Sunday, May 6, 2007

One remains deaf to the pain of even the one he thinks he loves most..why?

each one looks
for their own comfort and happiness.

One remains
deaf to the pain of even
the one he thinks he loves most.

The disease of selfishness
has swarmed the heart of man.

With every moment
that passes, his heart grows smaller.

"Living one's life for all"
has become an ideal that
was practiced only in the earlier age -
the present age is that,
in which man has adopted all ways,
where the doom and destruction of the human race is inevitable.

No one knows where
suffering comes from.
Each one is blinded
to the strength that stops
suffering, instantaneously.

Ignorance and loss of morals
have taken away the patience from man,
and hence, no one finds the courage to wait
for the suffering to come to an end.

In the haste and loss
of faith in their own self,
one can bear the pain of the thorn
for barely a minute and in the anger,
bitterness and frustration that follow the pain,
man commits yet another error,
leaving the reigns to time that destroy him little by little!

divinely sent