Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Strength comes upon completing faith that one is with his own Self in this entire journey of life..

Doubts, always,
the guidance of the mind -
never the capabilities of the Self.

The strength comes upon
the complete faith that one
is with his own self in this entire journey of life.

There is, My child, truly,
no time to indulge in self-pity!

Do not wait for another to rescue you -
each one is bound to their own eccentric thoughts,
notions and perceptions of life.

Even if one were to come
and free you from one kind of bondage,
know that he will bind you to another one.

That, My child, is not release
but is the transference from one prison to the other.

Remember, you are feeble and weak,
today, only because you were convinced
from an early age that weakness is a part of your nature.

By the simple observance
of other imperfect beings,
you judged your own inner strength.

By the delusion of attachments,
you made the lives of those you think you loved,
the mirror, for you have been hypnotized
to live your life in their image - with their ideals!

divinelys sent