Friday, May 25, 2007

Good work that is enveloped in its purity will itself leave the golden trail of its sincerity..

Good work that is enveloped
in its purity will, itself, leave
the golden trail of its sincerity.

The rewards of such work
will follow the trail but will
reveal itself only when the work is complete.

Hence, concentrate and immerse
yourselves in the given work of God, fully.

Do not look behind from time to time
to see if the jewels of fame, recognition
and payment follow or not.

That, itself, will take away
the complete perfection from the work.

Work is direction -
work is the vision of the goal.

The harder and lengthier the work,
the more grateful you must be to the Master,
for it is only His compassion and love for you
that is allowing you to fill the time with His own doing!

Do not be eager to finish,
for the idle one will, eventually, face the fury of time!

divinely sent