Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Elevate your life with the power of devotion, Lift! Rise! Sway! Believe! Persist!

Dearest child,

The thirst for spiritual knowledge
comes and grows in the one that is
beginning to awaken in the dawn of life
with the will and the powers of the self, alone.

The Grace of God
and the Might of His love brings
to you the splendor of life's one and only one truth.

Become transparent, My child -
wipe off the imprints of all impressions
and imbibe the strength from every word!

Know and realize that
in this very lifetime, at this very moment,
you can detangle your state that is attached
to the world's every misery.

Remember, inspiration
is the hopeful image of the truth within it.
Thus, elevate your life with the power of devotion.

Lift! Rise! Sway! Believe! Persist! and Prove!
Experience! Realize! and Release! Derive, My child,
purity from the every step to your self awakening!

Be pure - churn - turn,
until the softness of the buttery truth
has cushioned your every step in this life!

May the will of love nourish you -
may the light of Truth guide you -
and may your birth be the very reason
and purpose of the Divine descent!

divinely sent