Monday, May 21, 2007

Give away the worldly treasures you hide and take in return the peace one has in just being the SELF..

Hence, My child, unload -
Yes! Give away the worldly treasures you hide,
and take in return, the peace one has in just being the self.

Remember, the wise say
that if you have the self,
you have it all!

Shine the interior -
keep it clean -
the exterior is bound to weather and rust.

The time you face is
only the reflection of your past doing.

Don't try to change time -
change from what you have chosen to become.

Be yourself.
Have the courage to do this,
and time, too, will change for the better,
only to reflect your effort, your dedication and your devotion.

Perfection, My child,
does not come by prayer -
not by wishing - not by hoping -
not by wanting - it comes by hard work -
by the simple doing and being.

Be what you are -
do what you must do
and receive what you rightly deserve!

That is the guiding light of life -
the law of Mother nature and
the true will power of the Lord in each one

divinely sent