Thursday, May 17, 2007

In the fear of rejection or failure, man has lost the strength to make sincere attempts..

In the fear of the rejection of failure,
man has lost the strength to make the sincere attempt.

If the intention is pure -
the cause selfless - the mission divine,
then know that no one can stand in the way of its ultimate success.

Remember, My child,
the biggest rejection of all is Self-Rejection.

Believe in the power
of the self-confidence,
and it will carry you with its will
and determination to the highest step.

If you begin the first step
saying to the self "No"! "No",
then the next step is sure to be imbalanced with its fear.

Say "Yes! Yes!" My child -
Yes to the inner will - Yes to the patience - Yes to faith.
Have the conviction that if the love for the work is true,
then that truth will complete the work in due time!

divinely sent