Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The mind that is born from the womb of fear will surely dismiss the wrong done and ...

The mind, My child,
that is born from the womb of fear will,
surely, dismiss the wrong done and
will even pretend ignorance to the fact,
so that you can lie calmly in your own grave,
without the suspicion that the breath
of your own divinity slowly ebbs away,
leaving you unconscious and unaware
to the wisdom of the Universal Master - God!

There is no dirt,
My child, that cannot be washed
by the tears of true repentance.
The tears, My child, have both
the power of the cooling water
that reassures and soothes the self,
and also, with the fires of determination,
they burn the evil into a heap of ashes.

True tears of repentance
are like the blessed rain in the land
where drought has doomed every hope of life.

When such blessed rain
falls on the arid land and
makes it moist with its purity,
the land, itself, enriches, giving life
the promise of true sustenance.

Hiding or attempting to
conceal one's own purity,
is like living the entire life
by being a prisoner in one's own home.

divinely sent