lesser of the truth.

One must learn to endure
the heat in the journey of life.

The one that travels
in the brightness of day light
must learn to absorb the heat of the sun;
if he were to sit under a tree until the sun sets,
he would break his own progress,
waste his own time and would have
to spend another night in the unknown environment.

Realize that misery
can be erased by rising above
the fears of discomforts.

Remember that the endurance
of a discomfort only perturbs the lazy mind - the body,
My child, is built as the Divine instrument -
to serve its every purpose.

Hence, do not waste time
in arguing with the mind,
instead, convince it by taking on
all its fears and making it
your challenge to move ahead in your spiritual journeys.

divinely sent