Thursday, May 3, 2007

Duty is simply the rein that keeps man on the right path always!

Duty, My child,
is simply the rein that
keeps man on the right path, always.

Without duty,
life has no meaning -
man has no role -
and the mind has no goal.

Duty is the direction of love -
the map of sacrifice -
the only guide to reaching God.

Hence, each one must
take the responsibilities
that duty holds with utmost seriousness.

Duty must be accepted
by its doer, wholeheartedly.
One must not complain of being
given such golden work.

O child of God,
that devotion, dedication and
discipline arise only in those
that make their duty bigger
than their very own needs.

Those that tread this path
with love and persistence will surely
lead others with their brilliance and inspiration!

What is duty?
Duty is the work that
one must do to abide
with the role he plays.

Adhering only to the title,
without the love for playing
the given role, makes duty
only an irony - only a joke!

For example,
if the one that is
called "the Mother" has no sense of selfless love -
has no inspiration to sacrifice for her own little ones -
if she is negligent in nurturing their needs, then she holds only the title -
a title that has no significance - no meaning!

Every role will bring
before the eye the perfect vision
of the work that is associated with it.

For, when one simply
utters the word "mother",
one sees before him compassion,
selflessness, sacrifice, pure love, loyalty and peace.

When one simply says,
"She is my mother",
one instantly knows that
it is she that has come to love
and protect him until her very last breath.

divinely sent