Tuesday, May 15, 2007

To fight the oppression, one must first learn to be able to see it with calmness..

To fight the oppression,
one must first learn to be able to see it with calmness.

If one is unable
to bear another's weakness -
he must realize, instantly,
that the same weakness surely exists in him.

In such a circumstance,
one must, at first, stay silent.

Silent, for he, too,
is developing the strength
to remove the poison of the evil snake within him.

Until you can find
the strength to bear
with compassion, conviction
and confidence another's weakness -
until then, do not confront him!

For then, it will not be
a confrontation between
the bad and the good -
it will be a confrontation
between the bad and the foolish!

Immerse yourself in activities
that awaken the feeling of pure love within you.

Let it awaken,
and then draw strength from it, My child!
Let so much strength awaken that one feels
pure love and not hatred towards his opponent.

Only then, will one be able
to defend with the Divine Truth,
and only then, will he develop the divine Vision,
in which he sees the evil separate from the doer.

With such Divine weapons,
one will be able to target
the arrow upon the evil,
with no pain inflicted upon the doer!

divinely sent