Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hatred comes when one lives in the resentment of his own fears of his worldly gains and loses..

Hatred comes, My child,
when one lives in the resentment of his own fears -
of his worldly gains and losses.

Hatred is nothing
but the terrible insecurity
of paying for one's own hidden wrongs.

The insecurity grows,
so much so, that one is determined
to even destroy his own self -
the very nature of his life,
only to protect the gnawing fear within him.

The one that sleeps upon
the bed of fears will only
dream the nightmare of the fictitious, unknown attack.

Such an unstable one will wake up -
will gather the arms to defend himself
in the reality from the attack of the unreal dream.

He will blame, wound
and attack the innocent and
will justify his behavior by swearing
upon the reality of his dream!

How foolish indeed!
Thoughts that have only fear
are unreal like the experience
of a nightmare while deep asleep.

The only difference
between the two scenes
is that fear is the vision
of the one whose heart is asleep -
the frightening dream is only the vision
of the one whose body is at rest!

divinely sent