Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Live not by the mind nor the body, live only by the strength of the spirit of life.

Yes! These are
the questions the worldly man
asks the spiritual aspirant!

The answer to all is but one -
live not by the mind, nor the body -
live only by the strength of the spirit of life.

Its strength is such that
it gives one the constant vision
of what one has come with - divine love!

Such love is
instantaneous, hence, thoughtless.

It makes contact with its purity -
it touches another with its simplicity -
it wins another by its ever content
and self fulfilling nature -
it is silent, yet, speaks every language of goodness.

The one that lives
by this strength,
encompasses the world
with its aura of love and
remains drunken on the nectar of the Lord's presence.

divinely sent